TC Unit 1 - Fundamentals of Technical Communication by Kulbhushan (Krazy Kaksha & KK World) - Unlocked - Removed

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Unit 1: Fundamentals of Technical Communication

1.1 Communication 1.5 Approaches/Requisites of Technical Comm.
The word "communication" has been derived from a Latin 1. Brevity: It should be brief and provide information
word 'communicare' which means 'sharing'. in a concise manner.
So, The communication is the act of sharing or 2. Clarity: It should be clear without any confusion.
exchanging information, ideas or feelings. 3. Simplicity: It should be written in a simple language.
4. Objectivity: It should be written in limited words.
1.2 Technical Communication 5. Utility: It is done for some specific purpose.
Technical communication is a communication that 6. Vocabulary: It uses specific technical vocabulary.
conveys complex technical information in an easy-to- 7. Informative: It should be used to give specific
understand manner. information.
(OR) 8. Use of active voice : Active voice should be used as
Technical communication is the study of the targeted it is easy to understand and emphasis is laid on the
audience and then finding out the best way to present subject and not on the object.
the information. 9. Avoid repetition : Repetition should be avoided.
It involves gathering knowledge from experts and
customers by conducting interviews, testing their topics, 1.6 General V/s Technical Communication
studying existing information and finally reshaping this
General Comm. Technical Comm.
information, so that the correct audience can access,
Contains General Message Contains Technical
understand and use it. Information
Informal in style Formal in style
1.3 Features of Technical Communication Mostly Oral Oral or Written
Do not follow any set of Follows Set of Pattern
 Addresses particular readers or audience. pattern
 It has sentences of moderate length. Not always for specific Always for specific
 It has Logical division of paragraphs. audience. audience
 Helps people to solve problems. General vocab is used Technical vocab is used
 Reflects an organizations goals and culture. No use of technical terms Frequently involves
 Consists of words or graphics or both. or graphics. jargons, graphics, etc.
 Is produced using high tech tools.
 It disseminates knowledge in oral or written form. 1.7 Language as a tool of Communication
 In order to express the ideas in a proper way we
1.4 Purpose of Technical Communication
need a language to communicate so language is very
Technical communication serves three purposes that necessary for our daily life.
sometimes overlap:  Effective communication is made possible with the
help of language.
1. To inform: Anticipate and answer your readers'
 Language employs a combination of words to
express ideas in a meaningful way.
2. To instruct: Enable your readers to perform certain
 By changing the word order in a sentence, you can
change its meaning, and even make it meaningless.
3. To persuade: Motivate your readers.
 Physical gestures are also sometimes the medium of
expressions. For example, crying in anger, laughing
or waving hands helps a person to communicate
some of his feelings.
 Man has invented language which helps him to
communicate with different parts of people.

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1.8 Characteristics features of Language 1.10 Technical Writing
1.Language is Artificial: Man has created language for his  Technical writing is a type of writing where the
convenience, to express his thoughts and experiences. author is writing about a particular subject that
requires direction, instruction, or explanation.
2.Language is Restricted: When we translate our  This style of writing has a very different purpose and
thoughts into language, some meaning is lost in the different characteristics than other writing styles.
process. So, Some time we feel unable to express our  Technical document is written keeping focus on the
thoughts in words because all can not be explained type of audience being targeted.
through words.
3.Language is Arbitrary: There is no direct relationship 1.11 Sentences
between a word and the idea or the object it represent. A sentence is a set of words that are put together to
We cannot say why we name a piece of furniture with mean something.
four legs as “chair”; it could have been something else.
Requisites or Salient Features of Good Sentences
4.Language is Abstract: Language is abstract because it
1. Brevity (Short Sentences): It should be brief and
represents generalized ideas of things or thoughts. A
word could represent different ideas at different times. provide information in a concise manner.
2. Clarity: It should be clear without any confusion.
5.Language is Creative: Language is creative because it
3. Simplicity: It should be written in a simple language.
has the ability to generate many words every day.
4. Utility: It is done for some specific purpose.
1.9 Reading & Comprehension 5. Avoid repetition : Repetition should be avoided.
6. Choose appropriate words
 "Reading" is the process of looking at a series of
written symbols and getting meaning from them.
 The reading is of different types.
1.12 Paragraph
1. Reading extensively: For general understanding A paragraph can be defined as a group of sentences or a
of the subject. single sentence that expresses a single idea, supported by
2. Reading intensively: For in-depth knowledge of evidence in the form of examples, thus forming a unit.
the text.
Requisites or Salient Features of Good Paragraph
 “Reading comprehension” refers to the ability to
understand the information presented in written form. 1. Brevity (Short Sentences): It should be brief and
provide information in a concise manner.
Reasons for Poor Comprehension are: 2. Clarity: It should be clear without any confusion.
1. Inability to understand a word.
3. Simplicity: It should be written in a simple language.
2. Inability to understand a sentence.
3. Inability to understand how sentences relate to one 4. Utility: It is done for some specific purpose.
another. 5. Avoid repetition : Repetition should be avoided.
4. Inability to understand the information fits together 6. Informative: It should be used to give specific
in a meaningful way (organization). information.
5. Lack of interest or concentration. 7. Use of active voice : Active voice should be used as
Tips to Improve Comprehension Skills: it is easy to understand and emphasis is laid on the
1. Read a variety of materials. Do not limit yourself to subject and not on the object.
textbooks. 8. Choose appropriate words
2. Read a fairly long portion of the material. Try to
read an entire section or chapter instead. Basic three sections of a paragraph:
3. Circle unknown or unfamiliar words as you read. 1. Beginning - Introduce your idea.
4. After reading, recall as much of the information as 2. Middle - Explain your idea.
possible. 3. End - Make your point again, transition to next
5. Consider how interesting the subject matter is and paragraph.
how much you already know about the subject.
6. Answer questions about the material after reading

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1.13 Principle Requirements of Paragraph 3. Exposition Method: These paragraphs explain how
something works or what the reader is to do to make it
Development work. Such paragraphs demand certain knowledge.
1. Topic sentence: Topic sentence is a sentence that Nevertheless, writing them is a great exercise to
expresses the main idea of a paragraph. This is also understand the material, because you keep learning
known as key sentence or theme sentence. when you teach. In expository writing, linking words
2. Coherence: Coherence refers to the clear and logical like first, second, then, and finally are usually used to
thinking of ideas in a paragraph in such a way that a help readers follow the ideas. Exposition is explanatory
thought expressed in a sentence easily leads to the writing. Exposition can be an incidental part of a
thought in next sentence and so on. The word description or a narration, or it can be the heart of an
coherence literary means Consistency. Four devices article.
used to build up this coherence. 4. Linear Method: Linear means 'consisting of lines' or
a. Pronouns: It is used as a substitute for a noun, and 'one dimensional'. Each sentence leads to the next one
this always serves as a reminder of the noun in the in a paragraph, with the purpose of maintaining a
earlier sentence. Thus, it maintains the continuity of forward movement; and each paragraph can be a step
thought. to take us to a goal. A logical series can be made even a
b. Repetition: The repetition of some keywords or consecutive arrangement of information.
phrases in the paragraph serves not only to make
5. Interrupted method: Whenever the writer gives a
the paragraph coherent but also to emphasize the
break to the line of thought and gives a turn to the idea
author’s point of view.
to produce the desired effect, he uses this method. The
c. Synonyms: Synonyms are substitutes for words
punctuation marks , ( ) _! (comma, parentheses, em
already used and have similar meanings. This device
dash, exclamation mark) serve as interrupters and add
is useful because it helps the writer to avoid
emphasis to the sentences. The interrupt the flow of
excessive repetition.
sentences by breaking chunks of ideas. Remember,
d. Connectives: These are words or phrases which
interrupters can be words, phrases, or punctuation
usually occur at the beginning of a sentence to show
the relationship between the new sentence and the
preceding sentence. Examples of connectives : but, 6. Spatial Order Method: When the matter refers to
and, or, further, etc. certain areas, an area-wise arrangement of the matter
must be preferred to present it systematically. This
3. Unity- Unity refers to one as a whole or oneness. All
method helps the reader to visualize what he sees and,
the parts of a paragraph should contribute to one
therefore, it is better to understand the physical
effect and lead to unified purpose. One idea should be
qualities of the subject matter.
expressed in one sentence and avoid too much lengthy
sentences. 7. Chronological Method: When the matter refers to
some developments in terms of time, a chronological
1.14 Devices or Methods or Techniques for order introduces system in its presentation. This order
is preferred in historical narrations.
Paragraph Development
1. Inductive Order Method: When the matter consists of 1.15 Technical style
some details or known facts, the consideration of
 Style in technical communication is the way one
which leads to a conclusion, it is desirable to adapt the
speaks or writes to convey technical information.
inductive method. This is a logical arrangement,
 Style in technical communication depends on the
beginning with the supporting information available
audience, the communicative context, and the
and concluding with a topic sentence or a conclusion.
purpose of communication.
2. Deductive Order Method: The deductive method is the  Style is formal in a technical report or professional
opposite of the inductive method. It reverses the presentation and informal as a personal letter or
arrangement of matter prescribed in the inductive casual conversation.
method. When a statement is made in the beginning,
and it is followed by the facts that substantiate the
assertion or suggestion made in the beginning, this
method is adopted. In it, one starts with the topic
sentence, and goes on to record the supporting facts.

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Ingredients or Requisites or Salient Features of  It promotes better working relationships within an
Technical Style organization by giving the subordinate staff
opportunities to share their views and ideas with their
1. Brevity: It should be brief and provide information
in a concise manner.  It facilitates employee involvement in the decision-
2. Clarity: It should be clear without any confusion. making process.
3. Simplicity: It should be written in a simple language.  A business report from the Branch Manager of a
4. Objectivity: It should be written in limited words. company to the Managing Director of the company is
5. Utility: It is done for some specific purpose. an example of upward communication.
6. Vocabulary: It uses specific technical vocabulary. 3. Horizontal or lateral communication:
7. Informative: It should be used to give specific  It takes place between professional peer groups or
information. people working at the same level of hierarchy.
8. Use of active voice : Active voice should be used as  It is the communication among workers at the same
it is easy to understand and emphasis is laid on the level.
subject and not on the object.  The main objectives of horizontal communication are:
a. Developing teamwork within an organization.
9. Avoid repetition : Repetition should be avoided
b. Promoting group coordination within an
1.16 The Flow / Dimensions / Levels of
4. Diagonal or cross-wise communication:
Communication  It is the product of modern changes in information
technology and management.
 It is a response to market needs that demand speed
and efficiency.
 Diagonal communication flows in all directions.
 Diagonal channel occurs between people who do not
have to follow rigid norms of communication protocol.
1. Downward communication:
1.17 Barriers to Communication
 Downward communication refers to the:
a. Communication from the higher level in 1. Physical And Physiological Barriers: These include
managerial hierarchy to the lower level. distance, background noise, poor or malfunctioning
b. Communication from decision makers to the equipment, bad hearing, poor eyesight, speech
c. Communication from seniors to their subordinate
employees. 2. Emotional And Cultural Noise: Emotions (anger, fear,
 It involves the transfer of information, instruction, sadness) and attitudes (having to be right all the time,
advice, request, feedback and ideas to the believing oneself to be superior or inferior to others)
subordinate staff.
affect objectivity, as do the stereotypical assumptions
 The main function of downward communication is
providing direction and control. that people make about each other based on cultural
 A communication from General Manager of a background.
company to the Branch Managers is an example of 3. Language Barrier: Speaking different languages,
downward communication.
having strong accents, using slang or jargon can frustrate
2. Upward communication: communication and negotiation efforts.
 Upward communication refers to: 4. Nothing Or Little In Common: Examples, stories and
a. Communication from subordinates to superiors.
anecdotes can help get a point across, except when the
b. Communication from employees to management.
c. Communication from workers to decision makers. audience cannot relate to any of these because they
 Upward communication involves the transfer of don’t share a common experience with the speaker.
information, request and feedback from subordinates
to their seniors.

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5. Lack Of Eye Contact: Not making eye contact is a sure
way of raising doubt in listeners and losing their attention
and making them feel suspicious of you, not to mention
6. Information Overload And Lack Of Focus: Too much
information can confuse your audience and even make
them wonder if you’re overwhelming them with details to
avoid telling them something else they would rather
7. Not Being Prepared, Lack Of Credibility: If you’re not
prepared, if you lack the facts, if you rely on your Power
Point presentation too much, your listeners will notice
and feel let down, even disrespected–and they won’t
believe you.
8. Talking Too Much: When you talk, you’re not listening,
and you need to listen to the people you’re attempting to
9. Trying Too Hard, Seeming Desperate: When you try
too hard to persuade someone, you may seem desperate,
and desperation smells like manipulation and turns
people off before you can utter your next desperate word.
10. Lack Of Enthusiasm: If you don’t believe in your
position, product, service, or whatever you’re trying to
sell, they won’t believe in it either.

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