Systemwide Human Resources: UCOP Human Resources
Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
The FSAP consists of licensed mental health clinicians; services include individual counseling, consultation to managers and supervisors, and assisting in the investigation of threats and violence within the workplace.
Work life integration Link
UC policyThe University fosters work-life integration and supports work -life strategies that promote civility, citizenship, and community.
Alternate work schedules
Allows UCOP employees the flexibility to schedule their work hours so that they can better meet family responsibilities and/or attend to personal needs.
Allows employees the flexibility to regularly perform work at alternative sites in order to accomplish their work more effectively.
Employee Reduction in Time (ERIT)
Allows UCOP employees to voluntarily reduce the percentage of their appointment.
Phased Retirement program
The Phased Retirement Program provides eligible policy covered staff the opportunity to transition into retirement by reducing their appointment percentages over a period from 120 days to up to three years.
Breastfeeding and lactation support
The UCOP Lactation Program includes a lactation room at your work location, breastfeeding classes on the Berkeley campus and hospital-grade pumps.
Navigating UCOP: Health and wellness
View more health & wellness resources on the Navigating UCOP website.