Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Therefore, the flow velocity should neither be too low nor should it be
so high. B/c
if too slow lighter organic matter will settle down,
if too high, even silt and grit not settle down/re-suspend.
Preliminary Treatment
o Grit is removed preliminarily to prevent
damage pumps /mechanical equipments due to abrasion, and
excessive accumulation of sludge in digesters /large volume
of sludge to be handled
o Three general types of grit chambers
Horizontal flow g.c
Aerated g.c
Vortex type
A= 0.00622Q/Vr
A = surface area of tank (m2)
Q = rate of sewage flow(m3/d)
Vr = min rising velocity of greasy material to be removed in
m/min (0.25m/min in most cases)
Burial in low lying areas can be treated with TP sludge
Preliminary Treatment
Flow equalization
-located after the preliminary treatment units such as
screening and grit removal but before primary sedimentation
Where particles collide and adhere to each other resulting in particle growth
Settling velocity changes