On The Scope of Applied Linguistics

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Mabel Ortiz N.

On the Scope of Applied

Mabel Ortiz N.
On the Scope of Applied Linguistics
Applied Linguistics (AL), a field emerging as
an interface of many disciplines, has been
growing in the last few decades.
In recent decades, applied linguistics has been
a polemic field.

Mabel Ortiz N.
Read the paper On the Scope of Applied
Linguistics and do the following activities.
- Explain the three generations of Applied
Linguistics. What are the differences?
- Refer to the authors mentioned in the paper
and explain their views about Applied
- Explain why Applied Linguistics has been
a polemic field.

Mabel Ortiz N.
First generation
Corder (1973) The applied linguistics is a consumer,
user, not producer of theories.

Second Generation
AL was considered an area between theories and
practices . It is neither purely theoretical nor purely
Campbell (1980)
Buckingham and Eskey (1980)
Mabel Ortiz N.
Stevens claims that AL has multiple bases in
theory. All and all, most scholars agree thar
AL is more than applying the findings of
linguistics to practical issues.
AL is considered a multidisciplinary as well as
a multifunctional field.
Oller (1980) says that AL cannot and should
not be limited to only Linguistics. Information
Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Voice
typewrites are, for example, components of
Mabel Ortiz N.
Third Generation
The extension of theoretical perspective has led
to a philosophical thinking on AL including
socio-political, cultural and ecological
Rampton (1995)
Corson (1997)
Mabel Ortiz N.
Many countries have a language policy
designed to favour or discourage the use of a
particular language or set of languages.
Although nations historically have used
language policies most often to promote one
official language at the expense of others,
many countries now have policies designed to
protect and promote regional and ethnic
languages whose viability is threatened.
Mabel Ortiz N.
Language Policy is what a government does
either officially through legislation, court
decisions or policy to determine how
languages are used, cultivate language skills
needed to meet national priorities or to
establish the rights of individuals or groups to
use and maintain languages.

Mabel Ortiz N.
Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of
study that identifies, investigates, and offers solutions
to language-related real-life problems.
Applied linguistics is an umbrella term that covers a
wide set of numerous areas of study connected by the
focus on the language that is actually used. The
emphasis in applied linguistics is on language users
and the ways in which they use languages, contrary to
theoretical linguistics which studies the language in
the abstract not referring it to any particular context,
or language, like Chomskyan generative grammar for

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