Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building Approach: Scientific Investigation
Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building Approach: Scientific Investigation
Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building Approach: Scientific Investigation
1. Purposiveness
2. Rigor
3. Testability
4. Replicability
5. Precision and confidence
6. Objectivity
7. Generalizability
8. Parsimony
The HD Model
The CIO develops a theory incorporating all the relevant factors
contributing to the lack of access to the MIS by managers in the
organization. From such a theory, the CIO generates various
hypotheses for testing, one among them being:
“Knowledge of the usefulness of MIS would help
managers to put it to greater use”.
Data analysis
The CIO then analyzes the data obtained through the
questionnaire to see what factors prevent the managers from
using the statistical software.
Based on the results, the manager deduces or concludes that
managers do not use MIS owing to certain factors. These
deductions help the CIO to take necessary action to rectify the
situation, which might include, among other things, organizing
seminars for training managers on the use of computers, and
MIS and its usefulness.
This method is abstract.
If the assumption upon which reasoning is based is untrue, the
inferences drawn becomes automatically incorrect.
When universal validity is claimed for the generalization based
upon deduction---- if the premises are incorrect, the result is
not that authentic.
Deduction cannot lead to new knowledge.