Unit 1 - Computing Paradigms
Unit 1 - Computing Paradigms
Unit 1 - Computing Paradigms
Different Computing Paradigms:
High Performance Computing
Parallel Computing
Distributed Computing
Cluster Computing
Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
Bio Computing
Mobile Computing
Quantum Computing
Optical Computing
Nano Computing
High Performance Computing:
It is the use of parallel processing for running advanced
application programs efficiently, relatives, and quickly. The
term applies especially is a system that function above a
teraflop (1012) (floating opm per second).
The term High-performance computing is occasionally used as
a synonym for supercomputing. Although technically a
supercomputer is a system that performs at or near currently
highest operational rate for computers. Some supercomputers
work at more than a petaflop (10 12) floating points opm per
second. The most common HPC system all scientific
engineers & academic institutions. Some Government
agencies particularly military are also relying on APC for
complex applications.
High Performance Computers:
Processors, memory, disks, and OS are elements of high-performance
computers of interest to small & medium size businesses today are really
clusters of computers. Each individual computer in a commonly
configured small cluster has between one and four processors and today
‘s processors typically are from 2 to 4 crores, HPC people often referred
to individual computers in a cluster as nodes. A cluster of interest to a
small business could have as few as 4 nodes on 16 crores. Common
cluster size in many businesses is between 16 & 64 crores or from 64 to
256 crores. The main reason to use this is that in its individual node can
work together to solve a problem larger than any one computer can easily
solve. These nodes are so connected that they can communicate with
each other in order to produce some meaningful work.
There are two popular HPC’s software i. e, Linux, and windows. Most of
installations are in Linux because of its supercomputer but one can use it
with his / her requirements.
Importance of High performance Computing
Drug discovery
Data Analysis
Protein folding
Energy research
Main Components:
solved concurrently.
Each part is further broken down into a series of
Instructions from each part are executed simultaneously
on different processors.
An overall control/coordination mechanism is employed.
Parallel Computing:
Distributed Computing:
Distributed computing is also a computing system that
consists of multiple computers or processor machines
connected through a network, which can be homogeneous or
heterogeneous, but run as a single system. The connectivity
can be such that the CPUs in a distributed system can be
physically close together and connected by a local network,
or they can be geographically distant and connected by a
wide area network. The heterogeneity in a distributed system
supports any number of possible configurations in the
processor machines, such as mainframes, PCs, workstations,
and minicomputers. The goal of distributed computing is to
make such a network work as a single computer.
Distributed Computing:
Distributed computing systems are advantageous
over centralized systems, because there is a support
for the following characteristic features:
1. Scalability: It is the ability of the system to be easily
expanded by adding more machines as needed, and
vice versa, without affecting the existing setup.
2. Redundancy or replication: Here, several machines
can provide the same services, so that even if one is
unavailable (or failed), work does not stop because
other similar computing supports will be available.
Distributed Computing:
Cluster Computing:
A cluster computing system consists of a set of the same or
similar type of processor machines connected using a dedicated
network infrastructure. All processor machines share resources
such as a common home directory and have a software such as a
message passing interface (MPI) implementation installed to
allow programs to be run across all nodes simultaneously. This
is also a kind of HPC category. The individual computers in a
cluster can be referred to as nodes. The reason to realize a
cluster as HPC is due to the fact that the individual nodes can
work together to solve a problem larger than any computer can
easily solve. And, the nodes need to communicate with one
another in order to work cooperatively and meaningfully
together to solve the problem in hand.
Cluster Computing:
If we have processor machines of heterogeneous
types in a cluster, this kind of clusters become a
subtype and still mostly are in the experimental or
research stage.
Cluster Computing:
Grid Computing:
The computing resources in most of the organizations are
underutilized but are necessary for certain operations. The idea
of grid computing is to make use of such non-utilized computing
power by the needy organizations, and thereby the return on
investment (ROI) on computing investments can be increased
Thus, grid computing is a network of computing or processor
machines managed with a kind of software such as middleware,
in order to access and use the resources remotely. The managing
activity of grid resources through the middleware is called grid
services. Grid services provide access control, security, access to
data including digital libraries and databases, and access to
large-scale interactive and long-term storage facilities.
Grid Computing:
El ectri cal Power Grid an d Grid Comput ing
Never worry about where the electricity that Never worry about where the computer
we are using comes from; that is, whether it power that we are using comes from; that
is from coal in Australia, from wind power is, whether it is from a supercomputer in
in the United States, or from a nuclear plant Germany, a computer farm in India, or a
in France, one can simply plug the laptop in New Zealand, one can simply
electrical appliance into the wall-mounted plug in the computer and the Internet and
socket and it will get the electrical power it will get the application execution done.
that we need to operate the appliance The infrastructure that makes this possible
The infrastructure that makes this possible is called the computing grid. It links
is called the power grid. It links together together computing resources, such as
many different kinds of power plants with PCs, workstations, servers, and storage
our home, through transmission stations, elements, and provides the mechanism
power stations, transformers, power lines, needed to access them via the Internet
and so forth.
Electrical Power Grid and Grid Computing
The power grid is pervasive: The grid is also pervasive in the sense that
electricity is available essentially the remote computing resources would be
everywhere, and one can simply accessible from different platforms,
including laptops and mobile phones, and
access it through a standard wall-
one can simply access the grid computing
mounted socket.
power through the web browser
The power grid is a utility: we ask The grid is also pervasive in the sense that
for electricity and we get it. We also the remote computing resources would be
pay for what we get accessible from different platforms,
including laptops and mobile phones, and
one can simply access the grid computing
power through the web browser
Grid Computing:
Grid computing is more popular due to the following reasons:
Its ability to make use of unused computing power, and thus, it
Enables heterogeneous resources of computers to work