Technical Writing Chapter-02: "Writing Comes More Easily If You Have Something To Say." - Sholem Asch

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“Writing comes more easily if you have

something to say.”
- Sholem Asch
Technical Writing is the practical writing that most
managers do as part of their job.

 To inform
 To instruct and
 To persuade
 1. Is aimed at a specific audience. Technical writers
generate documents keeping the audience characteristics
and requirements in mind.
 2. Is framed in simple objective language with terminology
that the audience understands. Unnecessary elaboration of
feelings or emotional interpretation of the subject is avoided.
 3. Good technical writing is well structured, thus enabling the
reader to easily assimilate the information.
 4. Technical Writing is generally is aided with the use of
visuals like graphs, tables and drawings. These enhance the
effectiveness of the written document.
 Pre Writing : Planning
 1.Audience,
 2.Goal,
 3.Constraints,

4.Gist of the document.
 Writing : Drafting and Revising
 1.Content, 2.Style, 3.Accuracy.
 Post Writing : Finishing
Technical Proposals

 A written document to persuade the

reader for a suggested plan of
 Proposals are persuasive documents, as these try
to convince the reader of the suitability of a
particular course of action.
 Generally written for an external audience.
 They may be solicited or unsolicited.
 They vary from a couple of pages to several pages
in length.
 Proposals may be made by individuals or
organizations to individuals or organizations.
Types of Proposals

 Solicited

 Unsolicited
 Form of a letter : Within the organizations
 Form proposal : Fixed format by different
organizations based upon the purpose.

 Objective statement
 Background
 Need
 Procedure/Discussion of the plan
 Qualifications
 Request for Approval
 Appendix
Topic Readers’ Question Your persuasive point
*Introduction What is the communication Briefly, I propose to do the following.
*Problem Why the proposed project is The proposed project addresses a
needed? problem, need, or goal that is important
to you.

Objective What features will a solution to A successful solution can be achieved if

the problem need in order to it has these features.
be successful?
*Solution What will your proposed Here’s what plan to produce, and it has
solution looks like? features necessary for success.

Method Are you going to be able to Yes, because I have a good plan of
Resources deliver what you describe action (method), the necessary facilities,
Schedule here? equipment, and other resources, a
Qualifications workable schedule, appropriate
Management Qualifications , and a sound
management plan.

*Costs What will it cost? The cost is reasonable.

What is a Report?

 Is a logical presentation of facts and

information. It is a logical and coherent
structuring of information, ideas and
concepts. It is a basic tool on which decisions
can be used.
 “ a communication from someone who has
some information to some one who needs
that information.”
---- C.A.Brown
 Generally submitted to a higher authority
 Communicate upwards in an organization
 Logically organized
 Objective in tone
 For a limited audience
 Both short and long
 Reports give factual information to the management
 Reports record facts and results of investigations or
surveys for future reference
 Reports are useful tools for providing shareholders,
customers, creditors and general public with useful
 Based on detailed investigations, reports give
recommendations that can be used in future.
 1. Conveyor of information
 2.Review and evaluate operations
 Decision making
 Better coordination
 Tools for measuring performance
 Help in making desirable changes
Types of Reports
 Oral reports / Written reports
 Informational
 Analytical
 1. On the basis of formality – Formal and Informal
 2. On the basis of frequency or issue-
Period/Routine and Special Reports
 3.On the basis of function- Informative and
 4.On the basis of the nature of the subject-
Problem-determining, Fact-finding, Performance
report and Technical report
Analytical Report
 Comprises stages in which there is a proper
identification of the problem, analysis and
subsequent interpretation. Recommendations or
suggestions are then incorporated in the report,
depending upon what is required by the report
 Four Stage Process :
 1. Problem identification
 2. Analysis
 3. Interpretation
 4. Recommendations
Writing a report

 Things to remember:
 Purpose of the report
 Time within which it is to be submitted
 Level of authority for which it is intended
 Procedure

 Determination of the purpose of the report

 Identify the audience
 Collection of the data
 Identification and classification of data
 Outline the report
 Prepare the final report
 Present the report
 1. Title page
 2. Table of Contents
 3. Acknowledgements
 4. Executive Summary ( Abstract or Synopsis)
 5. Body of the report : a) Introduction, b)
Procedures/methods, c) Analysis & Findings, d)
Conclusion and e) Recommendations
 6. Appendices
 7.Bibliography
 Preliminary Section:
1. Title Page
2. Letter or Memo of Transmittal
3. Table of Contents
4. List of illustrations
5. Executive Summary
6. Main Body : Introduction, Statement of the
Problem, Purpose of the study, Scope, Literature,
Unfamiliar Terms, Findings, Analysis
7. Conclusion
8. Recommendations/Suggestions
 Supplementary Section
 9.Glossory
 10. Appendix
 11.Bibliography/Webliography-References
Executive summary
 Very important part of a report
 Extends from a paragraph to two pages in length
 Should include a bit of all components of the report
 No particular part of the report should dominate
 Written after the entire report is complete
 Gives a gist/summary of what is there in the report
 Is an independent document and may be circulated to people
who do not have the time to read the entire report
 Should not be a cut and paste activity from the main report
 It should be written afresh
 It should also be very accurate, as decisions might be taken
based on just the executive summary
Body of the report
 Consists of the following
 Introduction: Gives brief background
 Procedures/Methods: Outlines how the data
was collected, observations etc.,
 Analysis & Findings: The major findings after
the analysis of data is presented in an
organized, logical and objective form.
 Conclusion: States what the findings have
shown, objectively. It is different from an
executive summary and should not be
confused with it.
 Recommendations:
* Should logically flow from the conclusion
* Generally expressed in future tense
* Outlines direct possible course of action
* No explanation of action is required in
 Appendices: It includes information that doesn’t fit
into the text but essential, like charts, data and
graphs etc.
 Bibliography:
 List of references used in the preparation of the
report including citations of all web sites, books and
 Consistency should be maintained while citing
 Listed alphabetically by author’s last name
 Various formats are available for bibliographies
Mechanics of Report

 Cover
 Margins
 Spacing
 Heading
 Numbering

 Accuracy, Clarity, Consistency,

Objectivity, Completeness,
Brevity, Simplicity, Appearance,
Reliability and Timeliness
Distinction between Reports and Proposals
Reports Proposals

A report is nearly always solicited. A proposal can be either solicited or

It is an official means of giving
information. It is a sales device/or a tool for
It concerns the past.
It concerns the future.
It is just a statement.
It is a request for action.
It need not be convincing.
Its success lies in a favorable
It does not await a decision. decision.

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