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There is no measurement that is 100% accurate.
- because any reading of a scale on an instrument has a limit to
its accuracy . ( There are other reasons ).
e.g. 0 1 cm 2 cm

What is the length, x ?

Your answer may be x = 0.93 cm.
But the second decimal place is only a guess and any
reading more accurate that 2 decimal places is clearly
There is therefore a certain amount of uncertainty in any
measurement. This uncertainty is called the error in the
Lets say , the error in the above reading for x is estimated
to be x.
Then the reading for x is written as
x = 0.93  x cm
Usually, for a scale reading, the estimated error is
taken as ½ the smallest division on the scale.

 x = 0.93  0.05 cm
There are 2 classes of errors :

1. Systematic error : usually occurs repeatedly. That is, the

error is the same for every measurement taken.
e.g.1. ‘Zero error’ : due to instrument that does not start from
e.g.2. Absolute error : the type of error for x ,mentioned earlier.

Systematic error is usually constant ( fixed magnitude),

and cannot be reduced by averaging.

Systematic error may be reduced by :

-Readjusting the instrument, rebuilding the instrument.
-Using a more accurate instrument.
Sources of systematic error :
i. Scale error : -includes zero error and absolute
-scale calibrated at 20oC but used at a different
ii. Instrument error : - Coiled meter that’s in a
non uniform magnetic field.
- micrometer screw gauge with non uniform
thread distance.
iii. Human error : Biasness in taking reading.
iv. State of the environment : temperature,
gravity, charge in the surrounding, pressure,
v. Experimental setup.
Random error :
Usually has the same probability of being either positive
or negative from the actual value.
e.g. i. Parallax error .
ii. The non uniformity of the quantity to be measured.
– diameter of a test-tube.
Random error can be reduced by averaging or finding
the min value.
e.g. To measure the diameter of a wire, 6 micrometer
readings were made.
d(mm) : 1.25 , 1.24 , 1.22 , 1.26 , 1.24 , 1.22

Min d = 1.24 mm

deviation, d  d : 0.01, 0.00, 0.02, 0.02, 0.00, 0.02

Min deviation = 0.01

 d = 1.24  0.01 mm
Question 1 : A student takes the following readings of the diameter of a
wire : 1.52 mm, 1.48 mm, 1.49 mm, 1.51 mm, 1.49 mm.
Which of the following would be the best way to express
the diameter of the wire in the student’s report ?

A between 1.48 mm and 1.52 mm

B 1.5 mm
C 1.498 mm
D (1.498  0.012)mm
E (1.50  0.01)mm

Question 2 : Which of the following experimental
techniques reduces the systematic error
of the quantity being investigated ?
A. Timing a large number of oscilations to find a period .
B. Measuring several internodal distances on a standing
wave to find the mean internodal distance.
C. Measuring the diameter of a wire repeatedly and
calculating the average.
D. Adjusting an ammeter to remove its zero error before
measuring a current.
E. Plotting a series of voltage and current readings for an
ohmic device on a graph and using its gradient to find

Answer :
1. E Back to Question 1
2. D Back to Question 2

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