Uterine Therapeutics DR Henry Minton

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This is a ready reference to all the symptoms of
materia medica –direct or specific bearing upon
subject of uterine disorders.
▪ Year of publication – 1883
▪ Author name – Henry Minton A.M, M.D
▪ No of drugs presented – 178
▪ No of pages – 681
▪ Published by – B.Jain publisher, 1995 reprint.
● MINTON. HENRY, M. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y., was
born in Dover, Morris County, N. J., March 4th,
● He is the third son of Major William Minton, for
many years well known in manufacturing circles.
● His early education was obtained at the village
● He had fondness for physiology and anatomy.
● Due to mechanical genius, he was apprenticed to I.
P. Morris & Co., machinists, of Philadelphia.
● He attended three full courses of lectures in the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York city,
and in 1853, graduated with high honors at the
Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania.
● He has repeatedly been chosen President of the
Medical Society of King's County & Vice-President of
the State Medical Society.
● Has long been a member of the American Institute of
● He was for two years the associate editor of Ram's
Record of Literature of Homoeopathic Literature. .
● He is the author of a work on the "Diseases of
Women and Children," which has passed through
several editions.
● Dr. Minton founded, and is Physician-in-chief to, the
Brooklyn Homoeopathic Lying-in Asylum, one of the
noblest and most beneficent charities of the age.
● Editor of Homoeopathic Journal of Obstetrics and
Diseases of Women and Children
About the book
● The book is a useful monograph on the problems of
menstruation and other female complaints.
● It is a result of 16 years of patient study and clinical
practice of the author.
● A large part of the symptomatology of the work was
published in the “American Journal of Homeopathic
Materia Medica” , during the year 1874-75.
Aim of the book
The aim of this repertory is to collect and arrange in a
systematic and convenient form for ready reference
of all those symptoms of Materia Medica that have
any direct or specific bearing upon the subject of
uterine disorders.
Sources of this repertory
● Minton has quoted Dr. Hovat in Curare, Dr.
Hughes in Glonoine and even Dr.Hahnemann in
● Other than their masterpieces he had also referred
large number of books, records, journals,
magazines and pamphlets for the making of this
Philosophical background
The philosophy on which the construction and plan of
this repertory is based are:
● Doctrine of Concomitants and Complete Symptoms.
● Doctrine of Causation and Time.
● Evaluation of Remedies.
● Clinical Rubrics
Plan and construction
● The arrangement of this repertory is based on "The
Homeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea" by James
● It was written on Sep 1st, 1883 in Brooklyn, New York
● It is the story of how this book came into existence
with a brief introduction of this book.
● It is dedicated to his friend E.T.Richardson.
List of remedies
● This is a alphabetical record of all the medicines
with their abbreviations.
● The list includes 178 medicines from Aconite to
Zingiber, though the actual number of medicines
given is 177(Actea racemosa and Cimicifuga have
been repeated).
Part 1 – Materia medica
This contains alphabetical arrangement of Medicines with
their indications under the following headings :
● Menstruation.
● Before Menstruation.
● During Menstruation.
● After Menstruation.
● Amenorrhoea
● Abortion
● Metrorrhagia
● Lochia
● Leucorrhoea
● Concomitants (in general) includes most of the important
indications of the medicines, other than the uterine system. It
also includes the mental picture of the medicine.
● Aggravation
● Amelioration

The last paragraph in most of the medicines deals with the

adaptability of the medicine regarding- constitution,
temperament, living conditions and even the disease
Part 2 - Repertory
This section contains the Repertory Proper under the
following headings –
● Menstruation
● Amenorrhoea
● Abortion – miscarriage
● Lochia
● Leucorrhoea
● General concomittants
This section includes specifications of menses under :
● Time and quantity of discharge.
● Character of menstrual discharge.
● Before menstruation.
● During menstruation.
● After menstruation
● This section is very much similar in its content to the
rubric "Menses" in other general repertories.

This section includes the rubrics:

● Cause and Concomitants: It includes the causes most
frequently associated with amenorrhoea along with
the chief accompaniments.
Abortion - miscarriage

This section includes the rubrics:

● Cause
● Character of the discharge.
● Character of the pain.
● Mental condition.
Rubrics specific of abortion.
● Character of the discharge.
● Causes – exciting & predisposing
● Concomitants
● It includes:
› Peculiarities of the discharge.
› Concomitant symptoms.
● This section deals with the change in character of
Lochia which accompanies puerperal complaints.
It includes:
● Character of the discharge.
● Cause, Time, Aggravation and Amelioration of
the discharge.
● Concomitant symptoms.
This section deals with the peculiarities of leucorrhoea
under the given rubrics.
General Concomittants

● This section covers the person as a whole from Mind to

Mind and mood, Sleep, Vertigo, Headache, Head, Eyes,
Ears, Nose, Face, Mouth, Throat, Appetite, Eructations,
Hiccough, Water brash, Nausea,Vomiting, Stomach,
Abdomen, Anus, Rectum, Stool, Urination, Urine,
Sexual organs, Chest, Respiration, Cough, Heart,
Extremities, Back, Skin, Persons - remedies especially
suitable for, Generalities.
● This section is a real marvel of this repertory.
● It includes separately and with details all parts of the
body and their symptoms.
● It even includes parts of the female genitalia - Labia,
Pudendum, Vulva, Vagina, Uterus, Ovaries (both
right, left )
Arrangement Rubrics

● Like most Regional Repertories of that time,

● Rubrics in each chapter are in Alphabetical order.
● Sub rubrics are given after an indentation followed
by the medicines.
● Sub sub rubrics are given with more indentation
followed by a comma after each part.
● At the end of the book index has been given which
has the sections and rubrics arranged alphabetically
under it.
● This section facilitates the search of needed rubric.
Typographies Used

● Two types of Typographies have been used in the

whole book.
- Italics.
-Ordinary Roman.
● Medicines are indicated in Part I (Materia medica)
and Part II (Repertory) with same typographies.
Working out case

The symptoms of the case to be worked out should be

arranged in the following manner-
● Complaint.
● Character of the discharge.
● Cause.
● Modalities.
● Concomitant.
● Generalities.
Being a Regional Repertory, the scope of this repertory is
for :
● Cases lacking in Generals, but rich in Common
● Cases with clinical diagnoses.
● Short cases with a few symptoms.
● However, the rubrics given are result of clinical
observations and so their use is limited to specific
number of cases.
● It is a very elaborate and detailed work covering most of
the symptoms
● It contains rubrics related to females at one place, and so
serves as a quick bed side reference.
● The section "Persons remedies especially for" is a
masterpiece and covers most of the
● Concomitant symptoms of each chapter are placed along
with and followed by general concomitant chapter in
the end.
● The General concomitant chapter contains the symptoms
relating to the whole body and mind.
● The number of medicines is limited.
● Being a clinical repertory, it is not complete and is mainly
used for reference works.
● Same symptom is repeated under different rubrics or
headings and again in concomitants.
● Mental condition is specifically given under "Abortion"
only and not under "Amenorrhoea" or "Leucorrhoea”
though it is mentioned under General concomitants.
● Only "Lochia" is given, no other complaint of pregnancy or
lying-in-period is covered.
● Number of Clinical rubrics is also very limited.
In spite of the above shortcomings Minton's
Therapeutics is a complete repertory in itself. The
repertory can be used in most of the present female
diseases with favorable results.

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