previously yukoki
fresh X illusively simple X full of personality
Welcome to xuethms, where you'll find tumblr themes, pages, and resources. I enjoy incorporating a lot of colours, effects, and transitions in my designs.
3 years ago + 2,906 notes

◍ boron theme.

Links: preview | install | features | theme five by xuethms

Boron is a fuss-free, simple and clean theme. Borders and lines keep things in order, while four accent bursts of colours bring in sparks of life. With a single click, the sidebar transforms into an about page for you to showcase everything visitors need to know about you.

Features: Slide-out user info page (user icon + name + social media + pronouns + bio + links), search bar / scrolling update box, built-in custom links (limitless), personlise navicons, post types display


28 September 2021 2:34am 2,906 notes
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koi admin
she/they. intj. out catching butterflies every day.
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