A Speech About Abortion
A Speech About Abortion
A Speech About Abortion
Have you ever thought about killing anyone? You may think that question is crazy, but that question crosses the minds of millions of pregnant women everyday in the United States. No matter how you say it, abortion is the killing of a life. In this informative paper, you as a reader will come to understand the facts on abortion and then understand where I stand. According to US Abortion data provided in 1995 by Planned Parenthood, there were 1.8 million first trimester abortions, 180 thousand second trimester abortions, and about four thousand required Hysterectomies. According to these figures, the United States as a whole killed or aborted 1,984,000 fetuses. It is disfiguring to think about 1 child being aborted, but 1,984,000 children, that is just sickening. According to the Planned Parenthood survey of 1995, there are fewer deaths per million abortions than per million births and there are nine deaths per million abortion procedures and sixty-three deaths per million births. Both complications and the death rate rise with the age of the fetus. Pro-choice physicians seem to believe that a fetus can not feel any pain until the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. Others who are pro-life believe that the fetus can feel pain as early as the seventh week. But does it really matter if the fetus can feel anything? Proceeding with the decision to have an abortion brings severe depressionor does it? According to a survey done by Dr. Paul Sachdef, long term guilt or depression was rare in the seventy in-depth interviews that he conducted of women ages eighteen to twenty-five, single, and white. These classifications of the women interviewed represented the largest group of women seeking abortions. He also found that two-thirds of the women used contraceptives rarely or not at all. Three-fourths of the women thought they would not become pregnant and almost eighty percent " felt relief and satisfaction" soon after the abortion. He also found the elective abortion is much less traumatic for the parent/s than an elective adoption. Many seemed to disagree with the doctor's findings. Several believe that post-traumatic abortion syndrome does not set in until perhaps seven years after the abortion. I would have to think that someone would feel depression or some kind of guilt or loneliness after having aborted her child. What do you think? I would just like everyone to really think about your options if you are ever faced with the decision of whether or not to have an abortion. I know that there are many things such as rape or knowing that I would bring an ill child into this world that would make me reconsider abortion. But do not have an abortion just because you were too lazy to use some kind of contraceptive. A life is a very precious thing, especially one that is a part of you.