Discrete - Time System and Analysis

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Digital Signal

Discrete-Time Signals
and Systems
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. M.J.E.

Discrete-Time Signals
A discrete-time signal x(n) is a function of an independent variable
that is an integer. It is assumed that a discrete-time signal is defined
for every integer value n for - < n < . An example of a discretetime signal is shown in the figure below.

Discrete-Time Signals
Besides the graphical representation of a discrete-time signal, there are some
alternative representations that are often more convenient to use.
1. Functional representation, such as


x n 4,



for n 1, 3
for n 2

Tabular representation, such as



Sequence representation
An infinite-duration signal or sequence with the time origin (n = 0) indicated by
the symbol is represented as

x n ... 0, 0,1, 4,1, 0, 0, ...

Elementary Discrete-Time
Unit Sample Sequence
The unit sample sequence is denoted as (n) and defined as


for n 0
for n 0

In words, the unit sample sequence is a signal that is zero everywhere, except at n = 0
where its value is unity. The signal is sometimes referred to as unit impulse. The unit
sample sequence is illustrated below.

Elementary Discrete-Time
Unit Step Signal
The unit step signal is denoted as u(n) and defined as

u n

for n 0
for n 0

The unit step signal is illustrated below.

Elementary Discrete-Time
Unit Ramp Signal
The unit ramp signal is denoted as ur(n) and defined as

ur n

for n 0
for n 0

The unit ramp signal is illustrated below.

Elementary Discrete-Time
Exponential Signal
The exponential signal is a sequence of the form

x n a n

for all n

If the parameter a is a real, then x(n) is a real signal. The figure below illustrates x(n)
for various values of parameter a.

Elementary Discrete-Time
Exponential Signal
When the parameter a is complex valued, it can be expressed as

a re j

where r and are now parameters. Hence, x(n) can be expressed as

x n r n e jn

r n cos n j sin n

The signal x(n) can be represented graphically by the amplitude function

x n A n r n
and the phase function

x n n n

Elementary Discrete-Time
Graph of amplitude and phase function of a complex valued exponential signal

Classification of Discrete-Time
Energy signals and power signals:
The energy E of a signal x(n) is defined as


The energy of a signal can be finite or infinite. If E is finite (i.e., 0 < E < ), then x(n)
is called an energy signal.
Many signals that possess infinite energy, have a finite average power. The average
power of a discrete-time signal x(n) is defined as
P lim

N 2 N 1
n N

If we define the signal energy of x(n) over the finite interval N n N as



n N

Classification of Discrete-Time
Then we can express the signal energy E as

E lim E N

And the average power of the signal x(n) as

P lim
N 2 N 1
Evidently, if E is finite, P = 0. On the other hand, if E is infinite, the average power P
may be either finite or infinite. If P is finite (and nonzero), the signal is called a power

Determine the power and energy of the unit step sequence?

Classification of Discrete-Time
Periodic signals and aperiodic signals:
A signal x(n) is periodic with period N( N > 0) if and only if

x ( n N ) x ( n)

for all n

The smallest value of N for which the above equation holds is called the
(fundamental) period. If there is no value of N that satisfies this equation, the signal is
called nonperiodic or aperiodic.
The energy of a periodic signal x(n) for 0 n N 1, is finite if x(n) takes on finite
value over the period. However, the energy of the periodic signal for - n is
infinite. Whereas, the average power of the periodic signal is finite and it is equal to
the average power over a single period. Thus if x(n) s a periodic signal with
fundamental period N and takes on finite values, its power is given by


N 1


n 0

Consequently, periodic signals are power signals and aperiodic signals are energy

Classification of Discrete-Time
Symmetric (even) and antisymmetric (odd) signals:
A signal x(n) is called symmetric (even) if

x ( n) x ( n )
On the other hand, a signal x(n) is called antisymmetric (old) if

x ( n ) x ( n)
A diagrammatic illustration of even and odd signals is as shown below:

Classification of Discrete-Time
It can be illustrated that any signal can be expressed as the sum of two signal
components, one of which is even and the other odd. The even signal component is
formed by adding x(n) to x(-n) and dividing by 2, that is

xe (n) x(n) x( n)
Similarly, we form an odd signal component xo(n) according to the relation

xo (n) x(n) x( n)
It is hence evident that if we add the two signal components, we will obtain the
composite signal x(n) which is as mathematically shown as

x( n) xe (n) xo (n)

Manipulations of Discrete-Time
Transformation of the independent variable (time)
A signal x(n) can be shifted by replacing the independent variable n by
n k, where k is an integer. If k is a positive integer, the time shift
results in a delay of the signal by k units of time. If k is a negative
integer, the time shift results in advance of the signal by |k| units in
The figure below graphically illustrates a signal x(n).

From the graphical illustration of signal x(n) given earlier, show a
graphical representation of the signals x(n - 3) and x(n + 2).

Manipulations of Discrete-Time
Another modification of the time base is to replace the independent variable n by n. The result
of this operation is a folding or a reflection of the signal about the time origin n = 0.
It is important to note that the operations of folding and time delaying (or time advancing) a
signal is not commutative. If we denote the time-delay operation by TD and the folding
operation by FD, we can write

TDk x(n) x(n k )

FD x(n) x(n)


k 0

TDk {FD x(n)} TDk x(n) x(n k )

FD{TDk x(n)} FD x(n k ) x(n k )
Note that because of the signs of n and k in x(n - k) and x(-n + k) are different, the result is a
shift of the signals x(n) and x(-n) to the right by k samples, corresponding to a time delay.

Show the graphical representation of the signal x(-n) and x(-n + 2),
where x(n) is the signal illustrated in the figure below.

Manipulations of Discrete-Time
A third modification of the independent variable involves replacing n
by n, where is an integer. We refer to this time-base modification
as time scaling or down-sampling.
If the signal x(n) was originally obtained by sampling an analog signal
xa(t), then x(n) = xa(nT), where T is the sampling interval. Now, y(n) =
x(2n) = xa(2Tn). Hence if the time-scaling operation is equivalet to
changing the sampling rate from 1 / T to 1 / 2T, that is decreasing the
rate by a factor of 2. This is a down-sampling operation.

Manipulations of Discrete-Time
Show the graphical representation of the signal y(n) = x(2n), where
x(n) is the signal illustrated in the figure below.

Manipulations of Discrete-Time
Addition, multiplication, and scaling of sequences:
Amplitude modification include addition, multiplication, and scaling of discrete-time
Amplitude scaling of a signal by a constant A is accomplished by multiplying the
value of every signal sample by A. Consequently, we obtain

y (n) Ax(n)

The sum of two signals x1(n) and x2(n) is a signal y(n), whose value at any instant is
equal to the sum of the values of these two signals at that instant, that is,

y (n) x1 (n) x2 (n)

The product of two signals is similarly defined on a sample-to-sample basis as

y (n) x1 (n) x2 (n)

Manipulation of signals

Discrete-Time Systems
A discrete-time system is a device or algorithm that operates on a discrete-time signal,
called the input or excitation, according to some well-defined rule, to produce another
discrete-time signal called the output or response of the system.
We say that the input signal x(n) is transformed by the system into a signal y(n), and
express the general relationship between x(n) and y(n) as

y ( n) T x ( n)
while the input - output relationship is alternatively denoted as

x ( n) y ( n)
Where the symbol T denotes the transformation (also called an operator).

Discrete-Time Systems
The mathematical relationship is depicted graphically as a block
diagram representation of a discrete-time system as shown below.

Determine the response of the following systems to the input signal
| n |, 3 n 3
x ( n)
0, otherwise
(1) y (n) x(n)
(2) y (n) x(n 1)
(3) y (n) x(n 1)
(4) y (n) 13 [ x(n 1) x(n) x(n 1)]
(5) y (n) max{x(n 1), x(n), x(n 1)}
(6) y (n)

x(k ) x(n) x(n 1) x(n 2) ...

Note : The last equation (of question 6) is called an accumulator.

Discrete-Time Systems
The Accumulator:
It is evident that the output at time n = n0 depends not only on the input at time n = n0,
but also on x(n) at times n = n0 1, n0 2, and so on. By a simple algebraic
manipulation, the input-output relation of the accumulator can be written as

y ( n)

n 1

x ( k ) x ( k ) x ( n)

y (n 1) x(n)

which justifies the term accumulator.

Suppose that we are given the input signal x(n) for n n0, and we wish to determine
the output y(n) of this system for n n0. For n = n0, n0 + 1,, the equation above

y (n0 ) y (n0 1) x(n0 )

y (n0 1) y (n0 ) x(n0 1)

and so on.

Discrete-Time Systems
It should be noted there is a problem in computing y(n0),since it depends on y(n0 - 1).
n0 1

y (n0 1)

x(k )

Thus the response of the system for n n0 to the input x(n) that is applied at time n0 is
the combined result of this input and all inputs that had been applied previously to the
system. Consequently, y(n), n n0 is not uniquely determined by the input x(n) for n
The additional information required to determine y(n) for n n0 is the initial condition
y(n0 - 1). This value summarizes the effect of all previous inputs to the system.
If the accumulator had no excitation prior to n0, the initial condition is y(n0 - 1) = 0. In
such a case we say that the system is initially relaxed.
It is customary to assume that every system is relaxed at n = -. In this case, if an
input x(n) is applied at n = -, the corresponding output y(n) is solely and uniquely
determined by the given input.

The accumulator (of question 6 of the previous example) is excited by
the sequence x(n) = nu(n). Determine its output under the
condition that:
(a) It is initially relaxed [i.e., y(-1) = 0].
(b) Initially, y(-1) = 1.

Block Diagram Representation of

Discrete-Time Systems
An adder
The adder is a system that performs the addition of two signal sequences to form
another (the sum) sequence, which we denote as y(n) as shown below. Note that it is
not necessary to store either one of the sequences in order to perform the addition. In
other words, the addition operation is memoryless.

x1 n
y n x1 n x2 n
x2 n

Block Diagram Representation of

Discrete-Time Systems
A Constant Multiplier
This operation depicted in the figure below. It represent applying a scale factor on
the input x(n). This operation is also memoryless.

x n

y n ax n

Block Diagram Representation of

Discrete-Time Systems
A Signal Multiplier
The figure below illustrates the multiplication of two signal sequences to form
another (the product) sequence, denoted as y(n). The multiplication operation is also

x1 (n)

x2 ( n )

y (n) x1 (n) x2 (n)

Block Diagram Representation of

Discrete-Time Systems
A Unit Delay Element
The unit delay is a special system that simply delays the signal passing through it by
one sample. If the input of the system is x(n), the output is x(n 1). The sample x(n
1) is stored in memory at time n 1 and it is recalled from memory at time n to form

y n x n 1

The figure below illustrates the unit delay element.

x n


y n x n 1

Block Diagram Representation of

Discrete-Time Systems
A Unit Advance Element
In contrast to the unit delay, a unit advance moves the input x(n) ahead by one sample
in time to yield x(n + 1). The figure below illustrates the unit advance element.

x n

y n x n 1

Using the basic building blocks introduced, sketch the block diagram representation
of the discrete-time system described by the input-output relation.
where x(n) is the input and y(n) is the output.

y n 14 y n 1 12 x n 12 x n 1

Classification of Discrete-Time
Static versus dynamic systems:
A discrete-time system is called static or memoryless if its outptut at
any instant n depends at most on the input sample at the same time,
but not on past or future samples of the input. In any other case, the
system is said to be dynamic or to have memory.
If the output of a system at time n is completely determined by the
input samples in the interval from n N to n (N 0), the system is
said to have memory of duration N.
If N = 0, the system is static.
If 0 < N < , the system is said to have finite memory.
If N = , the system is said to have infinite memory.

The systems below are static or memoryless.
a.) y (n) ax(n)
b.) y (n) nx(n) bx 3 (n)
Whereas, the systems below are dynamic or memory systems.
c.) y (n) x(n) 3 x(n 1). (finite memory system)

d .) y (n) x(n k )
k 0

e.) y (n) x(n k ). (infinite memory system)

k 0

Note :
Static or memoryless systems do not have delay elements
and are described by :
y (n) [ x(n), n]

Classification of Discrete-Time
Time-invariant versus time-variant systems:
A system is called time-invariant if its input-output characteristics do not change
with time. The output signal y(n) from a system T excited by an input signal x(n)
can be denoted as

y n T x n

Definition: A relaxed system T is time invariant or shift invariant if and only if

Implies that

x n T y n

x n k T y n k

for every input signal x(n) and every time shift k.

Determine and justify whether the following systems are time-invariant or timevariant
x n

x n

y n x n x n 1

x n



y n x n


y n nx n

x n

Time multiplier

y n x n cos 0 n

cos 0 n


Classification of Discrete-Time
Linear versus nonlinear systems:
A linear system is one that satisfies the superposition principle.
Superposition Principle:
This principle requires that the response of the system to a weighted sum of signals
be equal to the corresponding weighted sum of the responses (outputs) of the
system to each of the individual input signals.
A relaxed T system is linear if and only if

T a1 x1 (n) a2 x2 (n) a1T x1 (n) a2T x2 ( n)

for any arbitrary input sequences x1 (n) and x2 (n),

and any arbitrary constants a1 and a2 .

Classification of Discrete-Time
Graphical representation of the superposition principle:






T is linear if and only if y(n) = y(n)


Determine if the systems described by the following
input - output equations are linear or nonlinear :
a.) y (n) nx(n)
b.) y (n) x(n 2 )
c.) y (n) x 2 (n)
d .) y (n) Ax(n) B
e.) y (n) e x ( n )

Classification of Discrete-Time
Causal versus noncausal systems:
A system is said to be causal if the output of the system at any time n
[i.e., y(n)] depends only on present and past inputs [i.e., x(n), x(n - 1),
x(n - 2),], but does not depend on future inputs [i.e., x(n + 1), x(n
+ 2),].
If a system does not satisfy this definition, it is called noncausal.
In mathematical terms, the output of a causal system satisfies
an equation of the form :
y (n) F x(n), x(n 1), x(n 2),...

where F is some arbitrary function.

Determine if the systems described by the following
input - output equations are causal or noncausal :
a.) y (n) x(n) x(n 1)
b.) y (n)

x(k )

c.) y (n) ax(n)

d .) y (n) x(n) 3 x(n 4)
e.) y (n) x(n 2 )
f .) y (n) x(2n)
g .) y (n) x(n)

Classification of Discrete-Time
Stable versus unstable systems:
An arbitrary relaxed system is said to be bounded input-bounded
output (BIBO) stable if and only if every bounded input produces a
bounded output.
In mathematical terms, this means that there exist some finite
numbers, say M x and M y , such that
x ( n) M x

y ( n) M y

for all n. If, for some bounded input sequence x(n), the output
is unbounded (infinite), the system is classified as unstable.

Consider the nonlinear system described by the input - output
equation :
y (n) y 2 (n 1) x(n)
Determine if the system is BIBO stable or not.

Interconnection of Discrete-Time
Discrete-time systems can be interconnected to form larger systems in
two basic ways: cascaded (series) and parallel. These interconnections
are illustrated below:





Interconnections of







Interconnections of

Techniques for the Analysis of

Linear Systems
There are two basic methods fir analyzing the behavior or response of a linear
system to a given input signal. One method s based on the direct solution of the
input-output equation for the system, which in general has the form

y n F y n 1 , y n 2 ,..., y n N , x n , x n 1 ,..., x n M
where F[] denotes some functions of the quantities in brackets. The general form of
the input-output relationship for an LTI system is

k 1

k 0

y n ak y n k bk x n k
where {ak} and {bk} are constant parameters that specify the system and are
dependent of x(n) and y(n).

Techniques for the Analysis of

Linear Systems
The second method for analyzing the behavior of a linear system to a given input
signal is to first decompose or resolve the input signal into sum of elementary signals.
The elementary signals are selected so that the response of the system to each signal
component is easily determined. Then using the linearity property of the system, the
responses of the system to the elementary signals are added to obtain the total
response of the system to the given input signal.
To elaborate this method further, suppose that the input signal x(n) is resolved a into
weighted sum of elementary signal components {xk(n)} so that

x n ck xk n

where the {ck} are the set of amplitudes (weighing coefficients) in the decomposition
of the signal x(n).

Techniques for the Analysis of

Linear Systems
Now, suppose that the response of the system to the elementary signal component
xk(n) is yk(n). Thus,

y k n T xk n

assuming that the system is relaxed and that the response to ckxk(n) is ckyk(n), as a
consequence of scaling property of the linear system.
Finally, the total response to the input x(n) is

y n T x n T

c x n

ck T x k n

ck y k n

Resolution of a Discrete-Time
Signal into Impulses
Suppose we have an arbitrary signal x(n) that we wish to resolve the sum into a sum
of sample sequences. We select the elementary signals xk(n) to be

xk n n k

where k represents the delay of the unit sample sequence. To handle an arbitrary
signal x(n) that must have nonzero values over an infinite duration, the set of unit
impulses must also be infinite, to encompass the infinite number of delays.
Now suppose that we multiply the two sequences x(n) and (n k). Since (n k)
is zero everywhere except at n = k, where its value is unity, the result of this
multiplication is another sequence that is zero everywhere except at n = k, where its
value is x(k). Thus

x n n k x k n k

Is a sequence that is zero everywhere except at n = k, where its value is x(k). If we

repeat the multiplication of x(n) and (n m), where m is another delay (m k), the
result will be a sequence that is zero everywhere except at n = m, where it is x(m).

x n n m x k n m

Resolution of a Discrete-Time
Signal into Impulses
In other words, each multiplication of the signal x(n) by a unit impulse at some
delay k, [i.e. (n k)], in essence picks out the single value x(k) of the signal x(n) at
the delay where the unit impulse is nonzero. Consequently, if we repeat this
multiplication over all possible delays, - < k < , and sum all the product
sequences, the result will be a sequence x(n), that is,

x n

x k n k

Consider the special case of a finite-duration sequence given as

x n 2, 4,0,3

Resolve the sequence x(n) into a sum of weighted impuluse sequences.

Response of LTI Systems to Arbitrary

Inputs: The Convolution Sum
To determine the response of any relaxed linear system to any input signal, we denote
the response y(n, k) of the system to the input unit sample sequence at n = k by the
special symbol h(n, k), - < k < . That is,

y n, k h n, k T n k

If the impulse at the input is scaled by an amount ck

the system is the correspondingly scaled output, that is,

x(k), the response of

ck h n, k x h h n, k

Finally, if the input is the arbitrary signal x(n) is corresponding sum of weighted

outputs that is

y n T x n T

x k n k

x k T n k

x k h n, k

Superposition summation

Response of LTI Systems to Arbitrary

Inputs: The Convolution Sum
If the response of the LTI system to the unit sample sequence (n) is denoted as
h(n), that is,

h n T n

then by the time-invariance property, the response of the system to the delayed unit
sample sequence (n k) is

h n k T n k

Consequently, the superposition summation formula reduces to

y n

x k h n k

The formula above is called a convolution sum

Response of LTI Systems to Arbitrary

Inputs: The Convolution Sum
The process of computing the convolution between x(k) and h(k)
involves the following four steps.
1. Folding. Fold h(n) about k = 0 to obtain h(-k)
2. Shifting. Shift h(-k) by n0 to the right (left) if n0 is positive
(negative), to obtain h(n0 k).
3. Multiplication. Multiply x(k) by h(n0 k) to obtain the product
sequence vno(k) x(k)h(n0 k).
4. Summation. Sum all the values of the product sequence vno(k) to
obtain the value of the output at the time n = n0.

1. The impulse response of a linear time-invariant system is

h n 1, 2,1,1

Determine the response of the system to the input signal

x n 1,2,3,1

2. Determine the output y(n) of a relaxed linear time-invariant system with impulse

h n a u n , a 1

When the input is a unit step sequence, that is

x n u n

Properties of Convolution and the

Interconnection of LTI Systems
To simplify the convolution equation, the asterisk was introduced
to denote the convolution operation as expressed below :
y ( n) x ( n) h( n)

x ( k ) h( n k )

In this notation, the impulse response h(n) is folded and shifted.

The input to the system is x(n) . On the other hand, the expression
below holds :
y ( n) h( n) x ( n)

h( k ) x ( n k )

This observed behaviour is referred to as the commutative property

of convolution.

Properties of Convolution and the

Interconnection of LTI Systems
Commutative Law:
As shown earlier the convolution property can be mathematically expressed as:

x ( n ) h( n) h( n) x ( n )
Associative Law:
In mathematical terms, it can be shown that the convolution operation also satisfies
the associative property as shown below:

[ x(n) h1 (n)] h2 (n) x(n) [h1 (n) h2 (n)]

Distributive Law:
It can also be shown through mathematical means that the convolution operation
also satisfies the distributive property as shown below:

x(n) [h1 (n) h2 (n)] x(n) h1 (n) x(n) h2 (n)

Determine the impulse response for the cascade of two linear
time - invariant systems having impulse responses
h1 (n) ( 12 ) n u (n)
h2 (n) ( 14 ) n u (n)

Determine the unit step response of the linear time - invariant
system with impulse response as expressed below :
h( n) a n u ( n)

a 1

Determine the range of values of the parameter a for which
the linear time - invariant system with the impulse response
expressed below
h( n) a n u ( n)
is stable.

Determine the range of values of the parameters a and b for
which the linear time - invariant system with the impulse
response described below
an ,
h( n) n
b ,
is stable.


Recursive and Nonrecursive

Discrete-Time Systems
A system whose output y(n) at time n depends on any number of past output values
y(n 1), y(n 2), is called a recursive system. An example of a recursive system
is the cumulative averaging system represented as

y n
x n


y n 1
x n
n 1
n 1

y n
n 1


Realization of a recursive cumulative averaging system

Recursive and Nonrecursive

Discrete-Time Systems
The output of a causal and practically realizable recursive system can be expressed
in general as

y n F y n 1 , y n 2 ,..., y n N , x n , x n 1 ,..., x n M

If the output of a system y(n) depends only on the present and past inputs, then

y n F x n , x n 1 ,..., x n M

Such a system is called nonrecursive.

The figure below reveals the basic difference between a recursive system and a
nonrecursive system.

F[x(n), x(n1),
Nonrecursive system



F[y(n1), .. y(n1),
x(n), x(n1), x(n

Recursive system



Linear Time-Invariant Systems Characterized

by Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations
A recursive system is relaxed if it starts with zero initial condition. Because the
memory of a system describes, in some sense, its state, we say that the system
is at zero state and its corresponding output is called the zero-state response or
forced response and is denoted by yzs(n).
If the system is initially nonrelaxed and the input x(n) = 0 for all n, the output of
the system with zero input is called zero-input response and is denoted by yzi(n).
The zero-input response is obtained by setting the input signal to zero, making it
independent of the input. IT depends only on the nature of the system and the
initial condition. On the other hand, the zero-state response depends on the nature
of the system and the input signal.
In general, the total response of the system is expressed as

y n y zi n y zs n

Linear Time-Invariant Systems Characterized

by Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations
A system that is linear satisfies the following three requirements:
1. The total response is equal to the sum of the zero-input and zero-state responses.
2. The principle of superposition applies to the zero-state response (zero-state
3. The principle of superposition applies to the zero-input response (zero-input
Determine if the recursive system defined by the difference equation

y n ay n 1 x n

is linear.

Solution of Linear ConstantCoefficient Difference Equations

In a nutshell, the goal of this section is to determine the output
y (n), n 0, of the system given a specific input x(n), n 0,
and a set of initial conditions. The indirect solution method
employs the z - transform approach while the direct solution
method assumes that the total solution is the sum of two parts :
y ( n) y h ( n) y p ( n)
The part yh (n) is known as the homogeneous or complementary
solution, whereas y p (n) is called the particular solution.

Homogeneous Solution
We begin by solving the linear constant - coefficient difference equation
by setting x(n) 0, then the homogeneous difference equation will be :

k 0

y (n k ) 0

Then we assume the solution is in the form of an exponential, that is :

yh (n) n
By substitution, we obtain :


k 0
k 0

Hence, the general solution to the homogeneous difference equation is :

yh (n) C11 C2 2 ... C N N

where C1 , C2 ,..., C N are weighing coefficients to be determined

from the initial conditions. This general solution can be used to
obtain the zero input response of the system.

Determine the homogeneous solution of the system described
by the first - order difference equation
y (n) a1 y (n 1) x(n)

Determine the zero - input response of the system described
by the homogeneous second - order difference equation
y (n) 3 y (n 1) 4 y (n 2) 0

Particular Solution
The particular solution y p (n) is required to satisfy the difference
equation :

k 0

y (n k ) bk x(n k )
k 0

a0 1

for the specific input signal x(n), n 0. In other words, y p (n) is

any solution satisfying the equation :

k 0

y (n k ) bk x(n k )
k 0

a0 1

To solve the equation above, we assume for y p (n), a form that

depends on the form of the input x(n).

Determine the particular solution of the first - order difference
equation given as
y (n) a1 y (n 1) x(n)
when the input x(n) is a unit step sequence, that is,
x ( n) u ( n)

Determine the particular solution of the difference equation which
is mathematically expressed as
y (n) 56 y (n 1) 16 y (n 2) x( n)
when the forcing function x(n) 2 n , n 0 and zero elsewhere.
Hint :
Employ the use of Table 2.1 on page 104 : General Form Of The
Particular Solution For Several Types Of Input Signals.

Total Solution
The linearity property of the linear constant - coefficient difference
equation allows us to add the homogeneous solution and the particular
solution in order to obtain the total solution. Thus
y ( n) y h ( n) y p ( n)

The resultant sum y (n) contains the constant parameters Ci embodied

in the homogeneous solution component yh (n). These constants can be

determined to satisfy the initial conditions.

Determine the total solution y (n), n 0, to the difference equation
which is given as
y (n) a1 y (n 1) x(n)
when x(n) is a unit step sequence [i.e., x(n) u (n)] and y (1) is
the initial condition.

Determine the response y (n), n 0, of the system described by the
second - order difference equation which is given as :
y (n) 3 y (n 1) 4 y (n 2) x(n) 2 x(n 1)
when the input sequence is given as :
x ( n) 4 n u ( n)

The Impulse Response of a Linear

Time-Invariant Recursive System
The impulse response of a linear time-invariant recursive system, h(n) is equal to
the zero-state response of the system when the input x(n) = (n) and the system is
initially relaxed.
In the general case of an arbitrary linear-time invariant recursive system, the zerostate response expressed in terms of the convolution summation is

y zs n h k x n k


k 0

When the input is an impulse [i.e. x(n) = (n)], the above equation reduces to

y zs n h n

Determine the impulse response h n for the system described by
the second - order difference equation
y n 3 y n 1 4 y n 2 x n 2 x n 1

Structures for the Realization of

Linear Time-Invariant Systems
The realization for the first order system

y n a1 y n 1 b0 x n b1 x n 1

Is shown below. This realization is called a direct form I structure because it uses
separate delays (memory) for both the input and output signal samples. This
system can be viewed as two linear time-invariant systems in cascade described by
the equation.

v n b0 x n b1 x n 1

y n a1 y n 1 v n

x n


v n

y n




Structures for the Realization of

Linear Time-Invariant Systems
An alternative structure for the realization or the system is shown below which
results in the following difference equations

w n a1w n 1 x n

y n b0 w n b1w n 1

This structure can be reconstructed by merging the delays in the structure. This
new structure is called the direct form II structure.
x n

w n

w n 1



y n
x n


w n 1

Alternate Direct form I realization

w n




w n 1
Direct form II realization

y n

Structures for the Realization of

Linear Time-Invariant Systems
The structures for realizing a second-order system is shown below
x n






y n

x n





y n b0 x n b1 x n 1 b2 x n 2



y n

FIR System

y n a1 y n 1 a2 y n 2 b0 x n
b1 x n 1 b2 x n 2

General Second - order sytsem

x n


y n




y n a1 y n 1 a2 y n 2 b0 x n
Purely recursive system

Further Example

Further Example

Further Examples

Further Examples

Example of the use of Correlation of Signals


Correlation of Discrete-Time Signals

Crosscorrelation Sequences
Given two real signal sequences x(n) and y (n) of finite energy. The
crosscorre lation of both signals is a sequence rxy (l ) written as :
rxy (l )

x ( n) y ( n l )

l 0,1,2,...

The index l is the time shift or lag parameter and the order of the
subscripts, with x preceding y, indicates the direction in which one
sequence is shifted relative to the other. By reversing the roles of
both signals (or reversing the order of xy ), we obtain :
ryx (l )

y ( n) x ( n l )

From the two equations, it can be concluded that :

rxy (l ) ryx (l )

Determine the crosscorrelation sequence rxy (l ) of the sequences

y (n) ...,0,0,1,1,2,2, 4,1,2,5,0,0,...

x(n) ...,0,0,2,1,3,7, 1,2,3,0,0,...

Correlation of Discrete-Time Signals

Autocorrelation Sequences
In a special case where y (n) x(n), we have the autocorrel ation of
x(n) defined as :
rxx (l )

x( n) x ( n l )

In dealing with finite - duration sequences, the crosscorrelation and

autocorrelation sequences may be expressed as :
rxy (l )

N |k |1

x (n) y ( n l )
n i

rxx (l )

N |k |1

x ( n) x ( n l )
n i

where N denotes the length of the sequence.

Properties of the Autocorrelation

and Crosscorrelation Sequences
Assume we have two sequences x(n) and y(n) with finite energy from
which we form the linear combination,
ax n by n 1

where a and b are arbitrary constants and l is some time shift

It can be derived that the crosscorelation sequence satisfies the
condition that
rxy l rxx 0 ryy 0 E x E y

where E x and E y are the energies of x n and y n respctively

In a special case where x(n) = y(n), this reduces to
rxx l rxx 0 E x
This means that the autocorrelation sequence of a signal attains its
maximum value at zero lag.

Properties of the Autocorrelation

and Crosscorrelation Sequences
The normalized autocorrelation sequence is defined as

rxx l
rxx 0
While the normalized crosscorrelation sequence is defined as

xx l

xy l

rxy l

rxx 0 ryy 0

The autocorrelation sequence also satisfies the property

rxx l rxx l

Compute the autocorrelation of the signal
x n a nu n , 0 a 1

Further Example

Further Example

Correlation of Periodic Sequences

Let x(n) and y (n) be two power signals. Their crosscorrelation sequence is
rxy (l ) lim
x ( n) y ( n l )

M 2 M 1
n M
If x(n) y (n), we have the autocorrelation sequence of the power signal as
rxx (l ) lim
x ( n) x ( n l )

M 2 M 1
n M
These equations can be reduced by taking the averages over a single

period to :
N 1

rxy (l )

x ( n) y ( n l )

rxx (l )

N 1

n 0


x ( n) x ( n l )
n 0

Suppose that a signal sequence x(n) sin( / 5)n, for 0 n 99 is
corrupted by an additive noise sequence (n), where the values of
the additive noise are selected independently from sample to sample,
from a uniform distribution over the range ( / 2, / 2), where is
a parameter of the distribution.
The observed sequence is y (n) x(n) (n).
Determine the autocorrelation sequence ryy (n) and thus determine the
period of the signal x(n).

Example contd


Further Example

Further Example

Computation of Correlation
Below is an algorithm to compute the crosscorrelation sequence of two
finite - duration signals x(n), 0 n N 1 and y (n), 0 n M 1. It is
observed that if M N , rxy (l ) will be :

M 1 l

rxy (l )

n l
N 1

x(n) y(n l ),

x(n) y(n l ), N M l N 1

0l N M

n l

On the other hand, if M N , the crosscorrelation will be :

N 1

rxy (l ) x(n) y (n l )
n l

Note : rxy (l ) x(n) y (n) |n l

0 l N 1

Input-Output Correlation
Assume that a signal x(n) with known autocorrelation rxx(l) is applied to an LTI
system with impulse response h(n), producing the output signal

y n h n x n

h k x n k

The crosscorrelation between the output and input signal is

ryx l y l x l h l x l x l

ryx l h l rxx l
The autocorrelation of the output signal can be obtained using the properties of
convolution as

ryy l rhh l rxx l

Random Signals

Random Signals

Random Signals

Random Signals

Random Signals






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