Unit-6 Distributed Shared Memory
Unit-6 Distributed Shared Memory
Unit-6 Distributed Shared Memory
Distributed Operating
Distributed Shared
Prof. Rekha K. Karangiya
[email protected]
Topics to be covered
General architecture of DSM systems
Design and implementation issues of DSM
Structure of shared memory space
Consistency models
Replacement strategy
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 22 Darshan
Darshan Institute
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Introduction to DSM
Distributed shared memory (DSM) is one of the basic paradigm for
inter process communication.
The shared-memory paradigm provides shared address space to
processes in a system.
Processes access data in the shared address space through the
following two basic primitives.
• Data = Read (address)
• Write (address, data)
Read returns the data item referenced by address.
Write sets the contents referenced by address to the value of data.
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Memory 33 Darshan
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Introduction to DSM
Shared Memory
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 44 Darshan
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Distributed Shared Memory Architecture
Distributed shared memory
(Exists only virtually)
Communication Network
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6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 55 Darshan
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Distributed Shared Memory Architecture
Each node of the system consist of one or more CPUs and memory
Nodes are connected by high speed communication network.
Simple message passing system for nodes to exchange
Main memory of individual nodes is used to cache pieces of
shared memory space.
Memory mapping manager routine maps local memory to shared
virtual memory.
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Distributed Shared Memory Architecture
Shared memory of DSM exist only virtually.
Shared memory space is partitioned into blocks.
Data caching is used in DSM system to reduce network latency.
Data block keep migrating from one node to another on demand
but no communication is visible to the user processes.
If data is not available in local memory network block fault is
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 77 Darshan
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Design and Implementation Issues of DSM
1. Granularity
2. Structure of shared memory
3. Memory coherence and access synchronization
4. Data location and access
5. Replacement strategy
6. Thrashing
7. Heterogeneity
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Granularity is a block or unit of data transfer across the network.
Selecting proper block size is an important part of the design of a
DSM system.
Criteria for choosing granularity parameter are as follows.
1. Factors Influencing block Size Selection
I. Paging overhead
II. Directory size
III. Thrashing
IV. False sharing
2. Using page size as block size
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Criteria for Choosing Granularity Parameter
1. Factors Influencing block size selection
• Sending large packet of data is not much more expensive than
sending small ones.
I. Paging overhead
• A process is likely to access a large region of its shared
address space in a small amount of time.
• Therefore the paging overhead is less for large block size as
compared to the paging overhead for small block size.
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Memory 10
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Criteria for Choosing Granularity Parameter
II. Directory size
• The larger the block size, the smaller the directory.
• Ultimately result in reduced directory management
overhead for larger block size.
III. Thrashing
• The problem of thrashing may occur when data item in the
same data block are being updated by multiple node at
the same time.
• Problem may occur with any block size, it is more likely
with larger block size.
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Criteria for Choosing Granularity Parameter
IV. False sharing
• Occur when two different
Process P1 accesses
processes access two data in this area
unrelated variables that
reside in the same data block
• The larger is the block size
Process P2 accesses
the higher is the probability data in this area
of false sharing
Data Block
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Criteria for Choosing Granularity Parameter
2. Using page size as block size
• Using page size as the block size of a DSM system has the
following advantages:
I. It allows the use of existing page fault schemes to trigger
a DSM page fault.
II. It allows the access right control.
III. Page size do not impose undue communication overhead
at the time of network page fault.
IV. Page size is a suitable data entity unit with respect to
memory contention.
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Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 13
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Structure of Shared Memory Space
Structure defines the abstract view of the shared memory space.
The structure and granularity of a DSM system are closely related.
Three approach for structuring shared memory space of DSM are:
1. No structuring
2. Structuring by data type
3. Structuring as a database
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Distributed Shared
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Approach for Structuring Shared Memory Space
1. No structuring
• The shared memory space is simply a linear array of words.
• Advantage:
I. Choose any suitable page size as the unit of sharing and a
fixed grain (block) size may be used for all application.
II. Simple and easy to design such a DSM system.
2. Structuring by data type
• The shared memory space is structured either as a collection of
variables in the source language.
• The granularity in such DSM system is an object or a variable.
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Approach for Structuring Shared Memory Space
• DSM system uses variable grain (block) size to match the size
of the object/variable being accessed by the application.
3. Structuring as a database
• Structure the shared memory like a database.
• Shared memory space is ordered as an associative memory
called tuple space.
• Processes select tuples by specifying the number of their fields
and their values or type.
• DSM system uses variable grain (block) size to match with the
size of tuples.
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6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 16
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Consistency Models
Consistency model defines set of rules that must obey the
memory consistency.
A consistency model refers to the degree of consistency that has
to be maintained for the shared memory data.
Consistency requirement vary from application to application.
If a system support the stronger consistency model then the
weaker consistency model is automatically supported but the
converse is not true.
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Consistency Models
What is consistency?
• What processes can expect when RD/WR shared data
When do consistency concerns arise?
• With replication and caching.
Why are replication and caching needed?
• For performance, scalability, fault tolerance, disconnection.
x x,y x,y y
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Consistency Models
P1 P2 P3 P4
Wall-clock time
P1: w(x)a
P2: w(x)b
P3: r(x)? r(x)?
P4: r(x)? r(x)?
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Distributed Shared
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Consistency Models
Time Processor X Processor Y
A=0 B=0
A=1 B=1
B= A + B
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Consistency Models
W( y) 1
x) 1 W (
R(y)0 R(x)0
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Types of Consistency Models
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Strict Consistency Model
Value returned by a read operation on a memory address is always
same as the most recent write operation to that address.
All writes instantaneously become visible to all processes.
Implementation of this model for a DSM system is practically
P1 W(x=a) R(x=a) R(x=b)
P2 W(x=b) R(x=b)
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Sequential Consistency Model
P1 W(x=a) P1 W(x=a)
P2 W(x=b) P2 W(x=b)
P3 R(x=b) R(x=a) P3 R(x=b) R(x=a)
P4 R(x=b) R(x=a) P4 R(x=a) R(x=b)
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Sequential Consistency Model
wall-clock time wall-clock time
P1: w(x)a P1: w(x)a
What’s a global sequential order that What’s a global sequential order that
can explain these results? can explain these results?
wall-clock ordering w(x)a, r(x)a, w(x)b, r(x)b, …
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Causal Consistency Model
All write operations that are potentially causally related are seen
by all processes in the same(correct) order.
Write operations that are not potentially causally related may be
seen by different processes in different orders.
If a write operation (w2) is causally related to another write
operation (w1), the acceptable order is (w1, w2) because the
value written by w2 might have been influenced in some way by
the value written by w1.
Therefore, (w2, w1) is not an acceptable order.
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Causal Consistency Model
P1 W(x=a) P1 W(x=a)
P2 R(x=a) W(x=b) P2 W(x=b)
P3 R(x=b) R(x=a) P3 R(x=b) R(x=a)
P4 R(x=a) R(x=b) P4 R(x=a) R(x=b)
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Pipelined Random Access Memory Consistency Model (PRAM)
Ensures that all write operations performed by a single process are
seen by all other processes in the order in which they were
All write operations performed by a single process are in a pipeline.
Write operations performed by different processes can be seen by
different processes in different order.
Simple and easy to implement and also has good performance.
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Processor Consistency Model
Very similar to PRAM model with additional restriction of memory
Memory coherence means that for any memory location all
processes agree on the same order of all write operations
performed on the same memory location (no matter by which
process they are performed) are seen by all processes in the same
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Weak Consistency Model
Changes in memory can be made after a set of changes has
happened (Example: critical section).
Isolated access to variable is usually rare, usually there will be
several accesses and then none at all.
Difficulty is the system would not know when to show the
Application programmers can take care of this through a
synchronization variable.
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Weak Consistency Model
For supporting weak consistency, the following requirements is
1. All accesses to synchronization variables must obey
sequential consistency semantics.
2. All previous write operations must be completed everywhere
before an access to a synchronization variable is allowed.
3. All previous accesses to synchronization variables must be
completed before access to a non synchronization variable is
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34 Darshan
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Weak Consistency Model
P1 W(x=a) W(x=b) S P1 W(x=a) W(x=b) S
P2 R(x=a) R(x=b) S P2 S R(x=a)
P3 R(x=b) R(x=a) S
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Distributed Shared
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Release Consistency Model
Enhancement of weak consistency model.
Use of two synchronization variables
• Acquire (used to tell the system it is entering CR)
• Release (used to tell the system it has just exited CR)
Acquire results in propagating changes made by other nodes to
process’s node.
Release results in propagating changes made by the process to
other nodes.
Barrier defines the end of a phase of execution of a group of
concurrently executing processes.
Barrier can be implemented by using a centralized barrier server.
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Release Consistency Model
P1 Acq(L) W(x=a) W(x=b) Rel(L)
P2 Acq(L) R(x=b) Rel(L)
P3 R(x=a)
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Implementing Sequential Consistency Model
It is most commonly used model.
Implementation depends on whether the DSM system allows
replication and/or migration of shared memory data blocks.
Replication and Migration Strategies:
1. Nonreplicated, Nonmigrating blocks (NRNMB)
2. Nonreplicated, Migrating blocks (NRMB)
3. Replicated, Migrating blocks (RMB)
4. Replicated, Nonmigrating blocks (RNMB)
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Nonreplicated, Nonmigrating Blocks (NRNMB)
Each block of the shared memory has a single copy whose location
is always fixed.
All access request to a block from any node are sent to the owner
node of the block, which has only copy of the block.
Serializing data access creates a bottleneck.
Parallelism is not possible.
There is single copy of each block in the system.
The location of the block never changes.
Block Request
Client node Owner node
(Becomes new owner (Owns the block before
Node of block after its its migration)
Block Migration
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Data Locating in the NRMB Strategy
There is a single copy of each block, the location of a block keeps
changing dynamically.
Following method used to locate a block:
1. Broadcasting
2. Centralized server algorithm
3. Fixed distributed server algorithm
4. Dynamic distributed server algorithm
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Each node maintains an owned blocks table that contains an entry
for each block for which the node is the current owner.
When a fault occurs, the fault handler of the faulting node
broadcasts a read/write request on the network.
The node currently having the requested block responds to the
broadcast request by sending the block to the requesting node.
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Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 43
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Centralized Server Algorithm
A centralized server maintains a block table that contains the
location information for all block in the shared memory space.
Faulting node sends a request for the accessed block to the
centralized server.
The centralized server extracts the location information from the
block table and forwards the request to that node.
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Centralized Server Algorithm
Node i
Node 1 Owner
Node M
Block table
Node boundary Node boundary
Centralized Server
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Fixed Distributed Server Algorithm
It is a direct extension of the centralized server scheme.
It overcomes the problems of the centralized server scheme by
distributing the role of the centralized server.
Each block manager is given a predetermined subset of data
blocks to manage.
The mapping function is used by the fault handler to find the node
whose block manager is managing the currently accessed block.
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Fixed Distributed Server Algorithm
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Dynamic Distributed Server Algorithm
Does not use any block manager and attempts to keep track of the
Ownership information of all block in each node.
Each node has a block table that contains the ownership
information for all block.
A field gives the node a hint on the location of the owner of a
block and hence is called the probable owner.
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6: Distributed
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Memory 48
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Dynamic Distributed Server Algorithm
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49 Darshan
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Replicated, Migrating Blocks (RMB)
To increase parallelism, all DSM systems replicate blocks.
With replicated blocks, Read operations can be carried out in
parallel with multiples nodes.
Write operations increase the cost because its replicas must be
invalidated or update to maintain consistency.
Two basic protocols that may be used for ensuring sequential
consistency in this case are:
1. Write-invalidate
2. Write-update
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All copies of a piece of data except one are invalidated before write
operation can be performed on it.
When a write fault occurs, its fault handler copies the accessed block to
its client node and invalidates all other copies.
The write operation is performed on client node.
The client node holds the modified version of block and is replicated to
other nodes.
B lo ck
3. In
1. Request Block
Client Node Nodes having
(has the valid copy valid copy before
of the data block 2. Replicate Block write operation
After write operation)
3. Inv
3. Inv alidat
a lidate e B lo
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Method :1
• A write operation is carried out by updating all copies of the data on which
the write is perform.
• When write fault occurs the fault handler copies the accessed block from
one of the block’s current node to its own node.
• The write operation completes only after all the copies of the block have
been successfully updated. Bl ock
3. Up Nodes having
1. Request Block
valid copies
Client Node of the data block
(also has a valid copy
of the data block after
both before and
2. Replicate Block
write operation)) after write
3. Update Block operation
3. Up
d ate B
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Method :2
• Use a global sequencer to sequence the write operations of all nodes.
• Modification of each write operation is first sent to the global
• The sequencer assigns the next sequence number to the modification.
• Multicasts the modification with this sequence number to all the nodes.
cati on
nce d Mo
qu e
Client Node Other nodes
Sequenced Modification
(Has Replica of Sequencer having replica of
the Data block) the data block
Sequenced ced
Modification ifica
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Data Locating in the RMB Strategy
Data locating issues are involved in the write-invalidate protocol
used with the RMB strategy:
1. Locating the owner of a block, the most recent node have to
write access to it.
2. Keeping track of the node that are currently have a valid copy
of the block.
Following algorithms may be used to address these two issues:
1. Broadcasting
2. Centralized-server algorithm
3. Fixed distributed-server algorithm
4. Dynamic distributed-server algorithm
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Replicated, Nonmigrating Blocks (RNMB)
A shared memory block may be replicated at multiple node of the
system but the location of each replica is fixed.
All replicas of a block are kept consistent by updating them all in
case of a write access.
Sequential consistency is ensured by using a global sequencer to
sequence the write operation of all nodes.
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6: Distributed
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Memory 55
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Data Locating in the RNMB Strategy
The RNMB strategy has the following characteristics:
• The replica location of a block never change.
• All replicas of a data block are kept consistent.
• Only a read request can be directly send to one of the node
having a replica.
• A write operation on a block is sent to sequencer.
• The sequencer assign the next sequence number to the
requested modification.
• It then multicast the modification with this sequence number
to all the nodes listed in the replica set field.
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Data locating in the RNMB strategy
Node 1 Node boundary Node i Node boundary Node M
Block Replica Block Replica Block Replica
address node address node address node
(Remain (remains (Remain (remains (Remain (remains
fixed) fixed) fixed) fixed) fixed) fixed)
Block Replica
address set Sequence
(Remain (Remain Number
fixed) fixed) Structure and locations of
block table and sequence
Contains an entry for table in the data-locating
each block in the shared memory
space mechanism for RNMB
Sequence table
Centralized Sequencer
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Munin: A Release Consistent DSM System
Structure of Shared-Memory Space:
• The shared memory space of Munin is structured as a
collection of shared variables.
• The shared variables are declared with the keywords shared so
the compiler can recognized them.
• Each shared variable, by default, is placed on a separate page
that is the unit of data transfer across the network.
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Memory 58
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Munin: A Release Consistent DSM System
Implementation of Release Consistency
• Release consistency application must be modeled around
critical sections.
• Therefore a DSM system that supports release consistency
must have mechanisms and programming language constructs
for critical sections.
• Munin provides two such synchronization mechanism.
1. Locking mechanism
2. Barrier mechanism
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Munin: A Release Consistent DSM System
1. Locking mechanism:
• The locking mechanism uses lock synchronization variables
with acquire lock and released lock primitives for accessing
these variables.
• Acquire lock primitive with a lock variable as its parameter is
executed by a process to enter a critical section.
• Release lock primitive with the same lock variable as its
parameter is executed by the process to exit from the critical
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Munin: A Release Consistent DSM System
2. Barrier mechanism:
• The barrier mechanism uses barrier synchronization variables
with a Wait at Barrier primitive for accessing these variables.
• Barriers are implemented by using the centralized barrier
server mechanism.
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Munin: A Release Consistent DSM System
Implementation of Release Consistency
A=1; Changes
Critical to
Region shared
C=3; variable A,B,C A,B,C
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Block Replacement Strategy
DSM system allows shared memory block to be dynamically
The following issues must be addressed when the available space
for caching shared data fills up at a node:
1. Which block should be replaced to make space for a newly
required block?
2. Where should the replaced block be placed?
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Which Block to Replace?
Classification of replacement algorithms:
1. Usage based verses non-usage based
2. Fixed space verses variable space
1. Usage based verses non-usage based:
Example: Least recently used (LRU) Example: First in first out (FIFO)
algorithm. algorithm.
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& Technology
Which Block to Replace?
Classification of replacement algorithms:
1. Usage based verses non-usage based
2. Fixed space verses variable space
2. Fixed Space verses variable space:
Fixed Space Algorithm Variable Space Algorithm
Fixed space algorithms assume that the Variable space algorithm assume that
cache size is fixed. the cache size can be changed
Replacement in fixed space algorithms In variable space algorithm, fetch does
simply involves the selection of a not imply a replacement, and a swap-
specific cache line. out can take place without a
corresponding fetch.
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 65
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Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Where to Place a Replaced Block?
The two commonly used approaches for storing a useful block as
1. Using secondary store:
• The block is simply transferred on to a local disc.
• Advantage: it does not waste any memory space.
2. Using the memory space of other nodes:
• It may be faster to transfer a block over the network than to
transfer it to a local disc.
• Methods require each node to maintain a table of free
memory space in all other nodes.
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 66
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Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Thrashing is said to occur when the system spends a large amount
of time transferring shared data blocks from one node to another.
Thrashing may occur in following situation:
• When interleaved data accesses made by processes on two or
more nodes.
• When blocks with read only permissions are repeatedly
invalidated soon after they are replicated.
• Thrashing degrades system performance considerably.
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 67
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Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Methods for solving Thrashing problems:
1. Providing application controlled locks
• Locking data to prevent other node from accessing for a short period
of time can reduce Thrashing.
2. Nailing a block to a node for a minimum amount of time
• Disallow a block to be taken away from a node until a minimum
amount of time elapses after its allocation to that node.
• Drawback: It is very difficult to choose the appropriate value for the
3. Tailoring the coherence algorithm to the shared-data usage patterns
• Thrashing can also be minimized by using different coherence
protocols for shared data having different characteristics.
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 68
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Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Advantages & Disadvantages of DSM
• Scales well with a large number of nodes.
• Message passing is hidden.
• Can handle complex and large databases without replication or
sending the data to processes.
• Generally cheaper than using a multiprocessor system.
• Provides large virtual memory space.
• Programs are more portable due to common programming
• Programs written for shared memory multiprocessors can be
run on DSM systems with minimum changes.
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 69
69 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Advantages & Disadvantages of DSM
• Generally slower to access than non-distributed shared
• Must provide additional protection against simultaneous
accesses to shared data.
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 70
70 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
End of Unit-6
Unit 6:
6: Distributed
Distributed Shared
Shared Memory
Memory 71
71 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology