Brand Identity and Brand Personality
Brand Identity and Brand Personality
Brand Identity and Brand Personality
• Personality
• Product • Organisation
scope attributes (e.g. • Visual
• Product innovation, imagery
• Brand
attributes genuine and
• Quality/v consumer
relationships metaphors
alue concern, • Brand
• Uses trustworthiness
advisor ) heritage
• Users )
• Country • Local v/s
of origin global
C ulture
Re la tio ns hip
Self- ima ge
Re flectio n
Kapferer represents brand identity as a six sided
The set of human characteristics associated
with a given brand. Thus it includes such
characteristics as gender, age, socioeconomic
class as well as such classic human personality
traits as warmth, concern and sentimentality.
e.g—Virginia Slims tends to be feminine in
comparison to the masculine Marlboro.
Apple is considered young while IBM tends
to be seen as older( in part because it has been
around longer)
Brand personality like human personality is both
distinctive and enduring . Coke is considered
authentic and real whereas Pepsi is considered
young, spirited and exciting.
Brand Image