c01 Inv5

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Learning Objectives:

Open a new template file for drawing the sketches. Set up the sketching environment. Know about various drawing display options. Know about the sketcher environment in the Part mode. Get acquainted with the sketcher entities. Draw the sketches using the different sketcher entities. Delete the sketched entities.

The Sketching Environment

It is the environment where you draw the sketches of the sketched features.

A solid model

The basic sketch for the solid model

Opening A New File

Getting Started
The options that are displayed when you choose Getting Started from the What To Do area are used to select different types of help topics for working in Autodesk Inventor,

Getting Started options of the Open dialog box

The New button is used to open a new drawing file. The options that are provided when you choose New are used to select the template file for starting the design. You can open a new file by selecting it from the following tabs:

Default Tab English Tab Metric Tab

Default templates displayed under the Metric tab of the Open dialog box

The Open button is used to open an existing drawing file.

Open options of the Open dialog box

This option is used to change the current project directory and the project files.

Projects options of the Open dialog box

Introduction To The Sketching Environment

The initial screen appearance in the sketching environment of a Standard (mm).ipt file is shown in the figure.

Initial screen appearance in the sketch mode

Setting Up The Sketching Environment

The first step before drawing the sketches is to set up the sketcher environment.

Modifying the Limits of the Drawing

The Sketch tab of the Document Settings dialog box

Learning About Different Drawing Display Tools

The various drawing display tools that are available in Autodesk Inventor are:

Zoom All Zoom Window Zoom Pan

Zoom Selected

Getting Acquainted With The Various Sketching Tools

The various sketcher entities that can be drawn in Autodesk Inventor are:

Lines Circles Ellipses Arcs

Polygons Points/Hole Centers Fillets Splines


Drawing Lines
A line is defined as the shortest distance between two points. You can draw the lines using the following methods:

Drawing the Lines by Picking the Points on the Screen Drawing the Lines by Specifying the Exact Values

Applying the perpendicular constraint

Applying the parallel constraint

Drawing Circles
You can draw the circle using the two methods specified below:

Drawing a Circle by Specifying the Center Point and the Radius of the Circle Drawing Circles Using Three Tangent Lines

Circle drawn using the center point and the radius of the circle

Circle drawn using three lines

Drawing Ellipses
An ellipse can be drawn by specifying the center of the ellipse, a point on the first axis of the ellipse, and a point on the ellipse.

Drawing the ellipse

Drawing Arcs
You can draw an arc using the following three methods :

Drawing an Arc Using Three Points Drawing an Arc Tangent to an Existing Entity

Drawing the three point arc

Drawing the tangent arc

Drawing an Arc Using the Center point, Start point, and the Endpoint of the Arc

The center point arc

The center point arc

Drawing Rectangles
You can draw a rectangle using the following two methods :

Drawing Rectangles Using the Two Opposite Corners Drawing Rectangles Using Three Points on a Rectangle

Drawing the two point rectangle

Drawing the three point rectangle at an angle

Drawing Polygons
A regular polygon is a multisided geometric figure in which the length of all sides and the angle between them are the same.

Polygon dialog box

Drawing a six sided inscribed polygon

Drawing a five sided circumscribed polygon

Drawing the Points/Hole Centers

Holes can be created using only a sketched point or a hole center. These sketched points or the hole centers can be placed using the Point, Hole Center button in the Sketch toolbar.

Creating Fillets
Filleting is defined as the process of rounding the sharp corners and sharp edges of models.
2D Fillet toolbar

Rectangle before filleting

Same rectangle after filleting

Drawing Splines
To draw a spline, choose the down arrow besides the Line button in the Sketch toolbar and choose the Spline button.

Drawing a spline

Drawing a tangent spline

Deleting The Sketched Entities

The following methods are used to delete more than one entity:

Deleting the Entities Using a Window Deleting the Entities Using a Crossing

Tutorial 1
In this tutorial you will draw the sketch for the model shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch as the dimensions are just for reference. (Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A Model for Tutorial 1

Figure B Sketch of the model

1. 2.

Start Autodesk Inventor and open a new part file, Figure C. Choose Line from the Sketch panel bar and draw the sketch by entering the following points in the Precise Input toolbar. Point (X,Y) 1 Coordinates 0,0

3 4 5

-3, 3
-3.5,3 -3.5,0 -5.5,0 Figure C Opening the standard metric template


Point (X,Y)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3.

-2.5,-1 -2.5,-1.75 -2,-1.75 -2,-1.5 2,-1.5 2,-1.75 2.5,-1.75

Point (X,Y)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2.5,-1 5.5,-1 5.5,0 3.5,0 3.5,3 3,3 0,0

Once you have specified all these points, right-click to display the shortcut menu. In this menu choose Done to exit the Line tool.


The final sketch after drawing should look similar to the one shown in Figure D.
Exit the sketching environment by choosing the Return button from the Command Bar toolbar. Choose the Save button from the Standard toolbar to display the Save As dialog box. Create a directory with the name c01 inside the PersonalProject directory and save the sketch with the name Tutorial1.ipt. The path for restoring this sketch at a later stage is \PersonalProject\c01\Tutorial1.ipt.



Figure D Complete sketch for Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
In this tutorial you will draw the sketch for the model shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch. The solid model and dimensions are for reference only. (Expected time: 45 min)

Figure A Model for Tutorial 2

Figure B Dimensioned sketch for Tutorial 2

1. 2.

Start Autodesk Inventor and open a new part file. Using the following points create the outer loop.

Point (X,Y)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-40,-25 40,-25 40,-15 25,-15 25,15 40,15 40,25

Point (X,Y)
8 9 10 11 12 13

-40,25 -40,15 -25,15 -25,-15 -40,-15 -40,-25


After you have specified all these points, rightclick to display the shortcut menu. Choose Done to exit line creation. Create the rectangle by specifying the first corner as 15,-10 and the second corner as 30,20 so that the sketch should look similar to the one shown in Figure C . Choose the Return button from the Command Bar toolbar to exit the sketching environment. Save the model with the name given below: \PersonalProject\c01\Tutorial2.ipt



Figure C Complete sketch for Tutorial 2


Tutorial 3
In this tutorial you will draw the sketch for the model shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch as these dimensions are just for reference. (Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A Model for Tutorial 3

Figure B Sketch for Tutorial 3

1. 2. 3.

Open a new standard metric template using the Open dialog box. Create the upper arc of the sketch with the center at 0,15, start point as 12,15 and the endpoint as 12,15. Draw a line from the endpoint of the arc. Enter -12,0 as the endpoint of the line. Enter 0,-30 as the second point and 12,0 as the third point in the Precise Input toolbar.

Figure C Final sketch for Tutorial 3

4. Draw the next arc from within the Line tool and complete the sketch by drawing the remaining lines as shown in Figure C. Choose the Return button in the Command Bar toolbar to exit the sketching environment. Save the sketch with the name given below: \PersonalProject\c01\Tutorial3.ipt.


Tutorial 4
In this tutorial you will draw the basic contour of the revolved solid model shown in Figure A. The contour that you have to draw for creating the revolved solid is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch as these dimensions are for reference only.
(Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A Revolved model for Tutorial 4

Figure B Sketch for the revolved model

1. 2.

Open a new metric file by using the Open dialog box. Draw the sketch by entering the following points in the Precise Input toolbar: Point (X,Y) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Coordinates 22,0 0,30 -20,0 0,-5 16,0 0,-9 -40,0 Point (X,Y) 8 9 10 11 12 13 Coordinates 0,-6 8,0 0,-6 14,0 0,-4 22,0

3. 4.

Right-click to display the shortcut menu and choose Done to complete the sketch. The sketch should look similar to the one shown in Figure C. Create the fillet between the lines as shown in Figure D.


Choose the Return button in the Command Bar toolbar to exit the sketching environment. Save the sketch with the name given below: \PersonalProject\c01\Tutorial4.ipt.

Figure C Sketch after drawing the lines

Figure D Sketch after filleting

Exercise 1
Draw the basic sketch for the model shown in Figure A. The sketch that you have to draw is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch as these dimensions are just for reference.

Figure A Model for Exercise 1

Figure B Sketch for Exercise 1

Exercise 2
Draw the basic sketch for the model shown in Figure A. The sketch that you have to draw is shown in Figure B. Do not dimension the sketch as these dimensions are just for reference.

Figure A Model for Exercise 2

Figure B Sketch for Exercise 2

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