Law of Contracts: An Introduction
Law of Contracts: An Introduction
Law of Contracts: An Introduction
An introduction
Indian contract Act,1872
• Oldest branch of law
• Relates to business or commercial transactions
• Security and stability of business world depends on law
of contracts
• Concerned with enforceability of promises
• Furnishes the foundation for other branches of
commercial law ,for example, sale of goods.
• Is part of private law
• Is part of law of obligations
• Is part of that law which deals with obligations which
are self imposed
• Law of contracts (LOC) has existed since the beginning of civilized
• LOC does not relate to social transactions
• Just as security and stability of person and property depend on
criminal law , security and stability of business world depends on law
of contracts
• Most exchanges cannot be performed simultaneously .One or both
parties will have to perform in the future . Most arrangements for
transfer of goods ,land or services cannot be performed instantly and
simultaneously . What if one party performs and the other doesn’t?
Of course there are many sanctions against promise breakers. The
simplest sanction is not to deal with the person again . But sometimes
sanctions of this kind are not satisfactory . Although these are better
than nothing he Indian Contract Act, 1872 spells out consequences of
default in keeping promises.
• Sale of goods act, negotiable instruments act ,partnerships
act - are all based on LOC
• Obligations of a public character, such as constitutional or
political obligations are not treated by law as law of
obligations. Public law refers to criminal law, administrative
• The law of contracts is not the whole law of obligations. It is
the law of only those obligations which arise out of
agreements. The law of contracts is not concerned with
those obligations which do not arise out of agreements e.g.
obligation to maintain wife and children, obligations arising
from judgments of courts , obligations arising from torts or
civil wrong.