Quản Lý Mâu Thuẫn: Conflict Management

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1. Nguyên nhân mâu thuẩn tại nơi làm việc

2. Tạị sao giải quyết mâu thuẩn tại nơi làm việc là
cực kỳ quan trọng.
3. Mô tả các phương pháo giải quyết mâu thuẩn.
4. Liệt kê việc cần và không cần làm trong giải quyết
mâu thuẩn tại nơi làm việc .
5. Mô tả các bước trong tiến trình giải quyết mâu

Conflict is any situation in which (cái mà bạn quan tâm hay

mong đợi khác với người khác )your concerns or
desires differ from those of another person*.

• Some examples of workplace conflict are:

• Disagreement between employees.
• ........

* (From Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument)

• Conflict arises because employees:
– Have different points of view.
– Communicate to one another differently.
– Spend large amounts of time together.
– Depend on one another to “get the job done”.
– Established expectations of one another are not
communicated and then not met.
• Conflict does not always have to be negative.
When employees are able to challenge one
another’s ideas in a supportive environment, new
ideas are generated and fostered.

• It is important to remember that conflict will

always exist between employees. Effective
supervisors have the skills to manage the conflict
process and turn disagreements into ideas.
• Healthy Conflict • Damaging Conflict
• Disagreements that are • Name Calling.
communicated in a • Personal Attacks.
supportive environment
that foster the generation • Silent and Withdrawn,
of new ideas or ways to afraid to speak up
problem solve. • rumors....
• Tension that increases
• Lack of Mutual Respect.
awareness or sheds light on
a growing workplace
• Có bạn nào nêu thí dụ về mâu thuẩn tại bộ
phận các bạn/ cơ quan các bạn để chia sẻ với
lớp học không?
• Bạn nghĩ gì về nguyên nhân mâu thuẩn

• Mâu thuẩn mà bạn thí dụ là lợi hay bất lợi

Tầm quan trọng giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Importance of Resolving Conflict

Why should we get involved? It’s their problem,


WRONG! Managers must learn to manage conflicts

amongst their team members so that the business
continues to run effectively and objectives are
Tầm quan trọng giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Importance of Resolving Conflict
Consequences of Letting Conflict Fester

• Employees not involved in the conflict either

“pile on” or withdraw from the conflict.
– This requires employees to take sides or “check out”
from work entirely.
– Morale and productivity is lowered because
employees are focused on the conflict.
– Employees who work in teams are now divided
because of the conflict.
Tầm quan trọng giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Importance of Resolving Conflict
Consequences of Letting Conflict Fester

• In extreme instances, unresolved conflict can

lead to violent or aggressive situations.
– Potential for employees to become injured.
– The company may have legal risks associated with
violent situations in the workplace.
– Work will slow dramatically or can halt altogether.
Thảo luận
• Bạn hãy mô tả hậu quả của các mâu thuẩn mà
ta vừa thảo luận ở trên
• Câu hỏi hay đề nghị của các bạn
Phương pháp giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Có 5 cách cơ bản để giải quyết mâu thuẩn tại nơi
làm việc :
1. Cạnh tranh (Competing)
2. Hợp tác (Collaborating)
3. Thỏa hiệp (Compromising)
4.Né tránh (Avoiding)
5.Đáp ứng (Accommodating)
Phương pháp giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Cạnh tranh ( Competing)
The Competing Method involves handling the conflict
through ( quyết định đơn phương) unilateral decision
making. This is most appropriately used by managers
and leaders in the workplace.

The Competing Method is used primarily for:

• Situations that involve quick action.
• Instances where there is no compromise or debate.
• Making hard or unpopular decisions.
Phương pháp giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Hợp tác (Collaborating)
The Collaborating Method involves handling the conflict
through team input. This means of handling conflict is
particularly useful if all parties in the conflict want to find
a resolution, but are unable to agree on what the
resolution should be.

The Collaborating Method is used primarily for:

• Gaining support from the team.
• Using the different perspectives as an opportunity to learn.
• Improving relationships through collaboration.
Phương pháp giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Thỏa hiệp : Compromising ( Win – Win)
The Compromising Method involves handling the conflict by
reaching a resolution that involves a “win” on both sides of
the table.

The Compromising Method is used primarily for:

• Resolving issues of moderate to high importance.
• Finding a solution that involves equal power and strong
commitment on both sides.
• Situations where a temporary fix may be needed.
• Backing up a decision that’s been made using the
competing or collaboration methods.
Phương pháp giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Né Tránh (Avoiding)
The Avoiding Method is a way of handling conflict by
making an active decision to not handle the conflict.
This is best used for situations that are not work
related and should be solved through another means.

The Avoiding Method is used primarily for:

• Unimportant or non-work related issues.
• Buying time until a resolution can be reached.
• Recognizing issues as symptoms.
Phương pháp giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Đáp ứng (Accommodating) ( Win – lose )
The Accommodating Method is a way of handling
conflict by allowing the other side to “win.”

The Accommodating Method is used primarily for:

• Maintaining perspective in a conflict situation.
• Making active decisions on what can be “let go”
vs. what needs another method.
• Keeping the peace and creating goodwill.
Thảo luận

• Bạn hãy cho ý kiến về các phương pháp giải

quyết mâu thuẩn
• Cho thí dụ minh họa tại bộ phận/ cơ quan của
Nên và không nên làm
trong giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Nên làm :
– Understand that conflicts are inevitable.
– Resolve to address conflict quickly.
– Focus on the problem.
– Be open to solutions.
– Acknowledge how employees are feeling.
– Listen actively.
Nên và không nên làm
trong giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Không nên làm
– Focus on personality traits that cannot be
– Interrupt.
– Attack.
– Disregard the feelings of the employees.
– Avoid the conflict.
– Allow emotions to take over the conversation.
– Impose personal values or beliefs.
Thảo luận

• Liệt kê điều nên làm / không nên làm trong

giải quyết mâu thuẩn / cụ thể tại bộ phân của
Các bước trong tiến trình
giải quyết mâu thuẩn
1. Nêu rõ không đồng thuận vể cái gì, việc gì .
2. Xây dựng mục tiêu chung từ hai phía
3. Thảo luận cách thức để đáp ứng được mục tiêu chung .
4. Xác định các rào cản để đạt được mục tiêu chung.
5. Đồng thuận cách tốt nhất để giải quyết mâu thuẩn
6. Thừa nhận giải pháp đồng thuận và xác định trách nhiệm của mỗi
bên trong giải quyết mâu thuẩn.

This process should be completed by all parties in the conflict

(“Conflict Resolution Skills for HR Professionals” by Marla Bradley)
Các bước trong tiến trình
giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Nêu rõ không đồng thuận cái gì
Clarifying involves getting to the heart of the conflict. The
goal of this step is to get both sides to agree on what the
disagreement is.

• Discuss what needs are not being met on both sides of the
conflict. Ensure mutual understanding.
• Obtain as much information as possible on each side’s
point of view.
• Continue to ask questions until you are certain that you,
and each side of the conflict understand the issue.
Các bước trong tiến trình
giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Xây dựng mục tiêu chung từ hai phía
In this step of the process, both sides agree on the
desired outcome of the conflict.

• Discuss what each party would like to see happen.
• Find a commonality in both sides as a starting point for
a shared outcome. That commonality can be as simple
as “both sides want to end the conflict.”
Các bước trong tiến trình
giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Discuss ways to meet the common goal
Both sides work together to discuss ways that they
can meet the goal they agreed upon in step 2.

• Brainstorm different approaches to meet the
• Discuss until all the options are exhausted.
Các bước trong tiến trình
giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Determine the barriers to the common goal
In this step of the process, the two parties acknowledge
what has brought them into the conflict.

• Ask: “If we could have the outcome that we both
wanted, how would that look?”
• Define what can and cannot be changed about the
• For the items that cannot be changed, discuss ways of
getting around those road blocks.
Các bước trong tiến trình
giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict
Both parties come to a conclusion on the best resolution.

• Determine a solution that both sides can live with.
• Discuss the responsibility each party has in
maintaining the solution.
• Settle on a means of ensuring that this conflict does
not arise again.
Các bước trong tiến trình
giải quyết mâu thuẩn
Acknowledge the agreed solution and determine the
responsibilities each party has in the resolution
Both sides own their responsibility in the resolution of
the conflict and express aloud what they have agreed

• Get both parties to acknowledge a win-win situation.
• Ask both parties to use phrases such as “I agree to…”
and “I acknowledge that I have responsibility for…”
Thảo luận

• Trình bày suy nghĩ của bạn về các bước trong

giải quyết mâu thuẩn
• Minh họa bằng thí dụ cụ thể một mâu thuẩn
tại đơn vị của bạn và tiến trỉnh giải quyết mâu
thuẩn đó
• Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. There is healthy
and damaging conflict

• Some causes of workplace conflict are:

– Employees with different points of view.
– Employees who communicate differently.
– Spending large amounts of time together.

• It is important to address conflict because unresolved

conflict leads to low morale, productivity, and in
extreme cases, workplace violence.
• The 5 methods of resolving conflict are:
1. Competing
2. Collaborating
3. Compromising
4. Avoiding
5. Accommodating

• The 6 steps in the conflict resolution process are:

1. Clarify what the disagreement is.
2. Establish a common goal for both parties.
3. Discuss ways to meet the common goal.
4. Determine the barriers to the common goal.
5. Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict.
6. Acknowledge the agreed solution and determine the responsibilities
each party has in the resolution.



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