TMS WebUpdate Developers Guide
TMS WebUpdate Developers Guide
TMS WebUpdate Developers Guide
Documentation: Jul, 2010 Copyright 1998 2010 by bvba Web: Email : [email protected]
Table of contents Welcome ........................................................................................ 3 TWebUpdate availability ...................................................................... 3 TWebUpdate use ............................................................................... 3 TWebUpdate organisation .................................................................... 4 TWebUpdate setup and methods ............................................................ 4 TWebUpdate control file ...................................................................... 9 TWebUpdate control file examples ........................................................ 14 TWebUpdate debugging ...................................................................... 16 Using TWebUpdate with C++Builder ........................................................ 16 Using UpdateBuilder .......................................................................... 17 Using TWebUpdateWizard ................................................................... 17 Writing custom TWebUpdateWizard translation components .......................... 17
Welcome to the TWebupdate Developer's Guide, created by At, we strive to produce world class software components that enable developers to produce quality software for the most demanding of environments. Our innovative component suites are designed to be extensible, easy to use and design time rich. We provide full source code to enable seamless integration of our components with our customers' projects.
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TWebUpdate availability
WebUpdate is available as VCL component for Win32 application development. VCL versions: TWebUpdate is available for Delphi 5,6,7,2005,2006,2007,2009,2010 and C++Builder 5,6,2006,2007,2009,2010.
TWebUpdate use
The TMS TWebUpdate component is designed to make distribution of application updates easier. TWebUpdate can handle network file transfer, FTP or HTTP/HTTPS based distribution methods. Formats for distributing updates can be LZ compressed files, CAB files, patch difference files and normal files. The application updates can consist of one or multiple executable files as well as other application related data files. A high degree of customization is possible in the setup of the update process. For easy of use, a WebUpdate Wizard is included as well as an UpdateBuilder that creates update process control files.
TWebUpdate organisation
The application update process happens in several steps. Step 1 is obtaining the control file (.INF file) from a network, FTP or HTTP/HTTPS based location. The next step is the processing of the .INF file by verifying new files, new actions, new versions and if necessary downloading the files. Update files that are not part of the executable running process (.EXE, .DLLs) can be immediately extracted to the proper location. If necessary, in the last step, the application is closed, the new EXE and/or DLL files are extracted and the application new version is automatically restarted. This update process can run automatically or steered programmatically through the TWebUpdate component. As an alternative, the TWebUpdateWizard can be used that is a user-friendly front-end for guiding the user through the update process. For internet based updates, TWebUpdate is based on the Microsoft WinInet API, available in Win 95 OSRB, Win 98, Win 98SE, Win ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008.
Setting TWebUpdate.Authentication to waAlways will cause the TWebUpdate to prompt for username and password. If TWebUpdate.Authentication is set to waAuto, TWebUpdate will only prompt if it finds a password protected website.
Two additional options HTTPKeepAliveAuthentication and ProxyUserID, ProxyUserPassword can be set when required. Setting the update distribution location for FTP based updates For FTP based updates, the update control file name is set with the URL property but in addition, the FTP server specifications and login details must be set with: Host: sets the FTP server name Port: sets the FTP server port UserID: FTP login username Password: FTP login password FTPDirectory: folder on FTP server where update is located FTPPassive: true when PASV FTP mode needs to be used
Controlling the update process Once TWebUpdate is setup for the correct update distribution type, several methods and events are available for starting and controlling the update process. The full update process is started by TWebUpdate.DoUpdate; (this performs the update in the main application thread) or TWebUpdate.DoThreadUpdate; (this performs the update in a separate thread) If only a check is required if a new version is available, this can be done with the function: TWebUpdate.NewVersionAvailable: Boolean;
Using the TWebUpdateWizard The TWebUpdateWizard provides a user-friendly front-end to guide the user through the update process. To use the TWebUpdateWizard, drop the component on the form, connect the TWebUpdate component to its WebUpdate property and if required, connect a TWebUpdateWizardLanguage component to its language property. Start the wizard by calling TWebUpdateWizard.Execute;
Events during the update process During the update process, various events are triggered that can be used to steer and monitor the update. OnBeforeFileDownload(Sender: TObject; FileIdx: Integer; FileDescription: String; var URL: String); Event triggered before a file is downloaded. The event returns the URL of the file and allows that the URL is dynamically changed through this event. FileIdx is the index of the file to be downloaded, FileDescription is the description found in the update control file. URL is the location found in the control file and can be dynamically changed. OnFileNameFromURL(Sender: TObject; URL: String; var FName: String); Event triggered to allow dynamically changing a download filename to another filename. If the URL would be, the download will automatically be named My using the OnFileNameFromURL event, this can be dynamically renamed to another filename. OnFileProgress(Sender: TObject; FileName: String; Pos, Size: Integer); Event triggered for file download progress indication. Pos holds the position of the download in a file of size set by the Size parameter. OnFileDownloaded(Sender: TObject; FileName: String); Event triggered when a file has finished downloading. OnFileVersionCheck(Sender: TObject; NewVersion, LocalVersion: String; var IsNew: Boolean); Event triggered for custom version checking for each available file in the update. NewVersion holds the new version information and LocalVersion the reference (in most cases FileName) from where the local version information can be extracted. The IsNew parameter indicates whether the update is a newer version or not.
OnProgress(Sender: TObject; Action: String); Event triggered for each step during the web update. Action indicates what is happening. OnProgressCancel(Sender: TObject; var Cancel: Boolean); Event triggered during update to allow cancelling updates while busy. By setting the Cancel parameter to true, the update process is stopped. OnStatus(Sender: TObject; StatusStr: String; StatusCode, ErrCode: Integer); Event for status messages during web update. StatusStr shows the status as text, StatusCode returns the reference number of the status and ErrCode returns the type of the error (if an error happened) Following constants are defined for this: Constants used for status WebUpdateSuccess = WebUpdateAccessError = WebUpdateNotFound = WebUpdateInformation = WebUpdateNoNewVersion = WebUpdateNewVersion = WebUpdateHTTPStatus = WebUpdateHTMLDialog = WebUpdateCABError = WebUpdateSpawnFail = WebUpdateWrongSource = WebUpdateSignatureError = WebUpdateWhatsNew = WebUpdateEUL = WebUpdateWhatsnewCancel = WebUpdateEULACancel = WebUpdatePostConnectFail= WebUpdatePostPostFail = WebUpdateExecAndWait = WebUpdateUndefined = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; $FF; Constants for errors ErrControlFileNotFound ErrUpdateFileNotFound ErrUpdateFileZeroLen ErrUpdateTargetEqual ErrUpdateSignatureError ErrConnectError ErrUndefined = = = = = = = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; $FF;
OnThreadUpdateDone(Sender: TObject); Event triggered when the threaded update process is finished OnAppRestart(Sender: TObject; var Allow: Boolean); Event triggered before restarting the downloaded new version. Set Allow to false, if restarting the application is not allowed. OnAppDoClose(Sender: TObject); Event triggered to allow the application to execute its own close method, otherwise, TWebUpdate will force an application close itself. Note that when OnAppDoClose is assigned and the application is not closed from this event, the update will not automatically restart. OnCustomValidate(Sender: TObject; Msg, Param: String; var Allow: Boolean);
Event triggered for custom validation of parameters from the update control file. This can be used for example for custom licensing control and disallowing updates to happen for products where the free update period has expired. This event is only triggered when custom validation information is available in the control file. OnCustomProcess(Sender: TObject; Msg, Param: String); Event triggered when custom update processing info is present in the control file. OnGetFileList(Sender: TObject; List: TStringList); Event triggered to allow user to select from multiple updated application components. The list contains the descriptions of the application components available. By removing descriptions from the list, the corresponding files will not be downloaded in the update process. OnConvertPrefix(Sender: TObject; var Path: String); Event triggered to allow user to convert directory prefixes into directory on the system. A directory prefix is the use of {PREFIX} in file paths where PREFIX is dynamically replaced by machine dependent paths. Default supported prefixes are {WIN} : Windows folder {SYS} : Windows System32 folder {PF} : Program Files folder {TMP} : Temporary files folder {APP} : Application folder {DOC} : My documents folder To support additional prefixes, the OnConvertPrefix event can be used. OnDownloadedEULA(Sender: TObject; Text: TStrings; var Res: Integer); Event triggered when EULA file found to allow customizing of display of EULA. The EULA is returned in Text and the result of accepting or not accepting the EULA is set in Res. Setting Res to mrOK accepts the EULA. OnDownloadedWhatsNew(Sender: TObject; Text: TStrings; var Res: Integer); Event triggered when What's New file found to allow customizing of display of What's New file. Set Res to mrOk to let WebUpdate continue the processing. OnSuccess(Sender: TObject); Event triggered when the update process has finished successfully. OnSetAppParams(Sender: TObject; var AppParams: String); Event triggered to set the application parameters with which the new version is restarted. OnProcessPostResult(Sender: TObject; var AllowPostResult: Boolean); When TWebUpdate posts information to the HTTP server, the result of this POST is stored in TWebUpdate.PostUpdateInfo.PostResult. After this, the event OnProcessPostResult is triggered that can be used check this result and depending on this result, allow the update process to continue or not by setting AllowPostResult to true or false.
Actions to do for the update These actions are specified in the [action] section [action] updateURL= msg=Automatic web update query=This is the update version Continue ? showURL= htmldlg= runbefore= runafter= In the action section following keywords are supported : - updateURL : will update the URL of the update control file - msg : simple message displayed during the update - query : query string allowing the user to cancel the update - showURL : shows the URL in the default browser - htmldlg : shows the specified html file at the URL as dialog - runbefore : run any app. before the update starts - runafter : run any app. after the updated files are transferred Whats new and EULA options It is possible to add a reference to a file containing information about what is new in the new version of the application and a file holding the license agreement. This is done in the Whatsnew and EULA sections: [WhatsNew] file=location of file [EULA] file=location of file Example: [WhatsNew] file= Through the TWebUpdate.LanguageID, it is possible to provide different Whats new and EULA files for different languages. By setting TWebUpdate.LanguageID to a language specifier, the sections looked for are SectionName + LanguageID. Suppose a Whats new file is available in English and French. The language ID for English is choosen as EN and for French as FR. As such, in the control file, 2 sections are available: [WhatsNewEN] file= [WhatsNewFR] file=
Before calling TWebUpdate.DoUpdate, the French version of the software would set LanguageID to FR and would download the Whats new file whatsnew_french.txt while the English version would set the LanguageID to EN and download whatsnew_english.txt TWebUpdate can display the Whats new or EULA information in its own dialog box. This dialog box can display text files (.TXT) as well as rich text (.RTF) files. When TWebUpdate is run via the wizard, it can also display this Whats new or EULA text or rich text in the wizard. Number of files to update The number of new files are defined in the sections [files] with the count keyword [files] count=2 Details of files to update [file%] (where % is number of the file starting at 1) url=URL (HTTP), filename (FTP) or UNC (file based) newversion=1,0,0,0 OR newsize= OR newchecksum= localversion=application.exe targetdir=path descr=your description of the file compressed=1 filesize=123456 mandatory=0 or 1 hidden=0 or 1 If no newversion keyword is present, the update file is always downloaded. If the newversion, newsize or newchecksum keyword is used, this new version or new file size or new file checksum is compared with the version info, file size or file checksum (integer number) of the local file defined with the localversion keyword. The path can be any path and can also contain prefixes : {APP}, {WIN}, {PF} or {TMP}. {APP} = directory where the current application is running {WIN} = Windows directory on machine {PF} = Program Files directory on machine {TMP} = Temp. directory on machine If a file must be installed into a subdirectory of the current application running the update, specify {APP}\SUBDIR. If I file must be installed in a subdirectory of the Windows directory use {WIN}\SUBDIR or in the temporary directory with {TMP}\SUBDIR. Custom prefixes can also be used and these need to be translated to real directories on the system using the OnConvertPrefix event. The Descr details are only used when the OnGetFileList event is used. The OnGetFileList event can be used to query the user for all available updates based on a description rather than the file name. If compressed is 1, this means that the file should be decompressed using the lzexpand or CAB decompress algorithm during program execution, otherwise it is copied. As an alternative, TWebUpdate also automatically recognizes the .CAB extension and if the property CABExtract is true, these CAB files are extracted as well during the update process. Make sure though that no application components (ie .EXE and .DLL files) are decompressed in this step! As application components are still in memory during this phase, these cannot be overwritten. Application components need to be decompressed after program execution and these are specified in the section [Application] which is discussed further.
The FileSize information can be optionally set. This is used for TWebUpdate to calculate the total file size used during progress indication. Mandatory can be optionally set to 0 or 1. 1 means that the file is mandatory for the update process. When TWebUpdate is used with the TWebUpdatWizard, this file will be displayed in the list of application components but it will not be possible to uncheck it. 0 is the default value. Hidden can be optionally set to 0 or 1. 1 means that the file is not displayed in the list of files to download in the TWebUpdateWizard but will be downloaded anyway. 0 is the default value. Updating application components To overwrite used .EXE and .DLL files of the running application with the updated files, other file with different names than the ones in use must be used. For the files in use, these can be compressed with the standard Microsoft LZ compression program (COMPRESS -r <file>) When updating, the running application is closed, the files are expanded and the running application (update version) is restarted. The appupdate=1 keyword indicates if application used components need to be updated. The application that must be restarted after the update is indicated with the appname keyword. Finally, the appcomps keyword indicates a series of LZ compressed files that will be expanded during the update process: [application] appparam=optional commandline parameters for application restart appupdate=1 appname=inet.exe appcomps=inet.ex_ other.dl_ onemore.dl_ silentrestart=0 OR 1 As an alternative CAB files are also supported giving the extra flexibility to have long filesnames for application EXE and DLLs files and multiple files per CAB. Instead of specifying the LZ compressed filenames, just add the CAB file names in the appcomps keyword, ie. [application] appparam=optional commandline parameters for application restart appupdate=1 appname=CABFileUpdateApp.exe If no compression is wanted, the application filenames can be extended with _NEW suffix. After download and application shutdown, the files will be renamed without their _NEW suffix, replacing the existing older files. [application] appparam=optional commandline parameters for application restart appupdate=1 appname=CABFileUpdateApp.exe appcomps=CABFileUpdateApp.exe_NEW In case the download of the new application is a setup application that needs to be executed, this can be done with specifying the downloaded setup application as application component. Application components with the .EXE file extension are always treated as an application component that needs to be executed. [application] appparam=optional commandline parameters for application restart
appupdate=1 appname=MyApp.exe appcomps=MyAppSetup.exe Finally, advanced control of the update process after the application has been closed is possible with specifying a new .INF file for appcomps, ie: [application] appparam=optional commandline parameters for application restart appupdate=1 appname=CABFileUpdateApp.exe appcomps=extraprocess.inf This .INF file is either also downloaded during the update process or available in the application directory. This .INF file structure is simple and contains a list of update files to process as: [FILES] COUNT=3 TARGET1={WIN}\System FILE2=myapp.ex_ TARGET2={APP} FILE3=mynewdb.db_NEW TARGET3={APP} After the application has been closed, this extra .INF file will be processed and will be extracted to \Windows\System, myapp.ex_ will be expanded to myapp.exe in the application directory and mynewdb.db_NEW will be renamed to mynewdb.db. When the flag for silentrestart is set to 1, no message dialog is shown before the application is closed and the new version is started. When this flag is not in the .INF file or zero, the default message confirmation dialog for closing the application is shown. Additional custom validation options Custom validation can be done based on entries in the control file as well. This is done through the OnCustomValidate event which passes the values found in the following section of the control file : [custom] validatemsg= validateparam= This could for example be used to query for a valid password or license to obtain the update. The update will continue if the customvalidate parameter is true upon return. Other than validation, custom processing of parameters can be done as well through the OnCustomProcess event in which following info from the control file is passed : [custom] processmsg= processparam=
This is a date-based HTTP based update control file with an instruction to use a file difference patcher (like the ASTA patch utility) for updating a database: [update] date=2/4/2007 [action] msg=This is a file based update [files] count=1 [file1] url= localversion=cars.mdb [application] appupdate=0
This is a version based HTTP based update control file with LZ-compressed updated EXE and a few actions: [update] newversion=1,1,0,0 localversion=sampapp.exe [action] msg=Found updated sample app. query=Proceed with automatic update ? htmldlg= [files] count=2 [file1] url= descr=Application [file2] url= descr=Application logo [application] appupdate=1 appname=sampapp.exe appcomps=sampapp.ex_
This is a version based HTTP based update control file with CAB-compressed updated EXE, updated applications DLLs and update database files processed after closing the application: [update] newversion=1,1,0,0 localversion=myapp.exe [action] msg=Found updated application. [files] count=4 [file1] url= descr=Application [file2] url= descr=Application dlls [file3] url= descr=Application Database
[file4] url= descr=Extra mandatory=1 hidden=1 [application] appupdate=1 appname=my.exe appcomps=process.inf with process.INF: [FILES] COUNT=3 FILE1=MYAPP.CAB TARGET1={APP} FILE2=MYAPPDLL.CAB TARGET2={WIN}\System32 FILE3=MYAPPDB.CAB TARGET3={APP}\DB
TWebUpdate debugging
In case something is not working as desired, it is often convenient to check what steps TWebUpdate has executed. This can be traced by setting TWebUpdate.Logging = true. During execution, TWebUpdate will create a log file of all steps performed in the file WUPDATE.LOG (default filename or can be changed with TWebUpdate.LogFileName) If no path is specified, the log file will by default be created in the My documents folder.
Using TWebUpdateWizard
Using TWebUpdate with the TWebUpdateWizard is straightforward. Drop the TWebUpdate and TWebUpdateWizard on the form, setup TWebUpdate and assign TWebUpdate to the TWebUpdateWizard.WebUpdate property. The wizard can be started by calling TWebUpdateWizard.Execute. Additional options for the TWebUpdateWizard are: AutoRun: when true, does not require the user to step through each step AutoStart: when true, the user does not have to start the update process, it starts automatically Billboard: sets the left image for the update wizard dialog BillboardCenter: Boolean: When true, the image is centered BillboardStretch: Boolean: When true, the billboard image is stretched BillboardTop: integer: sets the top position of the billboard image BillboardLeft: integer: sets the left position of the billboard image BillboardWidth: integer: sets the width of the billboard image BillboardHeight: integer: sets the height of the billboard image BorderStyle: sets the border style for the update wizard dialog Caption: sets the caption text for the update wizard dialog Font: sets the font for the update wizard dialog Language: sets the language for the update wizard dialog. By default, the language is English. Position: sets the screen position of the update wizard dialog
constructor TWebUpdateWizardDutch.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; Welcome := 'Druk start om te beginnen met controleren voor applicatie updates ...'; StartButton := 'Start'; NextButton := 'Volgende'; ExitButton := 'Verlaten'; CancelButton := 'Annuleren'; RestartButton := 'Herstarten'; GetUpdateButton := 'Update'; NewVersionFound := 'Nieuwe version gevonden'; NewVersion := 'Nieuwe versie'; NoNewVersionAvail := 'Geen nieuwe versie beschikbaar.'; NewVersionAvail := 'Nieuwe versie beschikbaar.'; CurrentVersion := 'Huidige versie'; NoFilesFound := 'Geen bestanden gevonden voor update'; NoUpdateOnServer := 'geen update gevonden op server ...'; CannotConnect := 'Er kan geen verbinding met de update server tot stand gebracht worden of'; WhatsNew := 'Nieuw in update'; License := 'Licentie overeenkomst'; AcceptLicense := 'Ik aanvaard'; NotAcceptLicense := 'Ik aanvaard niet'; ComponentsAvail := 'Beschikbare applicatie componenten'; DownloadingFiles := 'Downloaden bestanden'; CurrentProgress := 'Vooruitgang huidig bestand'; TotalProgress := 'Totale vooruitgang'; UpdateComplete := 'Update volledig ...'; RestartInfo := 'Druk Herstarten om de nieuwe versie te starten.'; WhatsNewPopup := Bekijken met kladblok; LicensePopup := Bekijken met kladblok; end;