Asphalt Mix Design-Marshall Method: Rajib Chattaraj Astt. Chief Engineer, NH, PW (R) D
Asphalt Mix Design-Marshall Method: Rajib Chattaraj Astt. Chief Engineer, NH, PW (R) D
Asphalt Mix Design-Marshall Method: Rajib Chattaraj Astt. Chief Engineer, NH, PW (R) D
Marshall Method
Rajib Chattaraj
Astt. Chief Engineer,
The aim of the Mix Design
• Asphalt Mix Design is a very delicate engineering
• It has to address many criteria : strength ,
stability, durability, impermeability , workability,
surface skid resistance, resistance against fatigue
cracking and rutting, appearance etc.
• But the fundamental performance properties are
not measured in the design mix, those are
indirectly assessed by some empirical parameters.
The aim of the Mix Design-contd.
The parameters which have to be taken into account to
achieve the desired criteria are :
• Sufficient asphalt or bitumen in the mix to ensure durable
• Sufficient voids in the compacted mix to allow a slight
amount of expansion of asphalt due to increase in
temperature and also by the action of additional
compaction under the effect of traffic movement specially
in summer season when viscosity of the binder comes
down a bit, without flushing, bleeding and loss of
The aim of the Mix Design-contd.
• Maximum void content in the mix to restrict the ingress
of air and moisture causing early aging of the binder.
• Sufficient mix stability to satisfy the demand of traffic
without distortion or displacement.
• Sufficient workability to permit efficient placement
without segregation and without sacrificing stability
and performance.
• To provide sufficient skid resistance of the surface mix
specially in unfavourable weather condition.
• To provide a good appearance of the pavement surface
as well as to provide a noise-less smooth interaction
with the pneumatic tyres of the vehicles.
Ultimate objective of the design mix
Ref: MS-2
Basic concept –contd.
• In laboratory, the field compaction under the action of heavy traffic
(more than 1 msa) is simulated by preparing Marshall mould with
75 numbers of blows ( impact type) on either side. Medium traffic
(0.01 msa to 1 msa) is simulated in laboratory by 50 number of
blows on either side and light traffic( less than 0.01 msa) is
simulated by 35 number of blows on either side. These limits are as
defined in MS-2 and as per US standard. But in India, because of
constraints in width of many roads and overloading problem, the
traffic volume in terms of Msa is much more. Here research work is
needed for reflecting the actual traffic condition in laboratory and
also according to the Indian weather condition.
• In USA, it is done by implementation of Superpave method of mix
design where both the traffic condition and weather condition has
been duly taken care off. The type of laboratory compaction in
Superpave method is also gyratory type which is very close to
actual field condition , instead of impact type in Marshall method.
Steps of Marshall Method of Mix Design
1. Aggregate Gradation
• For different dense graded mixes, there is a definite range of upper and
lower limit of percentage of passing of aggregates corresponding to
different sieve sizes.
• These ranges have been adopted after many research, experience,
permutation & combination taking care of the factors narrated earlier.
• In MoRTH specification or IRC:111, no criteria is laid down to select
aggregate gradation other than specifying upper and lower limit. In
absence of that, the mid-point gradation is often taken as the target
Job Mix Formula.
• It is not the best idea. With the available aggregates, by varying
proportions of different sizes of aggregates being with in the MoRTH
range, say 3 to 4 gradation curves may be selected.
• The curve which will yield maximum VMA as well as the other criteria
are also satisfied, should be selected as the design JMF .
• Thus, the right term to use is to optimise VMA, not to maximise it.
Optimization of VMA
Testing done
as per
IS:2386 (Part
How Effective Specific Gravity can be found out
• Effective Specific Gravity of the aggregate gradation is the property and it is unique if the
source and grading proportion is not changed.
• It is the parameter of interest for asphalt mix design.
• It can be determined after determination of Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity
determination test as per ASTM D 2041 which is also called RICE density, after the name of the
• MS-2 is saying, after calculating the effective specific gravity of the aggregate from each
measured maximum specific gravity of the mix for different bitumen content and averaging Gse
results, the maximum specific gravity of the mix for any other asphalt content can be obtained
by applying the formula.
• However, some better fine tuning is possible. As Gse of the aggregate is constant for all
practical purposes, (also supported by MS-2), and determination of G mm by testing as per the
method ASTM D 2041 gives best result when the asphalt content of the mix is near to design
asphalt content, it is better way to calculate Gse value by the formula with G mm value
determined by test with asphalt content close to design asphalt content and use this constant
value of Gse for calculation of Gmm value by using formula for other asphalt contents rather
than averaging Gse results as suggested by MS-2.
• In absence of the testing arrangement of Maximum theoretical specific gravity test, a method
which is adopted to determine Effective Specific Gravity by averaging the Bulk Specific Gravity
and the Apparent Specific Gravity, but this is incorrect method.
• For properly taking care of the delicacy of asphalt mix design, effective specific gravity
determination is not desirable to be determined by averaging bulk specific gravity and apparent
specific Gravity.
Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity as per
ASTM D 2041
Determination of Effective Specific Gravity from
the test of theoretical max. specific gravity
• The result of Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity
(Gmm ) of loose mix can be found out most
accurately when the bitumen content is near to the
design bitumen content.
• That means for DBM Gr-II, the test bitumen content
should be around 4.4% to 4.6%. For BC Gr-I, it should
be around 5.1% to 5.3%.
• After finalisation of Aggregate gradation by
optimization of VMA as described earlier, G mm should
be determined with the bitumen content close to
design bitumen content .
Determination of Effective Specific Gravity from
the test of theoretical max. specific gravity
Text Reference:
Representation of a compacted bituminous mix by
Phase Diagram
Reference: MS-2
Details of the calculation of different parameters
• Gmm was determined by testing with the bitumen content 4.5 % (for DBM
mix), and found to be 2.621.
• With this value, from the formula shown in the earlier page, G se has been
determined as 2.827. For this particular aggregate gradation, source
remaining same, it is unique, a property of that aggregate gradation. Thus
for all variation of the bitumen content in the above table, it is same.
• Again, Gmm has to be determined for different bitumen content. This time
it is not required to go for testing, because in that case, it will be
inaccurate. The test gives the best result only when the bitumen content
is close to the design bitumen content. Thus, this time it is determined by
formula shown on the earlier slide, analytically.
• Compacted bulk density of the mix is determined as the average value of at
least three Marshall moulds of same bitumen content, by taking weight in
air and determining volume by measuring dimensions of the saturated
surface dry specimens, thereby determining density (AASHTO T 166). This
is allowed when the water absorption of the mineral aggregate is less
than 2%. If more, bulk density of the moulds have to be determined by
paraffin coating method (AASHTO T 275).
Determining Gmb using the SSD method
• The SSD method is intended to be used for compacted
mixture specimens with water absorption less than or
equal to 2.0 percent of the specimen volume as
designated in AASHTO T 166 or ASTM D2726.
• After mixing, aging and compacting the mixture, the
mass of the sample is determined in air (dry), while
submerged in water, and then in air again after drying
the surface (saturated surface dry). The mass of the
oven-dry specimen is being determined. The next step
is to place the specimen in the water bath directly
below the scale and determine its mass under water.
Determining Gmb using the SSD method
• The last step is to determine the mass
of the saturated surface dry specimen
in air. The saturated surface dry (SSD)
mass is obtained by quickly blotting
the sample so that the surface is not
shiny. The bulk specific gravity is the
mass of the sample divided by the
mass (volume) of water it displaces.
• Gmb = A/(B-C) where:
• A = dry mass of the specimen in air,
• B = saturated surface-dry (SSD) mass
of the specimen in air
• C = mass of the specimen in water at Text and Figure
77°F (25°C) reference: MS-2
Determining Gmb using paraffin coating
• AASHTO T 275 procedures specify that paraffin coating can
be accomplished either through dipping a compacted
asphalt specimen into hot paraffin or by pressing and
sealing pre-manufactured paraffin sheets the specimen
with, called Parafilm. The Asphalt Institute(USA)
recommends that samples be dipped in hot paraffin. The
calculations are as follows :
• Gmb =A/ [ (D-E) – (D-A)/F ]
• where: A = dry mass of the specimen in air, D = mass of
the dry specimen plus paraffin coating in air, E = mass of
the dry specimen plus paraffin coating in water, F =
specific gravity of the paraffin at 25°C (77°F)
Reference : MS-2
3. Calculation of different parameters
Details of the calculation of different parameters- contd.
• For computation of air void, the determined bulk density of the
specimens cast with different bitumen content are compared with the
respective theoretical maximum specific gravity of the mix with the same
bitumen content .
• Air void (Void in Mix, VIM) can not be measured with any instrument but
is analytically determined in terms of volumetric % of the total mix as,
100 % - % of compacted bulk density of the mix compared with respect
to the theoretical maximum specific gravity. Like for 3% bitumen content,
it is 100 - 2.452/2.687 = 8.75 %. For 4% bitumen content, it is 100 -
2.49/2.643 = 5.79 %.
• Volume in Mineral aggregate (VMA) is another important volumetric
property measured in terms of % of the total mix as, 100 – (compacted
bulk density of the mix * aggregate % of the mix) / bulk specific gravity of
the total aggregate . It is the total of effective bitumen volume and air
void volume.
• Void filled by bitumen (VFB) is the third volumetric property measured in
terms of volume % of VMA and calculated as, (VMA- VIM)/ VMA *100 %.
Details of the calculation of different
parameters- contd.
Courtesy: MS-2
Some important points- worth mentioning
• On the above table, Gse is same for all variation of bitumen content,
which is 2.827.
• If watched carefully, it will be revealed while finding out VMA, average
Bulk Specific Gravity of the aggregates has been used in the formula. But
for Air Void calculation, Effective specific Gravity has been used.
• This is because, VMA is the void in between the aggregates, it has got
nothing to do with the surface pores of the mineral aggregate. Thus,
while calculating VMA it is right to consider Bulk Specific Gravity of the
• Air Void is the void space left out of the Void in Mineral aggregate
(VMA), after bitumen occupies some part of it. This bitumen is the
effective bitumen, a part of the total bitumen added, only after the
absorption of some amount by the surface pores of the mineral
aggregates. That is the concept of Effective Specific Gravity.
• Therefore, for air void calculation, it is appropriate to use Effective
Specific Gravity.
Graphical representation of different parameters with respect to
varied bitumen content
Bulk Density
Flow (mm)
2.600 4.00
2.500 3.50
2.400 3.00
2.300 2.50
2.200 2.00
3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50
Binder Content(%) Binder Content(%)
Stability (kgs)
Flow & Stability are physically
measured parameters whose
ranges are specified. Bulk
Density of the compacted mix
is also taken into consideration
though its range is not
3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00
Binder Content(%)
Graphical representation of different parameters with
respect to varied bitumen content
18.00 90.000
VMA (%)
VFB (%)
13.00 50.000
12.00 40.000
11.00 30.000
3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50
Binder Content(%)
Binder Content(%)
Air Void, Voids in Mineral Aggregates &
Air Voids (%)
Voids filled by bitumen are the three
7.350 volumetric properties of the mix. These
6.000 5.790 are analytically derived, not physically
5.000 measured. Ranges are specified in the
4.000 3.930 3.880
3.410 code. For better performance of the
bituminous mix, volumetric properties
1.000 are much more important than physically
3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00
Binder Content(%)
measured parameters
Determination of the design asphalt content
• MS-2 says that it will not be right to depend on only one particular
parameter for selecting design asphalt content because one single asphalt
content can not address all the issues to the highest extent at the same
• It also says, if one single parameter has the maximum influence on the
overall performance of the mix, it is the percentage air void (VIM).
• An acceptable range of 3 to 5 % air void is used. With this range, 4 % air void
is considered to be the best initial estimate to determine the design
bitumen content which will balance the mix performance. Fine-tuning after
that is done on the basis of other parameters.
• Previously, the optimum bitumen content was derived on the basis of
average of the bitumen contents corresponding to maximum compacted
density of the mix, maximum stability and 4% air void. But this concept has
been changed now.
• In IRC:111(2009), also it is said that the design bitumen content should be
considered corresponding to 4 % air void.
• Superpave method, which is the outcome of modern research also says so.
Determination of design bitumen content will produce a narrow range that passes
all the criteria like it is shown in the above figure. Different properties are more
critical for different circumstances, depending on traffic, climatic condition,
structure, construction equipment used and other factors. Thus, balancing process
should not be the same for every pavement and every mix design. Ultimately,
design asphalt content is a compromise selected to balance all the mix properties.
For deeper understanding of
different aspects of asphalt mix
design, MS-2 may please be studied
in details.
Thank you