Namma Kalvi 12th Chemistry Unit 5 PowerPoint Presentation Material EM 219412
Namma Kalvi 12th Chemistry Unit 5 PowerPoint Presentation Material EM 219412
Namma Kalvi 12th Chemistry Unit 5 PowerPoint Presentation Material EM 219412
ions, whereas the potassium ferrithiocyanate will not answer Fe3+ and SCN-
From this we can infer that the double salts lose their identity and dissociates
into their constituent simple ions in solutions , whereas the complex ion in
Werner's theory of coordination
Swiss chemist Alfred Werner was the first one to propose a theory
of coordination compounds to explain the observed behaviour of
In this case, the valences of the elements present in both the reacting molecules,
cobalt(III) chloride and ammonia are completely satisfied. Yet these substances
react to form the abovementioned complexes.
To explain this behaviour Werner postulated his theory as
1. Most of the elements exhibit, two types of valence namely primary valence and
secondary valence and each element tend to satisfy both the valences. In modern
terminology, the primary valence is referred as the oxidation state of the metal atom
and the secondary valence as the coordination number. For example, according to
Werner, the primary and secondary valences of cobalt are 3 and 6 respectively.
2. The primary valence of a metal ion is positive in most of the cases and zero in
certain cases. They are always satisfied by negative ions.
For example in the complex CoCl3.6NH3,The primary valence of Co is +3 and is
satisfied by 3Cl- ions.
Coordination entity:
Coordination entity is an ion or a neutral molecule, composed of a central
atom, usually a metal and the array of other atoms or groups of atoms
(ligands) that are attached to it. In the formula, the coordination entity is
enclosed in square brackets.
For example, in potassium ferrocyanide, K4[Fe(CN)6], the
coordination entity is [Fe(CN)6]4- .
In nickel tetracarbonyl, the coordination entity is [Ni(CO)4].
Central atom/ion:
The central atom/ion is the one that occupies the central position in a
coordination entity and binds other atoms or groups of atoms (ligands) to
itself, through a coordinate covalent bond.
For example, in K4[Fe(CN)6], the central metal ion is Fe2+ . In the
coordination entity [Fe(CN)6]4- the Fe2+ accepts an electron pair from
each ligand, CN- and thereby forming six coordinate covalent bonds with
since, the central metal ion has an ability to accept electron pairs, it is
referred to as a Lewis acid.
The ligands are the atoms or groups of atoms bound to the central
atom/ion. The atom in a ligand that is bound directly to the central metal
atom is known as a donor atom.
For example, in K4[Fe(CN)6], the ligand is CN- ion, but the donor
atom is carbon and in [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 the ligand is NH3 molecule and
the donor atom is nitrogen.
Coordination sphere:
The complex ion of the coordination compound containing the
central metal atom/ion and the ligands attached to it, is collectively
called coordination sphere and are usually enclosed in square
brackets with the net charge. The other ionisable ions, are written
outside the bracket are called counter ions.
For example, the coordination compound K4[Fe(CN)6] contains the
complex ion [Fe(CN)6] and is referred as the coordination sphere.
Coordination polyhedron:
The three dimensional spacial arrangement of ligand atoms/ions that
are directly attached to the central atom is known as the
coordination polyhedron (or polygon).
For example,
in K4[Fe(CN)6], the coordination polyhedra is octrahedral.
The coordination polyhedra of [Ni(CO)4] is tetrahedral.
Coordination number:
The number of ligand donor atoms bonded to a central
metal ion in a complex is called the coordination number
of the metal. In other words, the coordination number is
equal to the number of σ-bonds between ligands and the
central atom.
For example,
i. In K [Fe(CN) ], the coordination number of Fe2+ is 6.
4 6
Each ligand forms two coordination bonds with nickel.
So,totally there are six coordinationnbonds between them.
Oxidation state (number):
The oxidation state of a central atom in a coordination
entity is defined as the charge it would bear if all the
ligands were removed along with the electron pairs that
were shared with the central atom.
In naming a complex, it is represented by a Roman
For example,
in the coordination entity [Fe(CN)6]4- the oxidation state of
iron is represented as (II).
The net charge on the complex ion is equal to the sum of the
oxidation state of the central metal and the charge the on the ligands
attached to it.
ii. the central metal ion/atom is coordinated to more than one kind
of ligands is called a heteroleptic complex.
MA2B2 :
Example [ Pt(NH3)2Cl2]2+
Step 3:
Up to this point the complex formation would not be favoured.
However, when the ligands approach further, there will be an
attraction between the negatively charged electron and the positively
charged metal ion, that results in a net decrease in energy.
This decrease in energy is the driving force for the complex
Crystal field splitting in octahedral complexes:
During crystal field splitting in octahedral field, in order to
maintain the average energy of the orbitals (bary centre)
constant, the energy of the orbitals dx2-y2 and dz2 (represented as
eg orbitals) will increase by 3/5Δo while that of the other three
orbitals dxy, dyz and dzx (represented as t2g orbitals) decrease by
2/5Δo. Here, Δo represents the crystal field splitting energy in the
octahedral field.
Crystal field splitting in tetrahedral complexes:
The approach of ligands in tetrahedral field can be visualized as
follows. Consider a cube in which the central metal atom is placed at
its centre (i.e. origin of the coordinate axis as shown in the figure).
The four ligands approach the central metal atom along the
direction of the leading diagonals drawn from alternate corners of
the cube.
Crystal filed splitting Energy and nature of ligands:
• The magnitude of crystal field splitting energy not only depends
on the ligand field as discussed above but also depends on the
nature of the ligand, the nature of the central metal atom/ion and
the charge on it.
• Let us understand the effect of the nature of ligand on crystal
field splitting by calculating the crystal field splitting energy of
the octahedral complexes of titanium(III) with different ligands
such as fluoride, bromide and water using their absorption
• spectral data.. wave numbers of complexes [TiBr6]3- , [TiF6]3-
The absorption
and [Ti(H2O)6]3+ are 12500, 19000 and 20000 cm-1 respectively.
• The energy associated with the absorbed wave numbers of the
light, corresponds to the crystal field splitting energy (Δ) and is
given by the following expression,
ligand substitution.
In some cases, complexes can undergo rapid ligand
substitution; such complexes are called labile complexes.
However, some complexes undergo ligand substitution
very slowly (or sometimes no substitution), such
Stepwise formation constants and overall formation constants:
When a free metal ion is in aqueous medium, it is surrounded by
(coordinated with) water molecules.
It is represented as [MS6]. If ligands which are stronger than
water are added to this metal salt solution, coordinated water
molecules are replaced by strong ligands.
Importance and applications of coordination complexes:
The coordination complexes are of great importance. These compounds are
present in many plants, animals and in minerals. Some Important applications of
coordination complexes are described below.
1.Phthalo blue – a bright blue pigment is a complex of Copper (II)
ion and it is used in printing ink and in the packaging industry.