The Ethics of Pollution Control

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The Ethics of Pollution Control

Ecological Ethics
• Ecological System: Sejumlah organisme
dan lingkungan yang saling berhubungan
dan bergantung satu sama lain. Contoh:
danau dan isinya.
Ecological Ethics
• Ecological Ethics: Sebuah etika yang
menyatakan bahwa kesejahteraan dari
organisme (bukan manusia) dari
organisme yang bukan manusia adalah
berharga secara intrinsik, sehingga
manusia harus bisa menghargai &
Ecological Ethics

• Cth: Pada tahun 1990, para aktivis

lingkungan mengirimkan petisi kepada US.
Fish & Wildlife Service karena Timber
Industry membahayakan kelangsungan
hidup Burung Hantu.
Environmental Rights & Absolute
• Blackstone: “People have a right to have a
decent environment, …”
• Why? Seseorang memiliki hak moral jika
dengan kepemilikannya atas sesuatu
sangat penting untuk mendukungnya
mendapatkan hidup yang livable.
• Thus, livable environment is very essential
for people to have a livable life
Kelemahan Pernyataan Blackstone
• Kurang dapat memberikan gambaran
tentang hal-hal berikut:
– How much pollution control is needed?
– Should we have absolute ban on pollution?
• Cost untuk menghilangkan sejumlah
polusi lebih besar dibandingkan benefits
yang didapatkan
• Hilangnya lapangan kerja

• Maka dari itu, diperlukan cost & benefit

Markets & Partial Control
• Blackstone’s -> Environmental Problem =
Market Defects
– Jika suatu industri mencemari lingkungan ->
market ptice akan komoditinya tidak akan lagi
merefleksikan cost sesungguhnya dalam
memproduksi komoditi tersebut.
• Misallocation of resources
• Increasing number of waste
• Inefficient distribution of commodities
 society harmed -> welfare menurun.
Private Cost & Social Cost
• Private cost: Cost an individual/company
must pay in order to engage in particular
economic activity
• Social cost: The private internal cost and
the wider external costs of engaging in a
particular economic activity
• Private costs of production are less than
the social costs -> Market with pollution
don’t impose an optimal discipline on
producers -> social utility dropped
• Pollution violates justice of fairness that
character sizes a free competitive market
– When market generates pollution -> external costs
that some people have to pay in addition to what they
pay for the goods is higher:
• People who live near electric plant that rains a coal soot on
them: higher doctor bills, cleaning bills, declining property
value -> nothing in return
• Producer who pollutes -> imposed costs people
don not voluntarily choose -> cannot leave the
• Therefore, Pollution violates utility, justica &
• Internalization of the costs of pollution:
– Absorption of costs by the producer, who
takes them into account when determining the
price of goods
• Polluting agent to pay for all of those being harmed
– Problem: Problem -> It is not always clear:who is
damaged by whom?
– How much environmental damage caused by several
– Stop polluting at its source by installing
pollution control devices
• Environmental injustice: the bearing of
external costs of pollution largely by those
who do not enjoy the net benefit from the
activity that produces pollution.
• Internalizing external costs -> consistent with the
requirements of retributive & compensatory
– Cost of pollution control should be borne by those
who cause pollution and who have benefited from
pollution activities (stockholders & consumers)
– The benefits of pollution control –> the people who
have had to bear the external costs of pollution
(neighbors who once had to put up with the firm’s

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