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Air Distribution Engineering Guide

Selection Procedures
Outlet Selection The outlet type and size must be carefully selected so as to provide uniform air temperatures and satisfactory velocities within the occupied zone. In addition noise levels must be acceptable. If these criteria are met then a high level of comfort will be achieved for the occupants of the conditioned space. In order to properly select and size an outlet, a number of performance factors must be taken into account.

1. Throw Achieving the proper throw for a specific application is critical to proper outlet selection. Throw data is usually presented at terminal velocities of 150 fpm, 100 fpm and 50 fpm. Generally outlets should be selected so that the throw at 50 fpm terminal velocity equals the distance from the outlet to the boundary of the conditioned space. In most cases this criteria will produce acceptable results. When an air stream strikes a surface it tends to spread and follow the surface until the velocity dissipates. The total horizontal and vertical distance travelled by the air stream is equal to the tabulated throw of the outlet (Figure 17). For high ceiling applications it may be desirable for the throw to exceed the space boundary (ceiling) and travel down the wall toward the occupied zone. However penetration of the occupied zone should usually be avoided. In addition to physical boundaries created by walls or partitions, boundaries can be created by the collision of two air patterns (Figure 18). Where two patterns will meet, the outlets should be selected so that the throw is equal to one half the distance between the outlets. For high ceiling applications it may again be desirable for the throw to travel downward toward the occupied zone. Throw is again equal to the horizontal and vertical distance travelled by the air stream. It should be noted that most catalog throw data is presented for isothermal conditions, i.e. supply air temperature equals room temperature. During cooling the denser supply air will shorten the horizontal throw to approximately 75% of tabulated values. When selecting outlets for VAV application, both minimum and maximum air quantities must be considered for throw. Although many models of outlets provide excellent horizontal air pattern at extremely low flows, throws may be reduced below acceptable limits. Slot diffusers and light troffer diffusers tend to maintain reasonable throws at low air volume and are therefore a good choice for this application.

Figure 17.

Figure 18.

In many applications it is desirable to limit the throw due to ceiling layout, walls, partitions or other boundaries which may obstruct the air pattern and cause unacceptable velocities in the occupied zone. There are several methods which may be used to minimize throw from outlets.

Spread Spreading the air pattern dissipates the air stream over a wider area and increases entrainment. This reduces the mass flow per unit surface area, which in turn reduces throw. Some outlets are designed to produce a spread pattern due to their geometry (SDA, TBD8) while others have adjustable vanes (510, 520, 610, 620 series grilles).

Copyright E.H. Price Limited 2004.

All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre.



Air Distribution Engineering Guide

Selection Procedures
Air Volume Throw is directly related to mass flow, therefore a reduction in air volume per outlet will reduce the throw. This can be achieved by utilizing more outlets with less air volume per outlet. For linear diffusers or grilles the same thing can be achieved by dividing the outlet into active and inactive sections (Figure 19). Each active section handles a smaller quantity of air, thereby reducing the throw. In order to effectively separate the air pattern, the outlet should be divided by minimum inactive length as illustrated in Table 1. Table 1. Inactive/Active Sections
Length of Active Sections, Ft. Length of Inactive Sections, Ft. 1 1 5 2 10 3


Figure 19.

2. Drop Since a velocity of 50 FPM or less is desirable in the occupied zone, drop should be limited to a terminal velocity of 50 FPM, 6 feet from the floor. Figure 20 on the following page shows throw and drop for sidewall grilles at several locations and air pattern settings. Figure 20 illustrates several methods of reducing drop for sidewall grilles. 1. Mounting the grille close to the ceiling creates a surface effect and reduces drop. 2. Deflecting the air pattern upward reduces drop. 3. Spreading the air pattern reduces drop. 4. Reducing the air volume reduces drop. 5. Reducing the throw reduces drop. Drop for ceiling diffusers is rarely catalogued as it is normally of no concern. However for applications with low ceiling heights or when large volumes per outlet are required, the drop should be considered. Table 2 provides a guideline for maximum air quantity, allowable for given ceiling heights to satisfy 80% or higher occupant criteria.

Table 2. Maximum Air Quantity Guidelines

Ceiling Height, Ft. Outlet Type 8 9 10 12 14 16


550 270 1100 200 160 320

1300 700 2300 350 250 500

2200 1300 5000 550 400 800

4000 2100 900 600 1200

6200 3300 1400 800 1600

9300 5500 1600 1000 2000

These values are for 20F cooling temperature differential.


All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre.

Copyright E.H. Price Limited 2004.

Air Distribution Engineering Guide

Selection Procedures
Figure 20. Throw and Drop for Sidewall Grilles Deflection: Vertical - 20 Up, Horizontal - 0 Mounted 2 4 Ft. Below Ceiling

No Ceiling

Deflection: Vertical - 0, Horizontal - 0 Mounted Within 1 Ft. of Ceiling

No Ceiling

Deflection: Vertical - 0, Horizontal - 45 Mounted Within 11/2 Ft. of Ceiling

No Ceiling

Performance Notes:

1. 2. 3.

Throw and drop values are based on 50 fpm terminal velocity. Data are based on tests with 20F cooling temperature differential in space with no boundary walls. Data are based on Model 21 and 22 cores.



Small circle in white area of each chart shows comparative performances of one size of grille at 300 cfm and 600 fpm outlet velocity. Shaded area to right of each chart indicates noise level above 30 NC.

Copyright E.H. Price Limited 2004.

All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre.



Air Distribution Engineering Guide

Selection Procedures
3. ADPI By definition the ADPI is the statistical percentage of the points when measured uniformly within the space whose draft velocities and temperatures fall within the comfort criteria established in Figure 1. The higher the ADPI rating the higher the comfort level within the space. Generally an ADPI of 80 is considered acceptable. Through extensive testing, relationships have been developed between ADPI and the ratio of throw over characteristic length (T / L). The throw is the isothermal throw at a selected terminal velocity taken from the catalog performance charts. The characteristic length is the distance from the outlet to the nearest boundary. Table 3 provides definition of characteristic length for various outlet types. Table 4 illustrates the range of T/L values which will result in optimum comfort conditions for various outlet types at several room loads. By selecting a throw from the catalog data which produces the required T/L ratios, an acceptable ADPI rating can be achieved. Example: An office 15 ft. wide by 20 ft. long is supplied with a 10" x 8" Model 520 sidewall grille located on the short wall, handling 300 cfm. The supply air temperature is 55F and the room temperature is 75F. Verify the selection based on ADPI. Room load = BTU/HR Ft 2 BTU/HR = 1.085 x CFM x T = 1.085 x 300 (75-55) = 6510 Room Area = 20 x 15 = 300 ft2 Room Load = 6510 = 21.7 BTU/HR Ft2 300 Characteristic length L = 20 ft (Table 3) From the Model 520 performance table in Section D for 10" x 8" grille: T50 = 31 ft @ 0 DEFL = 25 ft @ 22 1/2 DEFL = 15 ft @ 45 DEFL T50/L = 31/20 = 1.6 @ 0 DEFL = 25/20 = 1.3 @ 22 1/2 DEFL = 15/20 = 0.8 @ 45 DEFL From Table 4 the range of T50/L for ADPI greater than 80 is 1.0 - 1.9. For maximum ADPI of 85, the T50/L is 1.5. Therefore 0 deflection will produce the optimum ADPI rating. Table 3. Characteristic Length for Various Diffuser Types
Characteristic Length, L

Diffuser Type

High Sidewall Grille Circular Ceiling Diffuser Sill Grille Ceiling Slot Diffuser Light Troffer Diffusers Perforated, Louvered Ceiling Diffusers

Distance to wall perpendicular to jet Distance to closest wall or intersecting air jet Length of room in the direction of the jet flow Distance to wall or midplane between outlets Distance to midplane between outlets, plus distance from ceiling to top of occupied zone Distance to wall or midplane between outlets
Reference: ASHRAE Handbook
T50/L for Max. APDI Maximum ADPI for ADPI Greater Than Range of T50/L


Table 4. Range of T/L Values

Terminal Device Room Load Btu/h.ft

High Sidewall Grilles Circular Ceiling Diffusers Sill Grille Straight Vanes Sill Grille Spread Vanes Ceiling Slot Diffusers (for T100/L) Light Troffer Diffusers Perforated and Louvered Ceiling Diffusers * T100/L

80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 60 40 20 11-51

1.8 1.8 1.6 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.7 1.7 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.3* 0.3* 0.3* 0.3* 2.5 1.0 1.0 2.0

68 72 78 85 76 83 88 93 61 72 86 95 94 94 94 94 85 88 91 92 86 92 95 96

70 70 80 70 80 80 90 60 70 80 90 90 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 80-

1.5-2.2 1.2-2.3 1.0-1.9 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.2 0.5-1.5 0.7-1.3 1.5-1.7 1.4-1.7 1.2-1.8 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.5 0.6-1.7 0.3-0.7* 0.3-0.8* 0.3-1.1* 0.3-1.5* <3.8 <3.0 <4.5 1.4-2.7 1.0-3.4

Reference: ASHRAE Handbook


All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre.

Copyright E.H. Price Limited 2004.

Air Distribution Engineering Guide

Selection Procedures
4. Noise Criteria Most air outlets are catalogued with a single NC (Noise Criteria) sound pressure rating based on a 10 dB room absorption. This NC value assumes an average room and an approximate distance of 5 feet from a single sound source. These assumptions are reliable for most applications. Table 5 illustrates the ASHRAE recommended space NC values for many commercial air conditioning applications. Outlets should be selected so that the tabulated NC levels are within these design goals. All outlet sound data is for a single source. Allowances must be made for multiple outlets when this occurs in a space since the overall noise level may be the resultant of more than one outlet. Table 6 illustrates the additive effect of multiple outlets of equal sound. For a large area with a large number of outlets, consider an area of 400 to 600 ft.2 as the maximum area where more than one outlet will contribute to the overall noise level. Take area to be square or of an aspect ratio of 1 to 2. By using an overlay on the diffuser layout, the maximum concentration of diffusers can be determined and thus the overall noise level can be calculated. The above procedure is a simple and fast method for adding multiple air outlets which will provide reasonable accuracy. For a more detailed sound analysis procedure which takes into account room size, distance from source and unequal sound sources, refer to the Terminal Unit Engineering Guide beginning on page EG-25. Example A 25' x 40' conference room is supplied with 8 LTF-24-LP-6" oval inlet troffer diffusers. Each diffuser handles 120 CFM and all 8 are evenly distributed within the room. Determine if this selection meets the recommended noise criteria. Room Area = 25 x 40 = 1000 ft2. Consider an area of 500 ft2 with 4 diffusers (1/2 the total area). From the performance tables in Section B, the noise level of an LTF-24-LP-6" oval at 120 CFM is 23 NC. From Table 6, the boost for 4 outlets is 6 dB. Therefore overall NC = 23 + 6 = 29. This selection maintains a noise level within the recommended range (25 - 30 for Table 5).

Table 5. Design Guidelines for HVAC System Noise in Unoccupied Spaces

Room Types Recommended Level


Room Types

Recommended Level


Private residences Hotels/Motels Individual rooms or suites Meeting/banquet rooms Corridors, lobbies Service/support areas Office Buildings Executive and private offices Conference rooms Tele-conference rooms Open-plan offices Corridors and lobbies Hospitals and clinics Private rooms Wards Operating rooms Corridors and public areas Performing Arts Spaces Drama theatres Concert and recital halls Music teaching studios Music practice rooms Laboratories (with Fume Hoods) Testing/research, minimal speech communication Research, extensive telephone use, speech communication Group teaching Church, Mosque, Synagogue General assembly With critical music programs

25-35 25-35 25-35 35-45 35-45 25-35 25-35 25 (max) 30-40 40-45 25-35 30-40 25-35 30-45 25 (max) c 25 (max) 35 (max) 45-55 40-50 35-45 25-35 c

Schools Classrooms up to 70 m2 Classrooms over 70 m2 Large lecture rooms, without speech amplification Libraries Courtrooms Un-amplified speech Amplified speech Indoor Stadiums, Gymnasiums Gymnasiums and natatoriumse Large seating-capacity spaces with speech amplificatione

d 40 (max) 35 (max) 35 (max) 30-40 25-35 30-40 40-50 45-55

The values and ranges are based on judgment and experience, not quantitative evaluations of human reactions. They represent general limits of acceptability for typical building occupancies. Higher or lower values may be appropriate and should be based on a careful analysis of economics, space use and user needs. b When quality of sound in the space is important, specify criteria in terms of RC(N). If the quality of the sound in the space is of secondary concern, the criteria may be specified in terms of NC or NCB levels of similar magnitude. c An experienced acoustical consultant should be retained for guidance on acoustically critical spaces (below RC 30) and for all performing arts spaces. d HVAC related sound criteria for schools, such as those listed in this table, may be too high and impede learning by children in primary grades whose vocabulary is limited. Some educators and others believe that the HVAC related background sound should not exceed RC 25 (N). e RC or NC criteria for these spaces need only be selected for the desired speech and hearing conditions.

Reference 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook, Table 34, page 46.25 ARI Standard 885-1998, Table 15, page 28

Table 6. Allowance for Number of Outlets

No. of Outlets

1 0

2 3

3 5

4 6

8 9

10 10

20 13

40 16

dB Boost

Copyright E.H. Price Limited 2004.

All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre.



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