ECOOP 2015
Sun 5 - Fri 10 July 2015 Prague, Czech Republic

FTfJP 2015: Call for Papers

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Contributions (of up to 6 pages in the ACM 2-column style) are sought on open questions, new developments, or interesting new applications of formal techniques in the context of Java or similar languages. Contributions should not merely present completely finished work, but also raise challenging open problems or propose speculative new approaches. We particularly welcome contributions that simply present suitable topics for discussion at the workshop, or raise issues that you feel deserve the attention of the research community. Examples include future work identified from existing research, potential PhD proposals, and experience reports from case studies/competitions. Contributions will be formally reviewed, for originality, relevance, and the potential to generate interesting discussions.

The workshop will be organized into sessions, each focused on a specific topic, and initiated by a presentation of few related position papers by the respective participants, or the introduction of the specific topic by a single speaker, and followed by discussion. These discussions aim to share common experiences, provide constructive feedback, and build potential research collaborations.

Accepted papers will have the option of being published in the ACM Digital Library. In addition, depending on the nature of the contributions, we may be organizing a special journal issue as a follow-up to the workshop, as has been done for some of the previous FTfJP workshops. Contributions must be in English, in PDF format, and are limited to 6 pages in ACM 2-column style. Papers must be submitted electronically via Easy Chair. All deadlines are at 23:59 American Samoa time (that is, UTC-11).

Submission site: Any PC member, other than the chair, may be an author or co-author on any paper submitted for consideration but will be excluded from any evaluation or discussion of the paper.