Social Stratification and Social Mobility
Social Stratification and Social Mobility
Social Stratification and Social Mobility
• Cultural classes:
The classes which develop the culture of
their own, having their own value system,
pattern of behavior etc. These traits will
vary from class to class. E.g. landlords have
different class from that of tenants.
• Economic class:
Societies are divided into classes on
the basis of economic activities as
well, an important criteria for
determining the class of a person is
economic status and family
background.(rich, middle and poor)
• Political classes:
The class is judged from the amount
of political power it includes
the ruled and the rules.
• Self-identified classes:
It is a subjective view of the person,
which is important in determining his
class, it is psychological i.e. to which
class a person identifies himself. He
becomes conscious of his class and
mostly develops feelings for the people
of his class.
• Participation class:
People develop social ties and contacts
with the people of their own class, social
participation is restricted to the people
of the same class.
• Warner has classified classes into six
types- upper-upper class, upper-
middle class, upper-lower class,
lower-upper class, the lower middle
class and lower class.
Upper-upper class:
The people belonging to this class
enjoy high socio economic and
political status in the society. The
upper-upper class people have old
money, as they belong to rich
families e.g. Nawabs of Mardan,
Jadoon of Hazara.
Lower-upper class:
The members belonging to this group are
also rich but they have become rich recently
and have not learned the sub-culture of
upper class yet. Their clothes and cars are
more likely to be flashy and their
vocabulary is not as plain as that of upper
A person working as a supervisor in a
factory becoming its assistant manager
after getting promotion.
• When the people improve their
educational qualifications with a
view to getting better social
prestige and position is called
educational mobility.
From degree to post graduate
and from Master to M. Phil, Ph.D.
• Following are the five main factors:
1. Education/ Literacy
2. Social Change
3. Urbanization and Industrialization
4. Means of communication and
5. Dissatisfaction from previous
• Education is the main source of
social mobility.
• Both formal and informal teaching
and education, brings rational
thinking and desire to go upward in
the social ladder.
• Education not only helps an
individual to acquire knowledge but
is also a passport for occupational
position for higher prestige.
• Both physical and mental change is
necessary for social mobility.
• Social change brings improvement
in every aspect of life i.e. social,
political, educational and economic.
• Change in these aspects may lead to
change in social status and position
of an individual which is social
• Sociologists have found out that
preindustrial and agricultural
societies are most likely to have
closed stratification system.
• Typically individuals in rural societies
will occupy the same social status
throughout their lives.
• Status is based on ascription, family
background being the most
significant factor to be considered.
• As societies move towards
urbanization, chances of
employment and more and more
jobs are created which gives rise
to social mobility.
• Due to these factors all types of
mobility can be observed i.e.
horizontal, vertical, territorial,
occupational etc.
• The traditions, attitudes and
behaviors of people get change due
to transportation and
communication facilities.
• People become aware of their social
life and want change in social status.
• Due to these factors we can observe
social mobility in social life of
• People don’t like to stick to one and
the same thing. They can get
change in their social life as the time
is passing.
• People become dissatisfied from
their previous condition and they
desire for improvement in their
social status.
• So they start trying for getting
better opportunities for growth of
social life.
• Following are the factors which
hinder social mobility:
1. Joint family system
2. Illiteracy
3. Poor economic condition
4. No desire for change
• When old bonds of affiliation and
dependence are present, social
mobility will be hindered.
• The members will be compelled to
live within the same system and it is
obligatory for them to follow all the
rules and regulations of the system.
• Joint family confines the activities of
the members within the boundary
wall of the same family.
• Illiteracy and ignorance also blocks
the way for social mobility.
• The uneducated people don’t have
knowledge about the happenings in
the outside world and have no
rational thinking for the
improvement of life.
• Their attitude may become confined
and they might not want to change
their social status.
• Poor economic condition leads to
technological backwardness.
• This technological backwardness
gives birth to idleness and
unemployment which hinders the
process of social mobility.
• If people are not willing to adopt
new and modern ways of life and
leave the old ones, it will hinder
the way of social mobility.