Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Aninterviewis a conversation between two or more people where
questionsare asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements
from the interviewee.Interviews are a standard part of qualitative
research. They are also used injournalismandmediareporting
(journalism) and in various employment-related contexts.
Interview skills are actions candidates take during job interviews
that make them stand out. These actions can include proper
interview behavior, controlling nervousness or asking intelligent
If you have interviewing skills, you will probably receive more job
offers than those without them. You are better at convincing
interviewers you are the right candidate for the job.
The best way to acquire interviewing skills is through practice.
Hiring managers must also have interviewing skills so they choose
the right candidates for jobs.
There are several types of interview which you should be aware
of. Often, the company will tell you what to expect but here are
some examples and you will probably experience one or more of
these at some point in your career.
Screening Interviews
Phone Interviews
Serial Interviews
Lunch Interviews
Stress Interview
Competency based
Assessment centre
Analytical Skills: Understanding the market situation,
prevailing trends, companys requirements. Capability of
discovering own weak points, evaluating results/effects of
projects/policies .
Communication Skills: Both written and verbal influencing the
interpersonal dealing and collaboration.
Flexibility & Adaptability: Whether you are capable of
accepting changes or not, and capability of adapting and
adjusting to the new environment.
Initiative and Drive: Whether you are courageous enough to
take an initiate on your own and volunteer for your company or
will wait for being pushed to do a job.
Management Skills: Whether you have leadership skills and
Problem-Solving Skills: You are expected to do your own
brainstorming and come with new and effective solutions.
Technical Skills: Knowledge of technologies and trends and also
to adapt to the changing technology.
Time and Work Management Skills: Time management is the
most basic requirement .Work management, meeting deadlines
and delegating work.
Dress for the Job or Company:It is important to be wellgroomed. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal
depends on thecompany culture and the position you are seeking.
Asking the Right Questions: Companies judge you on the
questions you ask, Have three to five questions prepared in
advance. Keep your questions open-ended .
Using SAR Stories: SAR -Situation, Action and Result.
Eg: When employers ask you to describe what you did on a
previous job, start by describing the situation. Actions are the
steps you took on that project. Results should be measurable.
Employer Interviewing Skills: Employers must also have
interviewing skills to cull the best job applicants and make smart
hiring decisions. Interviewers must know how to ask open-ended
questions to elicit detailed responses. It will help them
understand which candidates meet the necessary requirements
of job.
Remember that first appearances count how you dress and
Smile, make eye contact and acknowledge all members of an
interview panel
Shake hands in a firm but gentle way, not crushingly strong
Wait to be asked to sit down
Make sure you sit correctly and comfortably before starting
Show interest
Answer the question asked
Keep positive at all times
Be late
Fidget or look at your watch
Argue or Say anything negative
Put anything on the interviewers desk
Appear aggressive or act in a superior way nobody likes this!
Show too much interest in money and holidays
Every student writes a question on a chit of paper .Then 2
students are selected for the task,one will be the interviewer
and the other interviewee. The interviewer picks 3 questions
and asks the interviewee.The first question is to be answered
in 30 seconds,second in 60 seconds and third in 2 minutes.
Here 3 students will form a panel and there will be 2
interviwees. The questions will be:
o Tell me about yourself
o Why have you applied in this company?
o Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
The interviewers/panel is supposed to shoot questions in a
random and hasty manner at both the interviewees.