CPM - Critical Path Method
CPM - Critical Path Method
CPM - Critical Path Method
Model II: Given an additional budget of $B for “crashing” tasks, what minimum
project completion time can be obtained while staying within your budget?
Min Z = t n − t1
Model III: Let $F represent the indirect cost which is proportional to the
project duration. In other words, the indirect cost for the project is $F times
the overall project duration, $F*T. Find the minimum project cost.
a + 4m + b
An estimate for the mean, µ , is the following: µ=
An estimate for the variance,σ 2, is the following: σ =
PERT – Determining Expected
Project Duration
Consider the following network:
Job Average Time Deviation Variance
A 5 1 1
B 9 1 1
C 7 1/3 1/9
D 4 1 1
E 8 0 0
F 13 2 4
G 12 3 9
H 6 1 1
I 8 1 1
PERT – Determining Expected
Project Duration
The network diagram with earliest and latest start times.