Employee Movements

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• A transfer is the movement to another
job that is previously established
through an approved personnel
requisition, has the same salary range
and may involve a salary increase. A
transfer may result in a title change.
The purposes of the Transfer
The transfer are generally affected to build up a more
satisfactory work team and to achieve the following
To increase the effectiveness of the organization.
To increase the versatility and competency of key
To deal with fluctuations in work requirements.
To correct incompatibilities in employee relations.
To correct, erroneous placement.
To relieve monotony.
To adjust workforce.
To punish employees.
Types of Transfers
• Production Transfer: Such transfers are resorted to when there is a need of
manpower in one department and surplus manpower in other department. Such
transfers are made to meet the company requirements. The surplus employees in
one department/section might be observed in other place where there is a
• Replacement Transfers: This takes place to replace a new employee who has been
in the organization for a long time and there by giving some relief to an old
employee from the heavy pressure of work.
• Remedial Transfers: As the name suggest, these transfers are made to rectify the
situation caused by faulty selection and placement procedures. Such transfers are
made to rectify mistakes in placement and recruitments. If the initial placement of
an individual is faulty or has not adjusted to work/job, his transfer to a more
appropriate job is desirable.
• Versatility Transfer: Such transfers are made to increase versatility of the
employees from one job to another and one department to another department.
Transfer (Job Rotation) are the tool to train the employees. Each employee should
provide a varied and broader job experiences by moving from one department to
another. This is for preparing the employee for promotion, this will definitely help
the employee to have job enrichment.

Reas Types of Transfer

1. To meet the organizational requirements Production

2 To satisfy employees’ needs Personal
3 To utilize employee’s skill knowledge etc

4 To improve employee’s background by placing Remedial

him in different jobs of various departments, Transfer
units etc.
5 To correct inter-personal conflicts

6 To adjust the workforce of one section/plant in

other section/plant during lay-off, closure or
adverse business conditions etc.
7 To give relief to the employees who Replacement Transfer
are overburdened or doing
complicated or risky work for a long
8 To punish the employees who violate Penal Transfer
the disciplinary rules
9 To help the employees whose working Shift Transfer
hours or place of work is inconvenient
to them
10. To minimize fraud, bribe etc which
result due to permanent stay and
conduct of an employee with
customers, dealers, suppliers etc.

11 To increase the versatility of Versatile Transfer

employees (Rotation transfer)
• A promotion is the movement to another job in a
higher job classification and will result in a title
change. There are two types of promotions.
• Market-based promotions occur when an employee
assumes another job that has a higher value in the
marketplace and has been assigned a higher salary
• Contribution Level promotions occur when an
employee assumes another job that has been
assigned a higher contribution level and a higher
salary range in the job classification system.
• Reasons:
• Unsuitability of the employee to higher level
• Adverse business conditions
• New technology and new methods of
• On disciplinary actions
• Demotion Principles:
• Specification of circumstances under which an employee will be
demoted like reductions in operation, indisciplinary cases.
• Specification of supervisor who is authorized and responsible to
initiate a demotion.
• Jobs from and to which demotions will be made and specifications
of lines or ladders of demotion.
• Specification of basis for demotion like length of service, merit or
• It should provide for an open policy rather than a closed policy
• It should contain clear cut norms for judging merit and length of
• Specification of provisions regarding placing the demoted
employees in their original places if normal conditions are restored.
• Specification of nature of demotion, i.e., whether it is permanent or
temporary of it is as disciplinary action. It should also specify the
guidelines for determining the seniority of such demoted


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