Activity 4: Writing My First Lesson Plan: Here Starts The Lesson!
Activity 4: Writing My First Lesson Plan: Here Starts The Lesson!
Activity 4: Writing My First Lesson Plan: Here Starts The Lesson!
Here starts the
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this learning activity, the FS students should be able to:
1. What do you observe about the format of the A lesson plan is designed as the instructor's road
lesson plans presented to you? map of what the students need to learn during the
discussion of the topic and how it will be done
effectively during the class time. Designing
appropriate learning activities and develop
strategies to obtain feedback on student effective
learning. The lesson plan should include the tasks
or activities of the lesson. The tasks are to be
undertaken by both the learners and the instructor.
In making a lesson plan, first, you should identify
your goal or objectives. Then, as an instructor, you
should determine the needs of your students and
plan your resources and materials needed. After
preparing those things, start to engage your
students, instruct and present information, ends
the lesson effectively and evaluate the learnings of
your learners.
Describing the format of the lesson plan, we can
see that it starts with the objectives and ends with
the evaluating the learning of the learners. It is
necessary to determine and organize the flow of
your lesson plan to be able to teach and transmit
the informations effectively. Teachers feel their
instruction is more effective when they are in flow.
Both flow and the strategy on teaching is
important to the learning process of the students.
As I observe the format of the lesson plans
presented to us, The lesson plan format was focus
on the different activities that can contribute to
the enhancing the knowledge of the learners.
2. Describe the parts of each lesson plan model
Application - Consolidate what has been learned
and make it relevant.
4A Model Assessment - Students are tested to see how
The 4-A lesson plan model focuses on four main much they have learned and determine if there
concepts. Each is necessary for student success, are gaps in understanding. Assessed what has
and by identifying how they will be used in been learned and what needs to be further
instructional practices, teachers ensure they are developed.
front-and-center. These somewhat broad categories, which we'll
Activate Prior Knowledge - Let students narrow down in a bit, allow teachers to make
discuss or write about what they already know sure students are ready to learn. By activating
that is related to the lesson/activates student’s prior knowledge, students make important
schemas. connections to past learning and prepare their
Acquire New Knowledge - Promote higher order brains for new content. New content is presented
thinking skills-enable students to make and taught, then applied to real-world or past
connections and interconnections between the situations. Finally, an assessment is given to
course material and real-life experiences. Foster determine student understanding.
inquiry throughout lessons and among students.
Explain - The purpose of the Explain phase is
5E Model to support students to develop explanation
skills and using representations. Students
The 5E Model allows the teachers to create a continue to develop knowledge of concepts
unique learning experience for the students. and demonstrate their developing
Teachers who can incorporate instructional understanding.
models like the 5E Model into their classrooms Elaborate - This phase provides opportunities
help students have strong and wide range of for students to apply what they have learned
knowledge. to new situations and develop a deeper
Engage - The purpose of the engage phase is to understanding of the concept. Investigations
enhance students' prior knowledge, get the in the elaborate phase build student
students' interest and help the students to gather capability for science inquiry skills in a
information. Each lesson begins with an activity meaningful context.
or question which mentally engages students. It Evaluate - This final phase provides an
captures student interest, provides an equal opportunity for students to review and reflect
opportunity for all the students and for them to on their own learning. This phase will help the
express their own knowledge and ideas. students to exert more effort on their studies.
Explore - Students are able to do a hands-on
activity in which they can explore the concept or
skill. This phase allows students to acquire a
shared set of experiences that they can refer to
help each other.
Explain - During this stage I would use what
7E Model students had discovered to help them build the
concept/knowledge further. This would involve
The 7 E’s stand for the following. Elicit, Engage, checking and asking questions.
Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Extend and Elaborate - Students may work independently
Evaluate. The following explanation is my take during this stage to demonstrate learning. This
on the 7Es that has been adapted from the BSCS is where students formalize and apply their
5E Engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate. learning.
Elicit - Here you can find out what the students Extend - In this stage you are encouraging the
know (prior knowledge). students to apply or extend the concepts and
Engage - In this stage you want to engage skills in new situations.
interest and curiosity, raise “The BIG questions” Evaluate – It is the section where you the
and introduce new learning through teacher teacher evaluate the learning that has occurred.
explanation modelling. This might involve peer/self-assessment or
Explore – Students should be given marking.
opportunities to work together following the
initial teacher input to solve/explore problems,
building concepts through first-hand experience.
3. What is common to all these lesson plans?
Third the Procedure: The procedure makes up
the body of the plan, it explains how the lesson
The common to all these parts of a lesson plan will progress step by step. Fourth the
are, first the Objectives: This is possibly the Evaluation: Teachers use evaluation to
most important components of a lesson plan; determine how well students understand what
they are the reason the lesson exists and they've learned in a lesson. This can be as
should drive the activities. Giving the entire simple as some multiple-choice questions or a
lesson a statement of purpose is realistically formative test. Teachers will then want to look
the first thing a teacher should do. Teachers at the percentage of students who correctly
should begin with objectives that address what answered the questions. Lastly, the
students will be capable of doing by the end of Assignment: The assignment component of a
the lesson. They may include words like plan consists of questions, exercises, and a set
explain, create, define, or use as a few of practice activities specified by the teacher,
examples. Second the Subject matter: It including focused specific questions.
includes the specific topic and how it relates to
the Curriculum. It should include sources of
information or references, whether they are
websites, textbooks, or other materials. It most
likely also includes a list of any objects or tools
that teachers can use to supplement their
4. What are the major parts of a lesson plan?
In constructing the lesson plan, we have five (5) major parts namely:
We think that 5E’s model of lesson plan is For us, the most difficult model of lesson plan
easy to construct because the activities and to construct is the 4A model, because this
the tools are set up and the lesson sequence model is typically used in a learner-centered
is well thought out and the objectives is setup of a classroom. Designing this type of
thoroughly covered. The 5E model uses to classroom is always a challenge for every
sequence lesson and activities which provide teacher.
the best first instruction for the students. It
is provides a carefully planned sequence of
instruction that places students at the
center of the learning.
What teaching method is used in each plan? Why Describe the congruence of the lesson plan from
did you say so? the intended learning outcomes to the supporting
activities and assessments?
Each plan used interactive or participative method in The lesson plan's compatibility, particularly its
teaching because it shows instructing where teachers sections from the targeted learning outcomes
actively involve his/her students in the learning to the supporting activities, is precise, relevant,
process using the regular way where teacher-student and interrelated. When creating a lesson plan,
interaction and student-student interaction, during
it is critical to achieve the ILO and effectively
the learning process, the teacher uses various
materials like audio-visuals, and hands-on
carry out the discussion as well as all of the
demonstrations so the students are constantly targeted activities or performance tasks so that
encouraged to be active participants which promotes they would fully understand the material. The
active and collaborative learning in which students activities depicted were significant and met the
will work together to solve problems given by their ILO, demonstrating transparency, which is
teacher. essential and excellent in making a lesson
plan. Aside from the transparency displayed,
the topic was delivered appropriately and
smoothly by emphasizing thinking skills such
like analyzing, understanding and recalling
prior knowledge.
Susi sa
1. B
2. D
3. A 11. C
4. C 12. C.
5. C 13. A.
6. C 14. A
7. D 15. D
8. D 16. A
9. C 17. B
10. B 18. B
19. A
20. A
Final Lesson Plan
Reflection The first challenge that we faced in designing
the lesson plan was coming up with learning
What challenges did you encounter in objectives. This is an important aspect of
writing your lesson plan? How will you every lesson plan since it directs our
address these challenges? instruction. Our discussion, activities, and
exam are all meant to aid students in
meeting the learning objectives. when
designing the learning objectives. We make
sure that the specified competencies are
connected to the existing curriculum,
specifically the K-12 Curriculum, when
designing the learning objectives. Second
challenge is to capture the students' interest
and make my discussion interactive, which
has become more difficult to handle as a
result of our current teaching setup (virtual
class). In this case, we created an activity
that would be entertaining and engaging for
the students.
Thank you
for listening!