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Michele Neylon Appointed Chair Elect of i2Coalition

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Michele Neylon appointed Chair Elect of i2CoalitionThe Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) announced that Blacknight CEO, Michele Neylon has been appointed Chair Elect of its Board of Directors. Mr. Neylon’s position as Chair Elect became effective on January 1st, 2017 and will assume his role as Chair on January 1st, 2018. Until that time, Mr. Neylon will work with the current Board Chair David Snead.

Michele Neylon is an accomplished and outspoken advocate of the Internet infrastructure industry. Mr. Neylon participates in the ICANN GNSO Council, Content Advisory Board of WorldHostingDays, the usTLD Stakeholder Council of Neustar, Inc., the Policy Advisory Committee of .ie Domain Registry, and the Advisory Board Member of HostingCon. He is an award-winning social media evangelist and blogger, speaker of four languages, and a passionate philanthropist. Founded in 2002 by Michele Neylon, Blacknight quickly became Ireland’s largest hosting and domain provider, as well as an ICANN accredited registrar. Blacknight joined the i2Coalition in 2013.

“I’m pleased for the opportunity to work with Michele in 2017 to ensure that i2Coalition’s important voice continues to flourish,” said Snead. “Michele has been a strong leader, speaking up for this industry to protect it and help it grow. Through i2Coalition, I’m confident that he can help inspire others and grow the impressive voice that we have all built.”

“Now more than ever it’s vital that the internet industry has a strong voice in protecting both our interests and those of our clients,” said Neylon. “I am honored to have been selected to lead the industry association that speaks for companies of all sizes on both sides of the Atlantic.”

David Snead and Michele Neylon are both currently attending CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas. Existing and potential members are invited to reach out to i2Coalition to set up meetings with Mr. Snead or Mr. Neylon while attending CES.

By i2Coalition, Internet Infrastructure Coalition

Founded in 2012 by a diverse group of Internet infrastructure companies, the Internet Infrastructure Coalition supports and represents those who build the nuts and bolts of the Internet. We treat the work of the Internet infrastructure industry like the noble profession that it is.

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