Biznet Order Form - Dedicated Line MetroWAN 040111
Biznet Order Form - Dedicated Line MetroWAN 040111
Biznet Order Form - Dedicated Line MetroWAN 040111
callcenter Jakarta Bandung Bali Surabaya +62-21-57998888 +62-22-4267088 +62-361-771631 +62-31-5349388 fax Jakarta Bandung Bali Surabaya +62-21-5700580 +62-22-4267080 +62-361-708917 +62-31-5349389
Note Please provide detailed information so we can provision the service faster. Company name/customer name Address
Contact person : Contact title : Phone : Fax : Mobile : Email : Billing address
For technical inquiries or installation, please contact Technical contact person : Phone : Fax : Mobile : Email :
billing information
Billing contact person : Billing contact email : ID No (KTP/driver license) For payment with credit card, please fill the information Credit card type MasterCard/Visa Credit card no
Billing contact phone : Billing contact fax : NPWP/Tax ID Expire date Security code
service information
Service type Dedicated Line Others: IPv6 Addresing Yes No MetroWAN __ P-to-P __ P-to-M __ M-to-M
We already applied Dual Stack system (IP v4 & v6) on our network and we highly recommend you to add IPv6 to your network. We hope you can implement IPv6 Dual Stack before 1 June 2011 Service capacity 512 Kbps 2 Mbps 5 Mbps Service request date Monthly fee 768 Kbps 3 Mbps 10 Mbps 1 Mbps 4 Mbps 100 Mbps Contract terms (min 12 months) One time setup fee Others (please specify):
installation information
Installation Address : Biznet Order Form Dedicated Confidential Information Page 1 of 4
Address - Node A
Address Node B
Contact person Node A Name Phone Mobile Email Interface type Node A [ ] Optical [ ] Electrical Additional installation information:
Contact person Node B Name Phone Mobile Email Interface type Node B [ ] Optical [ ] Electrical
marketing information
How do you know Biznet? [ ] Newspaper: _________________ [ ] Radio: _________________ [ ] Biznet Website [ ] Referenced by friend/family/colleague [ ] Magazine: _________________ [ ] Billboard/Baliho [ ] Search Engine: Yahoo/Google/Facebook [ ] Others: _________________
We hereby confirm that the information above is true and agree to be bound by Biznets Terms and Conditions Biznet has the right to refuse this application without any explanation Biznets Terms and Conditions may change at anytime without prior notice For credit card payment, we hereby authorize Biznet to charge the credit card for service type we chose. Print Name: Date:
internal use
Account manager Supi Alfiyah Infrastructure engineer Network engineer Billing/customer care
Signature Date
Signature Date
Signature Date
Signature Date
Please attach the following copies Tax ID/NPWP for corporate customer, KTP/Passport/ID Card for personal customer Credit Card (Front & Back) for payment with credit card only Biznet Metro is the leading fiber optic network in Indonesia, now available in Jakarta, Bali, Bandung and Surabaya. Visit for details.
Syarat dan Ketentuan Biznet Pasal 1 - Fasilitas BIZNET 1. BIZNET sepakat untuk menyediakan Jasa Layanan dan fasilitas terkait
(selanjutnya disebut Jasa) sebagaimana tercantum dalam Surat Permohonan Berlangganan, untuk dapat dipergunakan oleh PELANGGAN. 2. Jasa yang disediakan BIZNET berdasarkan Kontrak ini dapat digunakan oleh PELANGGAN selama 24 jam/hari (7 hari/minggu). 3. Penyediaan fasilitas dan Jasa BIZNET akan dilakukan sesuai dengan konfigurasi teknis yang telah disepakati. 4. Terminal dan perangkat antar muka milik PELANGGAN yang akan dihubungkan dengan perangkat/saluran BIZNET harus mendapat persetujuan terlebih dahulu dari BIZNET. 5. Penyambungan pelayanan BIZNET akan dilaksanakan setelah PELANGGAN menandatangani Surat Permohonan Berlangganan dan melunasi biaya yang telah ditentukan.
Pasal 4 - Pembayaran
1. PELANGGAN wajib membayar biaya pemasangan dan biaya bulan pertama sebelum dimulainya instalasi fasilitas pelayanan BIZNET sesuai dengan yang tertera di dalam formulir berlangganan. 2. PELANGGAN wajib membayar biaya langganan sebagaimana tercantum pada Formulir Berlangganan Jasa ini selambat-lambatnya pada setiap tanggal 25 (dua puluh lima) untuk bulan tagihan berjalan. 3. PELANGGAN akan dikenakan denda keterlambatan sebesar 0.1% (nol koma satu persen) dari biaya bulanan untuk setiap hari keterlambatan pembayaran.
Article 4 - Payment
1. CUSTOMER shall pay the installation fee and the first month fee before the installation of BIZNET Services and Facilities as stipulated in order form. 2. CUSTOMER shall pay monthly charges as stipulated in the order form not later than the 25th (twenty fifth) day of the current month. 3. CUSTOMER will be charged for the late payment fee of 0.1% (zero point one percent) from monthly fee per day.
Article 5 - Responsibilities
1. CUSTOMER shall provide the necessary equipment required for BIZNET Services and Facilities to commence operation on activation date. 2. CUSTOMER shall not open the opportunity for a third party to use BIZNET Services and Facilities without a written consent from BIZNET. 3. CUSTOMER shall not change the technical specification and configuration of BIZNET Services and Facilities or connect to the said facilities in any other way without a written consent from BIZNET. 4. CUSTOMER shall not connect the BIZNET network and/or facilities to any public telecommunication network (PSTN) including but not limited to telephone, telex or data communication lines. 5. CUSTOMER will grant access to BIZNET and or its agent to enter its facility and/or premises at any time to perform general maintenance and reparation of the installed facilities, with written notice before. 6. BIZNET shall be liable for the maintenance and reparation of any damage or service interruption on BIZNET transmission or facility. Should there be any damage or interruption caused by the mistake, deliberateness or negligence of CUSTOMER, BIZNET reserve the right to collect a maintenance fee. 7. CUSTOMER shall be entitled to a refund for any services interruption. Compensation shall be made on the basis of existing rules and regulation (Service Level Agreement - SLA) and shall not apply in the case of Force Majeure or should the interruption have been caused by malfunction in the terminal(s) operated by CUSTOMER. 8. BIZNET shall not be liable for the accuracy, confidentially and or quality of the information transmitted through BIZNET service. 9. BIZNET will not be responsible for any loss or damage to CUSTOMER and or any third party related to the usage of BIZNET Services.
BIZNET tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian-kerugian PELANGGAN atau pihak ketiga yang timbul berkaitan dengan pengguna jasa BIZNET.
2. 3.
4. Restitution could be given if CUSTOMER propose at least 3 (three) months after hindrance, in case the restitution compliance propose out of the time limit, the restitution could not be given
Pasal 8 - Pembatalan
PELANGGAN akan dikenakan biaya pembongkaran peralatan yang terpasang apabila membatalkan berlangganan jasa BIZNET sebelum tanggal aktivasi.
Article 8 - Cancellation
CUSTOMER shall pay de-installation fee for the cancellation of BIZNET subscription prior the activation date.
Pemindahan fasilitas BIZNET yang telah terpasang ke lokasi lainnya akan diperlakukan sebagai sambungan baru. Biaya berlangganan akan disesuaikan dengan penambahan kapasitas terpasang.
Pasal 13 - Lain-lain
1. Dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak perjanjian ini maka semua kesepakatan/perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani sebelumnya masih tetap berlaku sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan Perjanjian ini. Apabila terdapat perbedaan isi dari kesepakatan/perjanjian sebelumnya maka isi dari perjanjian ini yang didahulukan. 2. Lampiran-lampiran dalam Kontrak ini merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dan mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama. 3. Bila terjadi perbedaan pengertian antara teks bahasa Inggris dan teks bahasa Indonesia dalam Kontrak Berlangganan Jasa ini, maka teks bahasa Indonesia yang berlaku.
Article 13 Miscellaneous
1. By signing this contract agreement then all agreement, which already signed is still effective as long there is no conflict between this contract agreement. If there is conflict between this contracts agreement with the previous one, then this contract agreement shall take precedence. 2. The attachment to this Contract shall be treated as non-separate to and having an equally authentic power as the agreement. 3. In case of discrepancy between the English text and Indonesian text herein, the Indonesian text shall prevail.