This document discusses theories related to the physical self. It covers several aspects of physical development over the lifespan from infancy to old age. Key stages discussed include puberty, adolescence, and adulthood. The document also presents several theories that seek to understand the physical self, such as the theory of physiognomy, five element theory, body type theory, and a theory based on the prominence of different body fluids. Readers are asked to conduct introspection to determine their predominant body fluid and explain how it relates to their personality.
This document discusses theories related to the physical self. It covers several aspects of physical development over the lifespan from infancy to old age. Key stages discussed include puberty, adolescence, and adulthood. The document also presents several theories that seek to understand the physical self, such as the theory of physiognomy, five element theory, body type theory, and a theory based on the prominence of different body fluids. Readers are asked to conduct introspection to determine their predominant body fluid and explain how it relates to their personality.
This document discusses theories related to the physical self. It covers several aspects of physical development over the lifespan from infancy to old age. Key stages discussed include puberty, adolescence, and adulthood. The document also presents several theories that seek to understand the physical self, such as the theory of physiognomy, five element theory, body type theory, and a theory based on the prominence of different body fluids. Readers are asked to conduct introspection to determine their predominant body fluid and explain how it relates to their personality.
This document discusses theories related to the physical self. It covers several aspects of physical development over the lifespan from infancy to old age. Key stages discussed include puberty, adolescence, and adulthood. The document also presents several theories that seek to understand the physical self, such as the theory of physiognomy, five element theory, body type theory, and a theory based on the prominence of different body fluids. Readers are asked to conduct introspection to determine their predominant body fluid and explain how it relates to their personality.
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ASPECTS OF THE SELF • PHYSICAL SELF • SEXUAL SELF • MATERIAL SELF • SPIRITUAL SELF • POLITICAL SELF • DIGITAL SELF PHYSICAL SELF • The physical self refers to the body. Both physical extremities and internal organs work together for the body to perform many of its functions such as breathing, walking, eating and sleeping among others. The body’s ability to perform its functions gradually changes through an individual’s aging. In general, the body performs least during infancy and old age. Physical Self continuation • Physical efficiency generally peaks in early adulthood between the ages of twenty and thirty and then slowly declines into the middle age. Physical development and growth during childhood continue at a slow rate compared to the rapid rate of growth in babyhood. • Adolescence begins with the onset of puberty. This stage is characterized by rapid physical Physical Self continuation changes that include the maturation of the reproductive system. Each individual goes through a succession of developmental stages throughout his or her life span. • Life Span- refers to the development from conception to death. Life Span of Elizabeth Hurlock 1. Prenatal- fertilization to birth 2. Infancy- birth to 2 weeks of life 3. Babyhood- 2 weeks of life to 2nd year 4. Early childhood- 2 to 6 years old 5. Late childhood- 6 to 10 or 12 years old 6. Puberty- 10 or 12 years old 7. Adolescence- 14 to 18 years old 8. Early Adulthood- 18-4o years old 9. Middle Adulthood- 40-60 years old 10. Late Adulthood or senescence- 60 to death Two Factors affecting Physical Growth and Development • Physical growth and development is the product of heredity and environment. Heredity is the biological process of the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring. Environment refers to the factors an individual is exposed to throughout life which includes learning and experiences. Sex and other physical traits are determined by the combination of chromosomes and genes Continuation… during fertilization when the egg and sperm cells unite. Chromosomes are threadlike tissues that carries the genes and are usually found in pairs. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes which are classified as autosomes or trait chromosomes (22 pairs) and gonosomes or sex chromosomes. The sex of the offspring depends on the pairing of the sex chromosomes (23rd) from the father or mother THEORIES OF PHYSICAL SELF THEORY OF PHYSIOGNOMY FIVE ELEMENT THEORY THEORY BASED THE PROMINENCE OF BODY FLUIDS BODY-TYPE THEORY THEORY OF PHYSIOGNOMY • The Theory of Physiognomy (pronounced with silent “G”) suggest that a person’s physical characteristics such as facial features and expressions and body structures could be related to a person’s character or personality. • Example: Big rounded lips= goodness; Straight eyebrows= very direct square-shaped face= aggressive, dominating Wide forehead= intelligent FIVE ELEMENT THEORY • It makes use of the elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal as archetypes for everything occurring in the natural world. Each element is correlated to seasons, colors, shapes, sounds as well as facial features, body types, body’s major organs and behavioral tendencies. THEORY BASED ON THE PROMINENCE OF BODY FLUIDS • The theory suggests that an excess of or deficiency in any of the four body fluids (or humors)in a person influences their personality, temperament, and well-being. 1. Sanguine- prominence of red bile 2. Melancholic- prominence of black bile 3. Choleric- prominence of yellow bile 4. Phlegmatic- excess phlegm Body-Fluid Body Fluid Prominence Personality Sanguine Red bile Impulsive, cheerful, happy and optimistic Melancholic Black bile Tend to be sad and optimistic Choleric Yellow bile Easily angry, jumpy and temperamental Phlegmatic Phlegm Sluggish, dull and slow BODY FLUIDS Body-Type Theory • This theory was developed by William Sheldon based on physical characteristics. The three body types are: Body-type Physical Personality Characteristics Endomorphic soft and plump Easy going and sociable Mesomorphic Strong muscular energetic, body adventurous, assertive and courageous Ectomorphic Tall and thin Restrained, quiet, introverted and artistic Body-type Theory Body image • Body image refers to how individuals perceive, think, and feel about their body and physical appearance. Appearance refers to everything about a person that others can observe such as height, weight, skin color, clothes and hairstyle. Body image is related to self-esteem which is a person’s overall evaluation of his or her own worth. Activity: • For 20 points, review the Theory based on the Prominence of Body Fluids. As you go along the process of introspection, choose and explain which body fluid suits you the most especially in this time of pandemic. Write your name, course and year on MS word, TNR, 12. • Note: Take your time, no deadline yet since we have to abide by the EO. However, if you want to do it now, you may send it on a personal message via Edmodo or Messenger, depends on your convenience. Please do this not just as a requirement but to know and discover yourself better. Stay safe and healthy! Criteria Criteria Points Quality of writing (informative, organized) 15 Grammar (Usage and mechanics) 5