Introduction What Is Organizational Culture and Why Is It Important
Introduction What Is Organizational Culture and Why Is It Important
Introduction What Is Organizational Culture and Why Is It Important
Leaders set the tone for They lead by example, Leaders enforce cultural
organizational culture by embodying the values and standards and hold employees
articulating a clear vision and behaviors that define the desired accountable for their actions.
demonstrating commitment to it. culture.
Defining the Desired Culture: Values,
Beliefs, and Behaviors
3 Expected Behaviors
Outlining the specific behaviors that align with the organizational values and beliefs.
Communicating the Culture: The Importance
of Transparency and Consistency
Aligning decisions with the cultural values to set an example for others to follow.
Hiring for Cultural Fit: The Impact of
Recruitment and Selection on Culture
1 Behavioral Screening
Integrating behavioral interview questions to assess alignment with organizational values.
2 Cultural Awareness
Treating the recruitment process as an opportunity to communicate and reinforce cultural values.
3 Onboarding Process
Incorporating cultural orientation during the onboarding process to ensure new hires understand
and embrace the culture.
Training and Development: Building a
Culture of Learning and Growth