my Presentation
Credit Credit management
• credit is generally defined as a • It is the process of granting
contract agreement in which a credit, setting the terms on which
borrower receives a sum of it is granted, recovering this
money or something of value credit when it is due, and
and repays the lender at a later ensuring compliance with
date, generally with interest. company credit policy, among
other credit related functions.
About United Commercial Bank
• United Commercial Bank Limited (UCBL) is a Bangladesh based
private commercial bank that provides banking services. The services
include corporate and retail banking, loans, and credit cards, online
Banking and money transfer services.
• As a fully licensed commercial bank, UCBL is being managed by a
highly professional and dedicated team with long experience in
Credits Product of UCB
SME & Micro Credit • Home Loan
• This program Small & Medium Home loan amount depends on your
Enterprises Financing is being repayment capability. A number of
implemented in the Bank from 2005.
The main objective is to promote and factors such as your monthly net
establish the Small & Medium disposable income, age,
Enterprises of Bangladesh as an qualifications, value of immoveable
efficient and profitable business property, Number of family
concern with a view to ensure the members and dependents, monthly
economic development of the country expense, other fixed obligations,
by increasing local productions, nature of Job/business, saving habits
generating income & employment risks.
etc. are taken into consideration.
Loan Issuing Procedures of UCB
Getting Credit Information
United Commercial Bank Limited collects credit information about the
applicant to determine the credit worthiness of the borrower. The bank
collects the information about the borrower from the following sources:
• Personal investigation
• Confidential report from other bank head Office/ Branch/ chamber of
the commerce
• CIB report of Central Bank
Loan Issuing Procedures of UCB
Information Collection
• Name and address of the borrower (present and permanent)
• Constitution or status of the business
• Date of establishment and place of incorporation
• Particulars of properties, Partners and Directors
• Background and business experience of the borrowers.
Analyzing this Information
United Commercial Bank Limited then starts examination whether the
loan applied for, is complying with is landing policy. If comply, then
examines the documents submitted and the credit worthiness. Credit
worthiness analysis, i.e. analysis financial conditions of the loan
applicant is very important
Lending Risk Analysis (LRA) Analyzing this Information
• LRA is very important and vital • United Commercial Bank Limited
analysis for deciding whether then starts examination whether
the loan proposal is potential or the loan applied for, is complying
not. Many types of scientific, with is landing policy. If comply,
mathematical, statistical and then examines the documents
managerial tools and devices are submitted and the credit
required to perform this worthiness. Credit worthiness
analysis. analysis, i.e. analysis financial
conditions of the loan applicant is
very important
Final Decision about the Project Proper Supervision of the Project
• If the loan decision remains with • If such provision is kept in the
the branch level, that branch sanction contracts, the United
sanctions the loan and if the Commercial Bank Limited
approving authority is Head officials go to the project area to
Office then the decision comes to observe how the loan is utilized.
the branch by telex or fax. If no such clause to supervise the
loan is added, even then the bank
can see the performance of the
Documentation on the loan