Andy Storch

Andy Storch

Barcelona, Cataluña, España
29 mil seguidores Más de 500 contactos

Acerca de

I'm an author, speaker, consultant, connector, podcaster, conference, and community host.…


Artículos de Andy

  • I asked ChatGPT to Write an Article About Me

    I asked ChatGPT to Write an Article About Me

    I just asked ChatGPT to write an article about me based on my website and it came up with a pretty great summary of my…

    23 comentarios
  • Managing your career through Uncertainty and Layoffs

    Managing your career through Uncertainty and Layoffs

    As I write this in the beginning of March 2024, there seems to be a lot of fear and uncertainty in the economy and job…

    4 comentarios
  • Owning your career in uncertain times

    Owning your career in uncertain times

    There has been a lot of news lately about inflation, a possible recession, and several companies doing layoffs. And…

  • Do you know what your employees do on vacation?

    Do you know what your employees do on vacation?

    It's the middle of summer! Do you know what your employees do on vacation? I don’t mean the specifics of how they are…

    4 comentarios
  • Is career development a HOT 🔥 topic in your organization?

    Is career development a HOT 🔥 topic in your organization?

    Is career development and retention a hot topic in your organization? It seems to be with almost every L&D professional…

    10 comentarios
  • Live Your Life For You

    Live Your Life For You

    So many people in this world are living their lives for other people. They have chosen jobs or careers or lifestyles to…

    18 comentarios



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  • Gráfico Talent Development Think Tank
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    United States

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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    Greater Los Angeles Area

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    Greater Los Angeles Area

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    Greater Los Angeles Area

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  • Gráfico USC Marshall School of Business

    University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business


    Actividades y grupos:President, MBA.PM Program (2007-2008); Vice President of New Student Development, 2006-2007; President, Core A, 2005-2006 -Advisor, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity

    Served several positions included President of the MBA.PM program in 2007-2008. I also took classes with some wonderful professors in entrepreneurship, leadership, finance, communication and marketing to name a few.

  • Actividades y grupos:★President, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Gamma Xi Chapter ★Member, Florida Blue Key Honor Society ★Intramural athlete ★Florida Bright Futures 100% academic scholarship

    Go Gators!

  • Orlando, Florida, USA

Licencias y certificaciones


  • Performance Coaching




  • English

    Competencia bilingüe o nativa

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