PLAS 2015
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Programming Languages and Analysis for Security: Call for Papers
View track page for all detailsTwo kinds of papers are invited:
Full papers should be at most 12 pages long including bibliography and appendices. Papers in this category are expected to have relatively mature content. Full paper presentations will be 25 minutes each.
Short papers should be at most 6 pages long including bibliography and appendices. Preliminary and exploratory work are welcome in this category. Short paper presentations will be 15 minutes each. Authors submitting papers in this category must prepend the phrase “Short Paper:” to the title of the submitted paper.
All submissions must be in English. Page limits are strict. Submissions must be PDF documents typeset in the ACM proceedings format using 10pt fonts. A SIGPLAN-approved template can be found here. We recommend using this template. Both full and short papers must describe work not published in other refereed venues (see the SIGPLAN republication policy here for more details). Accepted papers will appear in workshop proceedings, which will be distributed to the workshop participants and be available in the ACM Digital Library. Submissions are now accepted through EasyChair at the following URL:
To reach the PC chairs, send email to [email protected].
For more details, visit