Open Tender
Open Tender
Open Tender
Is open to all the suppliers within the country who can supply the
required quantity and quality of materials.such invitation is made by
advertising in newspaper,journals etc.
• Open tendering is the main tendering procedures employed by both
the government and private sector.
• The client advertises the tender offer in the local newspaper giving
detail and key information of the proposed works and inviting
interested contractor to tender
• In the legal sense such tender notices constitute invitation to treat, a
mere request by the employer for suitable contractor to submit their
bids of offers.
• If the pre-requisite to tendering on the form of possession of
necessary registration has been identified in the tender notice, then
the advertisement is directed to only that particular class of public
having the said qualifications.
• In order to reduce number of enquiries,earnest money is
deposited(for private project).
• Although price is very important in the decision on what tender or bid
to accept
• Client does not bind to accept the lowest or any offer.
The advantages and disadvantages of open tender are
High price
• Since the average quality of materials and workmanship is higher than
the open tendering method, the price of the project is bound to rise. This
is also because it is not as competitive as there are lesser contractors
tendering for the job.
Employer incurs resources
• Preparing the list of contractors for pre-qualification requires for the
contractor to make his on list using his own resources and means to do