Qualitative Research Methodology

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The key takeaways are that research can be done to gain knowledge, find trends in data, uncover truths, and work for the betterment of mankind. Research is an organized, systematic inquiry into a problem to find a solution or answer.

The different types of research are scientific, social, historical, and business research. Research can also be primary or secondary, and quantitative or qualitative.

Characteristics of qualitative research include studying things in their natural settings, the researcher being the key instrument, using multiple data sources, inductive data analysis, and focusing on participants' meanings.

Qualitative Research

Yogesh Suman
Deep dive into a subject out of thirst for
Comprehensive analysis of data to look for
Curiosity and passion to uncover truths, myths
Labs, instruments, data, statistics
Finding something for betterment of mankind
What is research
Organized systematic and data based enquiry
into a specific problem/question with a
purpose to find solution/answer to it.

Organized systematic and data based

Measurable evidence by following a systematic
and orderly procedure
Domains of research
Based on the data
Primary research and secondary research
Primary data: When data is collected
specifically for the research
Secondary data: When already published data
is used for the research
Based on data
Quantitative and Qualitative research
Quantitative data: When data consists of
Qualitative research: When data consists of
words/texts. E.g. study of human behavior
Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the
observer in the world. It consists of set of interpretive,
material practices that makes the world visible. These
practices transform the world. They turn the world into a
series of representations including field notes, interviews,
conversations,photographs,recordings,memos to the self. At
this level qualitative research involves an interpretive,
naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative
researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting
to make sense of, or interpret phenomena in terms of
meanings to the people bring to them(Denzin & Lincoln,
2005,p. 3)
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Natural setting: Qualitative researchers tend to collect data in the field at
the site where the participants experience the issue or the problem under
study. They dont invite individual into the lab. The information is gathered
by talking to the people directly.
Researcher as the key instrument: The qualitative researchers collect the
data themselves through examining documents, observing behavior, and
interviewing participants. They do not rely on the data as collected by
others or by sending the instruments for data collection.
Multiple sources of data: Qualitative researcher collects data from
multiple sources like documents, observations, and interviews rather than
relying on a single data source. Then researchers review all the data and
make sense of it by organizing it into categories that cut across all the data
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Inductive data analysis:
to condense extensive and varied raw text data into a brief, summary format;
to establish clear links between the research objectives and the summary
findings derived from the raw data and
to develop of model or theory about the underlying structure of experiences
or processes which are evident in the raw data.
The first step is to develop categories from raw data and translate
these categories into a model.
Researcher determines what is more important and what is less
important in the data.
Attributes of a category
Text or data associated with category
Links of a category with other category
Type of model in which category is embbeded
Perspective of nurses and patients on the type
of nursing they experienced:
Just by introducing yourself, by chatting along as youre doing
thingswith the patient. Asking themquestions about
themselveslike how are you feeling about being in hospital? How
are you feeling about the operation tomorrow? And then theyll
sort of give you a clueand actually then tell you how theyre
feeling about thingsjust general chit chat (Nurse).
(Williams & Irurita, p. 38)
(1) initiating rapport, (2) developing trust, (3) identifying
patient needs and (4) delivering quality nursing care.
Assessing the categories
Coding consistency check: An independent coder is given the
research objectives, the categories and descriptions of each
Participants comments: Participants are given a chance to
comment on whether the constructions of the researcher
relate to their personal experiences.
Stakeholder checks: Stakeholder checks enhance the
credibility of findings by allowing research participants and
other people who may have a specific interest in the research
Characteristics of Qualitative Research..
Participants meaning: The researcher tries to learn the meaning that
participants hold about a problem or issue.
Emergent design: The research process cant be tightly prescribed, it
keeps on emerging during the course of study, the initial plan may change
once the researcher enters the field.
Interpretive inquiry: Qualitative research is an inquiry in which a
researchers make an interpretation of what they see, hear and
understand. Their interpretation cannot be separated from their own
background ,history, context and prior understandings.
Holistic account: Qualitative researchers try to develop a complex picture
of the problem or the issue under the study. They try to identify many
factors/actors involved in situation.
When to use a qualitative research

In Qualitative research we study a group or population

When there is a need of detailed understanding of a very
complex issue
This detailed understanding can only be achieved by talking
directly to people, going to their homes or places of work and
allowing them to tell stories.
This story telling has to be free from all the burden.
The objective is to minimize the power relationships which
often exist.
This power relationship has to be further deemphasized by
sharing research questions with the participants.
When to use a qualitative research
When there is a need to develop understanding about the
context or settings in which participants address or face a
particular issue
To identify the link between what people say and the context
in which they say it
When quantitative measures are not adequate to capture
what all is required. e.g. interaction among the people
To identify the variables to be measured
To hear silenced voices
Attributes of good qualitative researcher
Committed to extensive time in the field. Should be ready to spend many
hours in the field, collects extensive data, and labors over the field issues
and trying to gain access, rapport and insiders perspective

Engage in time consuming process of data analysis through the ambitious

task of sorting through the large amount of data and reducing them to a
few themes or categories.

Write long passages, as evidences must substantiate claims and the writer
needs to show multiple perspectives

To be able to participate in a research environment where there are no

firm guidelines and procedures are constantly changing
How to design a qualitative research study
Generalized approach:
Identify an issue/problem
Examine the literature
Identify data to be collected
Analyze the data
Prepare report
How a qualitative research design is different
Writing format of a qualitative project is different from
quantitative analysis based study, here most of the writing
looks like a story telling

In qualitative study the method, purpose of the study, the

research questions and methods are closely related to each
other and appear as a cohesive unit; in comparison to a
quantitative study where these units are rather fragmented

Here the responses are often emotionally laden, close to

people and practical
How a qualitative research design is different
Often open ended questions are asked-wanting to
listen to the participants and refraining from acting
like a research expert in the area.

The questions may change during the course of

research as a researchers understanding of the
issues gets better and better

The data consists of words and images

How a qualitative research design is different

Sources of data-Interviews, observations, documents,


Data collection, analysis and report writing are so

interrelated that it very difficult to identify which
stage a researcher is in at a given moment

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