15CSE202 Object Oriented Programming: OO Analysis With Use Case

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15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

15CSE202 Object Oriented Programming

Lecture 4

OO Analysis with Use case

15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Object Oriented Development

• Phases
– Object-Oriented Analysis: understand the
• Define an object-based model of it
– Object-Oriented Design: Define an
• Design the solution
– Object-Oriented Programming: Build it
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Object Oriented Analysis

• Object-oriented analysis is a method of
analysis that examines requirements from
the perspective of the classes and objects
found in the vocabulary of the problem
• Steps in examining requirements are:
1. Use Case Document preparation
2. Object Model preparation
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

What is Use case?

• A use case is a narrative description of a goal-
oriented interaction between the system under
development and an external agent.
• A use case is sort of like a dialog script written for
two actors. Use cases capture requirements in the
form of interactions with an end user.
• When requirements are described in terms of
interactions with end users missing details
become obvious.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Identifying use case

• Functional requirements are

used to identify use cases.
• The tools to identify use cases
– Goals of the Actor
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

History of Object Oriented

Software Engineering
• use cases was pioneered by Ivar
Jacobson in 1995
• The use cases are an important
component of Jacobson's Objectory
methodology and its simplified OOSE
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

An example – Home security

Use Case
Deactivate Alarm
Actors: Home owner
Description: This use case begins when the home owner
enters the home and the alarm sounds. The
home owner enters a preassigned code on
the keypad to deactivate the alarm. If the
correct code is entered within 30 seconds
the alarm is deactivated, otherwise a
security alert is sent to the local police
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Main sections of Use case

• Use Case Name
• Description
• Actors
• Preconditions
• Flow – Basic Flow, Alternates and Exceptions
• Level
• Trigger
• Stakeholders
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Create Unique and Explanatory

• Use Case naming is usually done based on an
organization’s data standards.
• If your organization has already been using Use Cases,
ensure that you name your Use Case using the same
terminology as the other use cases.
• Use cases need to be searchable and they need to be
easily available when needed.
• Some companies simply assign numerical IDs to ensure
that use cases are easily indexed and maintained.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming


• The actors in the use case are the people

or elements who are involved in the
• Primary Actor
– person who is responsible for the event for
which the Use Case exists
• Secondary Actor
– person or group of people that is needed to
complete the process successfully
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming


• A trigger simply defines the exact

action which results in the Use Case
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming


• The preconditions are the conditions

that need to be met to ensure that the
use case can be fulfilled. If these
conditions are not met then the case
cannot run its course.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

• You need to define the flow of the process
that starts when a use case is started.
• The flow needs to detail how the
communication will flow, who the
information will be displayed to, what they
need to do, and where the primary actor
will end up.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Flow - contd
• 3 things which you need to mention when writing the
– Basic Flow: best case scenario of what should
happen in the use case if all the conditions are met
– Alternates: Are there any alternate routes that the
action can be done?
– Exceptions: This dictates what happens when a
failure occurs in the flow.
• Exceptions are just as important to define as basic flow.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming


• It is important to classify the use case

with a level in order to explain the
urgency which it needs to be dealt
• You need to ensure that whoever
reads the use case realizes its
importance to ensure that they give it
the right amount of time.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

• Who are the people that are going to be affected
by the use case?
• There’s no way to write a good process if you do
now know who will be affected because only
when you know all the people involved will you be
able to ensure that your design does everything
that it needs to do.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Example-1 Coin Flip

15CSE202 Object oriented Programming
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Example-2: Car Rental Application

Use Case Name: Release a Vehicle (to a Customer)

A customer arrives to acquire the vehicle and depart
for desired destination. The vehicle reservation
contract is signed and the vehicle is released to the

Actors: Front-Desk Clerk, Customer

Preconditions: Vehicle has been assigned to the
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Basic Flow ("Sunny Day Scenario"):

1. A customer comes to the office to acquire a vehicle.

2. The clerk locates the vehicle reservation contract by
means of the reservation number and/or customer name.
[Exception: Required vehicle type is not available due to late
3. The customer signs the contract and the clerk gives the
keys to the vehicle.
4. The clerk then marks the contract active by entering the
vehicle release date (today's date) onto the vehicle reservation
contract. The use case terminates at this point.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

•Exceptions ("Rainy Day Scenario"):

–Required vehicle type is not available due to late arrivals:

–Raised when the reserved vehicle is not available due to
late returns. The customer is informed of the situation and
told about the other vehicle types that are available. The
customer is offered an incentive to accept another vehicle
type. If the customer is not satisfied, the reservation is
cancelled without penalty charges. The customer either
accepts another vehicle type or cancels the reservation.

•Postconditions: The customer departs with the vehicle and

the reservation contract is marked active, or the reservation is
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Example-3: Online Support Request

• Use Case Name : Support Request

• Description: Suppose a person generates a support
request on a website for electronic products.
• Actors
– Person who generates support request by clicking
– Customer Support Representative
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

• Preconditions:
– The person who generates the request needs to
have an active internet connection
– The website needs to be accessible by the customer
– The support agent needs to have an active internet
• Basic Flow
1. The customer visits the support website
2. The customer clicks the “generate support ticket
3. The customer is taken to a page where they are told
that support will be present shortly.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

4. The ticket is sent to the support department

5. A customer support representative takes hold of the
6. The customer support representative is sent to the
same page as the user where there is a chat box
7. The customer support representative provides the
help and support to the customer
8. The customer closes the chat window
9. The customer support representative closes the
support ticket and enters information about the
10. The use case ends
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

• Alternates:
– The customer asks to be contacted over the phone
– The customer might request someone come to their
home to help them with the product
• Exception:
– The customer loses their internet connection between
the chat. They are then shown an error message.
– The customer service representative accidentally
closes the chat window, ending the support session.
The customer is informed that another representative
will be with them shortly.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

• Level:
– Customer complaints
– General Feedback
• Trigger : customer clicks the button on the website to
generate a support ticket
• Stakeholders:
– The Customer Support Department – The whole
department’s purpose is to ensure customer
– The Sales Department – If the customer is unable to
get their problem fixed they might want to return the
product, which will be a loss for the sales department.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Things to remember
Reminder 1. A use case is a prose essay
Reminder 2. Make the use case easy to read (active
Reminder 3. Just one sentence form
Reminder 4. Include sub use cases
Reminder 5. Keep the GUI out
Reminder 6. Mandatory two endings
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Reference book

• Alistair Cockburn, Writing Effective

Use Cases, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
15CSE202 Object oriented Programming

Next Session will be

Object Oriented Analysis with
Domain Model

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