Strategic Management Presentation Turnaround Strategy
Strategic Management Presentation Turnaround Strategy
Strategic Management Presentation Turnaround Strategy
Philanthropic Responsibility
Giving back to the communities they exist in and
donate to causes that align with their company
Environmental Responsibility
Engaging in environmentally friendly practices
Ethical Responsibility
Engaging in fair business practices across the
board—including treating all stakeholders
ethically and with respect.
Economic Responsibility
Making financial decisions that
prioritize doing good, not just making
more money
CSR and Competitive advantage
In the current global competitive environment, CSR is regarded as part of building competitive advantage. The concept
becomes a strength of the enterprise, as it is not only price of goods or services, but also the circumstances in which
they are made that distinguish an enterprise from its competitors, i.e. they become sources of competitive advantage.
Corporate Social Responsibility must be connected with an enterprise’s regular activities and the profile of its actions
to improve its image and reputation. An improved reputation and image enhance customer satisfaction as well as
consequently boost the sales and profits of the enterprise, which is the goal of each action by means of enhancing
In addition, CSR facilitates access to capital, cuts costs of cooperation with partners, improves the potential for
attracting the best workers, reduces business risk as well as increases stability and development opportunities.
Consequently, enterprises attempt to build their positive reputation by various methods and instruments.
CSR actions humanise a firm and steer it away from focusing on merely profit towards a concern for all stakeholders .
Wages themselves are unable to sustain emotional links between staff and their enterprise. In this connection, CSR
may serve as a factor emotionally binding employees to their firm which is a potential source of competitive
CSR is a source of competitive advantage by creating intangible resources within an enterprise which are important
to securing competitive advantage, as these properties are valuable, rare, and hard to imitate.
CSR as a Competitive Advantage:
Benefits of
1 Employee Retention 2 Improved public image
A CSR plan demonstrates that a firm Many a times, consumers assess a brand's
is caring and treats all people, public image while make a decision of
including employees, with respect. whether they should buy their products or
not. CSR helps a brand improve their
public image and in turn attract more
Articulation & Allocation
Consensus within Convert strategic objectives
into clear short-term Managerial
responsible team
operating objectives to be interventions to ensure
about outcomes to
assigned to groups for achievement of
be delivered Supervision strategic objectives
Verification delivery
Confirming Monitor the progress
of the teams in
acceptability of
strategic outcomes delivering the
strategic objectives
with stakeholders
Strategy Implementation vs. Formulation
● Action-orientation
● Comprehensive
● Demands skills &
Functional Behavioral
Everyone in the organization needs to know what their
05. 02
Systems .
Organization responsibilities are so they can be accountable for their part in
Key Culture the strategy
Component Ensuring that everyone knows what they need to know and feels valued and
s included is crucial for a successful and effective implementation
04. 03. Effective resource allocation is one of the most important parts in strategy
Resources Cultur
e implementation.
The tools, capabilities, and systems put in place are another key
What is Strategic Implementation?
• Turning strategy plan into action
• Implementation plan outlines the steps an organization needs to
take in order to achieve a goal or objective
Employees Set of steps where resources (people,
(teams/individuals), materials, machines and methods) are
customers and suppliers of transformed into products and services