Bernat Science DEmo For COT 4th Quarter - PPT Version 1
Bernat Science DEmo For COT 4th Quarter - PPT Version 1
Bernat Science DEmo For COT 4th Quarter - PPT Version 1
W–orks quietly.
A – lways cooperate with your group.
T---hink and give ideas. Task on time.
E – njoy.
R – eview your works.
Distribution of Le
arning Activity Sh
1. Which is the cleanest source of water and found beneath the earth’s surfac
A. Saltwater B. Freshwater C. Groundwater D. all of these
2. What source of water contains plenty of salt which is useful for cooking?
A. SeawaterB. Freshwater C. Groundwater D. all of these
Which source of water is also called as surface water and does not contain sal
A. Seawater B. Freshwater C. Groundwater D. all of these
4. Which of the following are the examples of fresh of w
A. river , sea, ocean, pond C. river , lake, falls , pond
B.river , well, sea , pond D. river , lake, sea, well