Stream-Oriented Communication
Stream-Oriented Communication
Stream-Oriented Communication
Distributed Systems:
presentation on Stream-Oriented
Prepared by
1.Girmay hadush
2.Shishay Tekle
3.Betselot Tadilo
and real-time data streams
These types of media are typically more difficult to store,
transmit, and process digitally, as they require a constant flow
of data.
Modes of transmission
Modes of transmission
Modes of transmission
Stream-oriented communication
Modes of transmission
5. Asynchronous and synchronous and isochronous transmission:
Data streams
Increase bandwidth
Reduce latency(reduce delay)
Reduce jitter
Reduce packet loss(increase reliability)
Use load balancing: By distributing the load across multiple
connections or servers, it is possible to improve the QoS of
the network by ensuring that no single point becomes
Use traffic shaping: By limiting the amount of data that can
be transmitted at any given time
Can be applied in both server side and client side.
Stream-oriented communication
Stream-oriented communication is a useful
approach for transmitting large amounts of data
in real-time, but it requires careful
implementation to ensure reliable communication.
Thank you