Structures of A Virus: A Tour To The Nature's Deadliest Weapon
Structures of A Virus: A Tour To The Nature's Deadliest Weapon
Structures of A Virus: A Tour To The Nature's Deadliest Weapon
a Virus
A Tour to the natures deadliest weapon.
Whats the difference
between virus and
Virion are complete viral
particle that consist of a
genome with a protein
coat or with a external
envelope at time
Extracellular infective
form of a virus
Gene delivery system containing
the genome
So what does a virion function for?
Protects the genome
Protein aids in entry to host
Replicate the genome packaged
in a capsid
1. Viral genome
Virion contains a
May consist of one or
more nucleic acid
Can be RNA or DNA
During isolation how can
one identify if the virion
contains DNA or RNA?
Testing for
susceptibility on
What is meant by
these signs on the
Positive-sense (5' to 3') viral RNA signifies that a particular viral RNA sequence may
be directly translated into the desired viral proteins.
Therefore, in positive-sense RNA viruses, the viral RNA genome can be considered
viral mRNA, and can be immediately translated by the host cell.
Some viruses (e.g., Coronaviridae) have positive-sense genomes that can act as
mRNA and be used directly to synthesize proteins without the help of a
complementary RNA intermediate.
Because of this, these viruses do not need to have an RNA polymerase packaged into
the virion.
Negative-sense (3' to 5') viral RNA is complementary to the viral mRNA and thus from
it a positive-sense RNA must be produced by an RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase prior to translation.
Like DNA, this RNA cannot be translated into protein directly. Instead, it must first be
transcribed into a positive-sense RNA that acts as an mRNA.
Some viruses (Influenza, for example) have negative-sense genomes and so must
carry an RNA polymerase inside the virion.
1.2. Genome
s.s. DNA
Base pair through G-C
A- T hydrogen bonding
weaker GU bonds may form
in addition to GC and AU
base pairing.
Intramolecular base pairing
results in regions of secondary
structure with stem- loops and
Formation of
pseudoknots may form
Functions for genome
a vestige of a primer
used for initiation of genome synthesis
the sequences
referred to as ITRs in
nucleic acids are
But until the second
strand is synthesized
during replication.
In the single-stranded
molecules the ITRs
are, in fact, repeats of
the complementary
see ssDNA and ssRNA
2. Viral Protein
As the size of the genome increases, so the
number of protein species tends to increase
tobacco mosaic virus contains only one protein
parvoviruses contain two to four protein species.
herpes simplex virus 1 contains 39 protein species
algal virus Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus 1
contain 100 protein species
aPROTOMERis the structural unit of
anoligomeric protein.
A PROTOMER can be aprotein subunitor several
different subunits, that assemble in a defined
stoichiometryto form anoligomer.
protomer is the smallest subset of different
subunits that form the oligomer.
The PROTOMER usually arrange incyclic
symmetryto form closedpoint
Protomers are the main subunit in a viralcapsid.
Capsids are
constructed from
many molecules of
one or a few
species of protein.
The individual
protein molecules
are asymmetrical,
but they are
organized to form
Some examples of
structures are
including a capsid,
has the same appearance when it is
rotated through one or more angles,
or when it is seen as a mirror
capsid symmetry is either
helical or icosahedral.
Capsids with
symmetrical symmetry
The capsids of many
ssRNA viruses have helical
the RNA is coiled in the
form of a helix,
many copies of the same
protein species are
arranged around the coil
(Figure 3.9(a), (b)).
forms an elongated
may be a rigid rod if
strong bonds are present
between the protein
molecules in successive
turns of the helix,
or a exible rod if these
bonds are weak.
The virion of a
few DNA
viruses, such
as the
phages also
have helical
has five-,
threeand two-fold
axes of
To construct an
icosahedron from
identical protein
the minimum number
of molecules required is
three per triangular
giving a total of 60 for
the icosahedron (Figure
The capsid of satellite
tobacco mosaic virus is
constructed in this way
(Figure 3.11(b)).
some capsids
actually have the shape
of an icosahedron,
such as that of
Paramecium bursaria
Chlorella virus 1,
which is 165 nm
across when
measured along the
two- and three-fold
axes and 190 nm
across when
measured along the
five- fold axes.
Capsids that have an
icosahedral shape have
This is an icosahedron
elongated along the
fivefold axis
common arrangement
to heads of
Such a structure is
composed of a cylinder
with a cap at either end.
The cylinder is
composed of 10
Thecapsomereis a subunit of
thecapsid, an outer covering
ofprotein that protects the
genetic material of avirus.
Capsomeres self-assemble to
form the capsid.
In this diagram of anAdenovirus,
the capsid molecules are clearly
calledprotomersaggregate to
form capsomeres.
Various arrangements of
capsomeres are: 1) Icosahedral,
2) Helical, and 3) Complex.
Capsid vertices
icosahedral viruses have a
structure such as a knob,
projection or fibre at each of
the 12 vertices of the capsid.
For example, the virions of
some phages (e.g. G4; Figure
have projections, while the
adenovirus virion has a fibre,
(larger image)
with a knob attached, at each
of the 12 pentons
structures at the capsid
vertices are composed of
distinct proteins that are
involved in attachment of the
Tailed bacteriophage
The majority of the
known phages are
constructed in the form
of a tail attached to a
contains the virus
All of these phages have
dsDNA genomes.
The head has icosahedral
symmetry and may be
isometric as in phage
lambda (),
or elongated as in phage
The tail, which is
attached to one of the
Many viruses have a lipid
membrane component.
In most of these viruses the
membrane is at the virion
and is associated with one or
more species of virus protein.
This lipidprotein structure is
known as an envelope
and it encloses the
nucleocapsid (nucleic acid plus
The virions of most enveloped
viruses, such as herpesviruses,
are spherical or roughly
spherical, but other shapes
exist (Figure 3.19).
Envelope virion
Facts on viral envelopes:
Manyviruses(e.g. inuenza and many animal
viruses) haveviral envelopescovering their
protective proteincapsids.
The envelopes typically are derived from
portions of the hostcell
membranes(phospholipidsand proteins), but
include some viral glycoproteins.
Functionally, viral envelopes are essential to
entry intohostcells.
They may help viruses avoid the hostimmune
Glycoproteins on the surface of the envelope
serve to identify and bind toreceptor siteson the
host's membrane.
Membrane lipids
Most virion membranes are
derived from host cell
membranes that undergo
modification before
incorporation into virions.
For example, the HIV-1
envelope is derived from
the plasma membrane of
the host cell
but the virus envelope
contains more cholesterol
and sphingomyelin,
and less
phosphatidylcholine and
Occlusion bodies
Some viruses provide added protection to the virions while outside their hosts by
occluding them in protein crystals.
These occlusion bodies, as they are known, are produced by many of the viruses
that infect invertebrates, including most baculoviruses.
There are two major types of occlusion body in which baculoviruses embed their
rod-shaped virions;
the granuloviruses form small granular occlusion bodies, generally with a single
virion in each
the nucleopolyhedroviruses form large occlusion bodies with many virions in each
Cell molecules
The incorporation of cell lipids into virions has already
been discussed.
Other cell molecules that become incorporated into
virions include the following.
Transfer RNA molecules. These are present in the
virions of retroviruses.
Proteins. When a virion is assembled some cell
protein may be incorporated. There are reports of HIV-1
incorporating several cell proteins, including cyclophilin
A in association with the capsid and human leukocyte
antigens in the envelope.
Polyamines. Spermidine and other polyamines have
been reported in a variety of viruses.
Cations, such as Na+,K +, Zn 2+ and Mg2+ have also
been reported as components of virions. One likely role