Training: Design, Methods, Implementation and Evaluation
Training: Design, Methods, Implementation and Evaluation
Training: Design, Methods, Implementation and Evaluation
The design of the training program can be
undertaken only when a clear training
objective has been produced.
overall results what you will be what you will do in evidence produced assessment and
or capabilities able to do as a order to achieve during your learning judgment on quality
you hope to result of the the learning activities -- these are of evidence in order
attain by learning activities objectives, e.g., results that someone to conclude whether
implementing in this plan, e.g., 1. complete a can see, hear, feel, you achieved the
your training 1. exhibit required course in basic read, smell, e.g., learning objectives
plan, e.g., skills in problem supervision 1. course grade or not
1. pass solving and 2. address a major 2. your written
supervisor decision making problem that evaluation of your
qualification 2. exhibit required includes making problem solving and
test skills in major decisions decision making
delegation 3. delegate to a approaches
certain employee 3. etc.
for one month
4. etc.
4. Following documents can greatly improve
the quality of training plan
Basic Requirements of Learners: To Learn,
You Must Be Willing to Grow, to
Experience, Growth Involves the Entire
Learner, Growth Requires Seeking
Ongoing Feedback
Suggestions to Enrich Any Training and
Development Plans
5. Determining Overall Goals in Training
6. Determining Learning Objectives and
7. Planning Implementation of Your Training
8. Planning Quality Control and Evaluation of
Your Training Plan and Experiences
9. Follow-Up After Completion of Your Plan
Elaboration Theory:
alternative to the part/whole sequencing.
Relevant for complex tasks only.
Sequencing: Process of how to group and order the
content of training.
Topical Sequencing
Spiral Sequencing
1. Epitomising
2. Elaboration
Selection of actionable by senior managers
Clarity of application
area Link to Performance Parameters
A training method is an instrument or a
technique that is used by a trainer to impart
training to the trainees, so as to meet and
fulfill the predetermined training objectives.
Computer Based Training provided in part of whole through the use of a computer. CBT is the term
Training most often used in private industry or the government for training employees using
computer-assisted instruction.
Computer Managed Uses a computer to manage the administrative functions of training such as
Instruction registration, record keeping, scoring and grading.
Intelligent Computer More advanced form of PI. Expert systems are used to run the tutoring aspect of the
Assisted Instruction training, monitor trainee knowledge within a programmed knowledge model and
provide adaptive tutoring based on trainee responses.
Intelligent Tutoring Make use of artificial intelligence to provide tutoring more advanced than ICAI. ITS
system learns through trainee responses the best methods of facilitating the trainee’s learning.
Simulations Provide a representation of a situation and the tasks to be performed in the situation.
Trainees perform the tasks presented to them by computer program and computer
program monitors their performance.
Virtual Reality Places the trainee in a simulated environment that is virtually same as the physical
environment. The trainee wears special equipment like head gear, gloves etc. which
control what trainee is able to see, feel and sense. Trainee learns by interacting with
objects in the electronic environment to achieve some goal.
It uses a strategy with focus on
knowledge, skills and attitudes
Consists of 4 steps:-
- Plan
- Present
- Trial
- Follow-Up
One way communication
presents training materials verbally
used when the goal is to present a great deal of
material to many people
Time consuming
Trainer must be very skilled and make sure that trainees practice the
skills correctly
Planning is time consuming
Trainer must skills in conducting a seminar
More time is needed to conduct seminar than any other methods
Training Policies
They can have value , if indicative of a real commitment to
training by:-
Reducing ambiguities over the main thrust of training
Enhancing the standing of training vis – a – vis other functions
with their policies
Being potential tool of selling training to the non believers –
particularly in a highly structured and authoritarian organization.
Training Policies may include such items as:-
A Statement conforming the value of training to organizational
The obligations of the organisation to provide training
Conduct Training
Priorities or critical areas of implementation
Staff involved
Training plan
Typical general questions:-
1. What type of training is required ?
2. Why is it required ?
3. Who are the people involved ?
4. What are the most pressing or critical areas ?
5. How , when and where it will be carried out and by whom ?
Implementing Training
Following are the guidelines for conducting the designed
1)The trainer to be prepared mentally
Active Listening
Getting Feedback
Positive reinforcement
Non Verbal Behaviour
Transfer of Training
1)Do not put both hands in your pocket for long periods of
2) Do not wave a pointer around in the air
3) Do not lean on the podium for long period
4) Speak to the class and not to the training device
5) Listen intently to learners comments and opinion.
1) Working condition
2) Salary and Benefits
3) Supervision and Fellow workers
2) Advancement and Responsbility
3) Job challenge
Identify KSA of learners
Liasion with line and
MANAGER senior management
Level Evaluation Evaluation Examples of Relevance and
type (what is description and evaluation practicability
measured) features tools and
1 Reaction Learning experience: Feedback forms, Quick & easy
Did they like it? verbal reaction,
Was the material post training Not expensive to
relevant to their work? survey/ analyze
1 2 3 4 5
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