ITC1023 - Ch05 Edited
ITC1023 - Ch05 Edited
ITC1023 - Ch05 Edited
Enhanced Edition
Tools, Apps, Devices, and the Impact of
Chapter 5
Objectives Overview
Identify characteristics of
Describe the various Describe multi-core
various personal computer
computer and mobile processors, the components
processors on the market
device cases and the of a processor, and the four
today, and describe the
contents they protect steps in a machine cycle
ways processors are cooled
Describe the
purpose of Explain the
among the various
adapter cards and function of a bus
types of memory
USB adapters
• The leading
manufacturers of
personal computer
processor chips are Intel
and AMD
Pages 288- 289 © 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied
or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 15
Figures 6-8 – 6-9
Data Representation
Pages 299 - 300 © 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied
or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 30
Figure 6-18
System Backside
bus bus
Types of processors,
Various components
steps in a machine
inside computers
cycle, and processor
and mobile devices
cooling methods