Lec-19 Efficiency of A Nozzle

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Efficiency of Nozzle

Efficiency of Nozzle
In the nozzle design all calculations are made on the bases of
Isentropic Flow conditions.

Then some allowance for friction are made by using:

Velocity co-efficient
An efficiency

It is assumed all losses occurred after throat in divergent portion

in the form of friction.

These losses can not effect on mass flow rate.

The friction may be between wall and fluid or with in the fluid itself.

Energy absorbed during the friction is converted in heat.

Efficiency of Nozzle
Which results to increase the temperature from dry saturated steam
to super heated steam.

Due to friction, about 4% to 15% heat drop is decreased.

To accelerate the fluid, divergent portion must be larger than the
convergent portion.

Divergent portion wall angle should be below to 20o.

Too large angle may breakaway the steam from the walls of nozzle,
which increases the friction losses in the nozzle.
What is nozzle efficiency?

“It is ratio of actual enthalpy drop to isentropic enthalpy drop between

same pressure ranges”.

For perfect gas

h1  h2
K  (1)
h1  h2

Cp (T1  T2 )
Cp (T1  T2 )

T1  T2
T1  T2
By using the steady flow energy equation for both actual and isentropic case.

For isentropic expansion:

C12 C 22
h1   h2 
2 2

IfC1  0

C 22
h1  h2 
For actual expansion:
C12 C ,2
h1   h2 

2 2 (C1  0)
C 2
h1  h2, 
Now, substitute both values of enthalpy in equation (1)

h1  h2
K  (1)
h1  h2

C 2
K 2
C 2 2

K 2
C 2
Velocity co-efficient:

“It is ratio of actual exit velocity to the isentropic velocity /

Square root of nozzle efficiency”.

Velocity Co-efficient = C2’/C2

Co-efficient of Discharge:

m ,
C.O.dischagre 
Gases expands in a propulsion nozzle from 3.5 bar and 425oC down
to a back pressure of 0.97 bar at rate of 18 kg/sec. Taking co-efficient
Of discharge of 0.99 and nozzle efficiency of 0.94.
Calculate the required throat and exit area of the nozzle.
For gases take, =1.333 and Cp=1.11kJ/kgK. And R=277.5
Assume that inlet Velocity is negligible.
p1  3.5bar
pb  0.97bar
T1  425  273  698 K
  1.333
Cp  1.11kJ / kgK
m ,  18kg / sec (Actual mass flow)
Re quired
(i ) At  ??
(ii ) A2  ??
m vt
At 
For critical pressure
 value (pc)
pc  2   1
  
p1    1 

 2  1.3331
pc  3.5 
 1.333  1 

pc  1.894bar Note:The value (pc) shows that nozzle is

choking and Convergent-divergent
nozzle is required.
For critical temperature (Tc) For critical specific volume (vc)
Tc 2 p c vc  RTC

T1   1
277.5  598
vc 
2 1.894  10 5
Tc  698 
1.333  1
vc  0.875m 3 / kg
Tc  598K
For critical velocity (Cc)

C c  RTC

C c  1.333  277.5  598

C c  471m / sec
For isentropic mass flow rate
Co-efficient of discharge=actual mass flow/Isentropic mass flow
m ,
C.O.dischagre 

0.99 

m  18.18kg / sec
Note: co-efficient of discharge for isentropic flow through throat is one
 vc
For throat area and exit area (At & A2) A  m
18.18  0.875
At 

At  0.0338m 2
For isentropic expansion from inlet condition down to the back
pressure (pb)

For temperature at exit (T2)

 1
T1  p1  
  
T2  p 2 

698  3.5  1.333
  .
T2  0.97 

T2  506 K

The expansion is shown on T-S diagram, line 1-C-2s represent the isentropic
Expansion and line1-2 shown actual expansion.
We know that nozzle efficiency (K)

T1  T2
T1  T2

698  T2
0.94 
698  506
Actual temperature at exit

T2  571.5 K

Actual volume (v2’) v2'  2

277.5  571.5
v2' 
0.97 105

v2'  1.48m 3 / kg
Actual velocity at exit (C2’)

C2'  2  Cp (T1  T2 )

C2'  2  1.11  103 (698  571.5)

C2'  633m / sec

For exit area (A2) m ' v '2

A2 
C 2'

18  1.48
A2 

A2  0.0422m 2
An aircraft flies in air at 5000 m with a velocity of 250 m/s.
At 5000 m, air has a temperature of 255.7 K and a pressure of
54.05 kPa. Find To and Po.

PO  P1 , TO  T1
C  2  Cp (To  T ) 
PO  To   1
C2  
To  T  P T 
2Cp 1.4

(250) 2  286.8  1.4 1

To  T  PO  54.05 
2 1.005 103  255.7 

To  286.8 K PO  80.77 kPa

Effect of Area Changes on Flow Parameters

Consider the isentropic steady flow of an ideal gas through the nozzle
shown below.
Air flows steadily through a varying-cross-sectional-area duct
such as a nozzle at a flow rate of 3 kg/s. The air enters the duct
at a low velocity at a pressure of 1500 kPa and a temperature of
1200 K and it expands in the duct to a pressure of 100 kPa.
The duct is designed so that the flow process is isentropic.
Determine the pressure, temperature, velocity, flow area, speed
of sound, and Mach number at each point along the duct axis
that corresponds to a pressure drop of 200 kPa.

Since the inlet velocity is low, the stagnation properties equal

the static properties.

To  T1  1200 K , Po  P1  1500 kPa

 1
T  P 
  
To  PO 
 1 1.4 1
 P 
 1300  1.4
T  To    1200 
 PO   1500 
T  1151.9 K

C  2  Cp (To  T )
C  2 1.005 10 (1200  1151.9)

C  310.77m / s
P 1300
 
RT 0.287  1151.9

  3.932kg / m 3

m 3 10 4
A 
C 3.932  310.77

A  24.55cm 2
CC  RT  1.4  0.287 1151.9 103

CC  680.33m / sec

C 310.77
M   0.457
CC 680.33

M  0.457

Now, tabulate the results for the other 200 kPa increments in
the pressure until we reach 100 kPa.
Summary of Results for Nozzle Problem
Step P T C  CC A M
kPa K m/s kg/m3 m/s cm2

0 1500 1200 0 4.3554 694.38 0

1 1300 1151.9 310.77 3.9322 680.33 24.55 0.457

2 1100 1098.2 452.15 3.4899 664.28 19.01 0.681

3 900 1037.0 572.18 3.0239 645.51 17.34 0.886

4 797.42 1000.0 633.88 2.7611 633.88 17.14 1.000

5 700 965.2 786.83 2.5270 622.75 17.28 1.103

6 500 876.7 805.90 1.9871 593.52 18.73 1.358

7 300 757.7 942.69 1.3796 551.75 23.07 1.709

8 100 553.6 1139.62 0.6294 471.61 41.82 2.416

Note that at P = 797.42 kPa, M = 1.000, and this state is the critical state.

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