Unit 6 Human Capital Management: By: Vivi Triyanti
Unit 6 Human Capital Management: By: Vivi Triyanti
Unit 6 Human Capital Management: By: Vivi Triyanti
Lesson Overview :
In this lesson you will obtain an overview of the functions
of the mySAP ERP Human Capital Management Solution
Lesson Objective :
• Outline the task associated within Human Capital
• Explain how SAP within mySAP ERP Human Capital
Management support the key processes in Human Capital
Nature of Human Resource Management
Overview (6-2)
• To compete effectively, you need to align
all corporate resource – including
employees – with business obj
Traditional Comprehensive
HR Program for
Traditional vs comprehensive
-Tidak ada kejelasan kompetensi yang harus
dimiliki suatu job
-Hire personnel cuma based on jurusannya
-Tool evaluasi kary sama untuk tiap job
-Pengadaan (jenis dan waktunya) pelatihan
karena kebiasaan
-Tidak ada arahan seorang kary harus ikut
pelatihan apa
Traditional vs comprehensive
-Tujuan persh diterjemahkan ke job yang
memiliki kompetensi
-Hire personnel based on kompetensi
-Bisa evaluasi kemampuan kary bisa beda
untuk tiap job (sesuai kompetensi )
-Pengadaan (jenis dan waktunya) pelatihan
karena kebutuhan (based on profille match up)
-Kary diarahkan untuk ikut pelatihan yang
dibutuhkan kompetensinya
mySAP ERP – HCM (6-2)
• Maximize value of employee
• Align employee skill, activities, and
incentives with business objectives and
• Provide tools to manage, measure, and
reward individual and team contribution
mySAP ERP Human Capital Management (6-2)
Organizational Plan/Management (6-3)
• Organizational Units
describe the various business units in your organization
• Jobs
A group of related activities and duties, held by a single
employee or a number of employees
• Positions
The collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by
one person
• Persons
occupy positions within the organizational structure
Organizational Management
• Organizational Unit
describe the various business units and its relationships
in org – become org structure
Atma Jaya mempunyai business unit “universitas”.
Universitas bisa terbagi scr fungsional: fakultas, lembaga
penelitan (LPPM), BAA, BAK, dll.
Fakultas punya jurusan.
Organizational Management Example
B u r e a u c r a tic S tr u c tu r e
P r e s id e n t
V ic e P r e s id e n t V ic e P r e s id e n t
C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir C h a ir
Organizational Management
• Jobs
= general description or templates that apply to several
positions with comparable requirements, task, and
cont: secretary
req: excelent typing skill, good writing in eng
task : job desc (menyelesaikan masalah surat menyurat,
membuat schedule harian atasan, dll)
characteristics: office work, standard working hr
Organizational Management
• Positions
The smallest organizational units of the
organizational structure.
They represent the distribution of tasks
among individual employees in org
Position are occupied by persons
Job: dekan
Position : dekan FT Prof Hadi Sutanto
Organizational Management
• Person
person occupy positions within
organizational structure. They represent
employees in the org
Employee data di mdl Personnel Mngm
Activity of assigning employee to specific
position (ex: through hiring or transfer
process) di mdl personnel administration
Organizational Management
job Position
Position Person
Bejo ( Person)
• Enterprise Structure
Client : 800
Company Code : PT. XYZ
Personnel Area : Semarang
Personnel Sub Area : B/O
H C M Structures Example (Cont..)
Bejo ( Person)
• Personnel Structure
Employee Group : Active/ Retire/ NA/ Terminated
Employee Sub Group : FT/PT/Outsource
Payroll Area : 1st monthly/weekly
• Organizational Plan/Management
Org. Unit : Sales
Position : Sales Manager
Job : Manager
User : SAP01-XX
HR Master Data (hal 3-8)
Personnel Development (6-8)
Mdl Pers Dev to plan and realize pers dev
and further education and training for
employee, with integration with mdl
Training and Event Management
Req of job
Compare Pers. Dev.
Emp. Existing Requirement
qualifications matchup
Personnel Development
• Informations to be compared is stored in
• Results dari profile matchup
1. qualifying actions (trainee program,
courses, etc) for the employee
2. Appraisal based on employee
performance and behavior
3. Trigger dr training proposal
Processes in Training and Event Management
Processes in Training and Event Management
Training and Event Management
• Training
– A process whereby people acquire capabilities to aid
in the achievement of organizational goals.
– Employers spend $60 billion on training annually.
• The Context of Training
– Organization Competitiveness and Training
• Training make organizations more competitive
• Training helps retain valuable employees
• Training is no longer the first casualty of a business
Training and Event Management (6-9)
Integrated to:
- Training and Event management
- Controlling and logistics (to activity
Time Management
Time Mngm: Recording time data
• Recording time data : hours worked, vacation,
off-site work, or subtitutions
• Cont: dari maintenance
Wages Giving
Performance Identifying
Salaries Feedback
Feedback and
• In modul Personnel Development
• To carry out standardize appraisal with the
highest level of objectivity
• Including:
- planning
- review
- execution
- evaluation of the appraisal submitted
Appraisal: Integration
Integration to other mySAP modul:
• Personnel Dev: Transfer req profiles from positions or
qualifications to employees individual objective setting
• SAP Srategic Enterprise Mngm: Transfer strategic goals
derived from the higher level corporate to employees
individual objective setting agreement
• Personnel Dev : After appraisal, can update employee
qualification profile in Personnel Development, or adjust
the remuneration
• Compensation Mngm: adjust compensation
• SAP Business Inf Warehouse (SAP BW): compile
special analysis of the appraisal result
Appraisal: Example
Target Nilai Nilai
Sell 50 unit/mnth Good 40
Get 5 new clients/mnth Very good 50
Total 90
IT 8 ,IT 14,IT 15
Compensation Mngm: example
- If nilai appraisal > 90 dan kerja > 3 th
- Masuk ke
Infotype 15: additional payment -> dr
comp mngm
Infotype 8 : basic pay Dr personnel
Infotype 14: deduction mngm
Compensation Mngm: example
Lanjutan Cont:
- Dihitung semua (including pehitungan pajak,
jamsostek, dll) payroll
- Hasil akhir bisa per hari, mingu, bulan, dll