GM Tech Magazine :: Issue Eight
GM Tech Magazine :: Issue Eight
GM Tech Magazine :: Issue Eight
Table Of Contents
Whats Going On......................................................................................... 2
What Makes a Good Game.................................................................. 4
This Issue What's Important: Graphics or Gameplay......................................5
Hey everyone. With the release of issue 8 here, we are Stopping Beginners Starting Out of their Depth..........................6
gradually getting closer to the release of issue 10. Issue Hot Debate: GMHV................................................................................... 7
10 will be a milestone for GM Tech that we intend to The Story of Stone Guardian................................................................ 8
celebrate even if we are not the first magazine to make User Opinion: Does GM's Speed Bother You?...........................10
it to this issue. Issue 8 is a great issue that I’m sure you 2. GMDEV
will enjoy reading just like all the previous issues. Game Maker Tips................................................................................... 12
3D Transformations: A Confusing Outlook..................................13
Issue 7 was a great issue that received some great Theory of Online Gaming..................................................................... 14
replies despite an error in a website link to the Game Importing Your Own Custom Colours into GM.......................... 15
Maker news site. It was very surprising to see how How to Create Simple A.I.................................................................... 16
excited our readers were to read issue 7. We are very Tut: Move Towards................................................................................ 17
happy that people really look forward to each and every Tut: Laser Beam..................................................................................... 17
issue that follows the previous ones. Unlike many of the Pixel Art Tutorial..................................................................................... 18
previous issues, issue 7 was released only 30 days after 3. GAMES & REVIEWS
issue 6, making it one of the fastest issues that we have Exclusive Preview: Raptor 2 Demo 3.............................................19
written and released. Preview: Senseless War..................................................................... 20
Preview: Zomster................................................................................... 21
Although submissions have been slow like issue 7, we Preview: Turret Defence..................................................................... 23
are powering ahead without slowdown from lack of Preview: Warzone................................................................................. 24
content. We have another 5 new staff members and Review: Mr. Pratt's Haunted Mansion.......................................... 25
starting from issue 8 we will have a few new features to 4. EXTRAS
the magazine, these include: Look At........................................................................................................ 26
WIP Look At.............................................................................................. 28
- Work In Progress Info: This will just be a paragraph or Interview With: Cactus......................................................................... 29
more about the progress on some projects that people Interview With: Radnom...................................................................... 30
can take a look at. This aims at supporting different Interview With: PugFugly..................................................................... 31
works in progress by making them known to other Comic........................................................................................................... 32
members. Find the Bug.............................................................................................. 32
Word Search........................................................................................... 33
- Find the bug: This will be a new activity that will go in Spot the Difference............................................................................... 33
with the comic. This activity will open the door to new Free Applications.................................................................................... 34
competitions in the magazine Adverts....................................................................................................... 35
Closing......................................................................................................... 36
- GMTECH Game Choice: This is a new feature for the
reviews section. GMT will award one high rated game Staff
with this. Gamez93.........GMTECH Owner gmjab........... Magazine Editor
Rup13.................Assistant Editor Alex..................................Advisor
- Redesigned advert pages: The advert pages need a Cubex DE.............................. Writer mememe........................Writer
new look as it was the ugliest part of the magazine. Keysle.................................... Writer TheMagnitude..............Writer
Aertcz.................................... Writer GeoS.................................Writer
We hope that with these new improvements you will Christian Sciberras..........Writer Polystyrene Man.........Writer
enjoy another great issue. Medieval..................... Researcher GMmarine...........Researcher
Bob–11500K........ Comic Artist the9thdude.............. Reviewer
gmjab trose7...............................Reviewer Hiyukantaro............ Tut writer
Whats Going On
GMT: Goals The Game Maker Race
Even though this wasn't a main goal, we are happy to You may have seen a few banners here and there about a
celebrate 100 members registered on our forums. On top of competition called 'The Game Maker Race'. If haven't
that we have recently broken the 2000 post mark. This is a bothered to have a look at what's all about then you are
good example that shows that many people enjoy reading the missing out. For building a 2D fire and ice related game in a
GM TECH magazine. month you could win a few prizes. For getting in the top 5 you
will get a free 1GB flash drive and if you win, you will also get to
GMT: A bit of downtime chose 2 games from a list to get for free. So what are you
Sometime late last month, you may have notice that the waiting for? Check out the website for more details at
website went down. Instead of loading the page it asked you to
download the start PHP page. This downtime was just due to
our host as the hosting website went down also. The good YoYo Games BETA II
news is we were back online by the next day. No, this isn't new news but if you are one of those people who
want nothing to do with YoYo Games and never visit the
GMT: We're on YoYo website than you should know that they have updated their
Everyone might remember how the Markup Magazine was on website with an all new ‘Instant Play’ feature. This allows you
the YoYo Games front page in Beta 1 of the YoYo Games to play games on the go. You will also notice the adverts on
website. Now we are also on the YoYo Games website with the side of the website. Whilst the adverts don't pose much of
Markup Magazine under the 'Make' page in Beta 2 of the a problem, I would have to say the website looked better
YoYo Games website. This link will benefit Game Maker users without them. Also some of the adverts may be slightly
as well as make the magazine more known amongst the inappropriate to the younger users, such as 'The love
community. calculator' that comes up every now and then.
Shout Out:Website Maker - samscam to play games, what they’re like and what to expect (and what
Have you ever wanted to create your own website but didn't not to expect). We decided it was time to bring out a new era
know how to start with it? Well, then we've got the right of gaming on your personal computer, so we're going to do
solution for you. With our Website Maker, you can create just that.
your own professional looking website. Your website can be
previewed while editing it and you can add up to 50 links to We know how you guys think and we know what you guys
wherever you like. You can choose your own colours and want...or do we? Actually, I say we don't. So come tell us what
images, add a background sound or make it funny with some you want and we'll put it into the game as best we can and of
JavaScript. You can also set the title and copyright of your course, what else is better than an offline RPG and an online
page. If that's not enough, you can switch to an HTML editor in version of it where both versions are totally free and will
which you can just edit the code for your website to change or continue to be free with more brilliant entertainment services
add whatever you'd like to add. Download it now and enjoy the in the future? Nothing!
experience of website making!
So get downloading and get gaming (when we release it of
Click Here to Visit course) at and/or www.seventh- .
Shout Out: Seventh-Link Entertainment –
Night Flurry Game Sneak Peek:
Welcome To Seventh-Link Entertainment! We'd like to formally Shadow Zone developed By TheMagnitude
introduce you to our wonderful company. Here at Seventh-
Link Entertainment we aim to bring YOU guys entertainment
and the best there is of it!
‘The Eclipse Effect’ is actually still being made and will continue Shadow Zone is a new TDS in the making which currently
to be even when the first release of it becomes publicly features:
available. We want to hear your input! You tell us what you'd • 11 Weapons including AK-47, M16, bazooka,
like in the game and we'll do our best to implement it in grenades, desert eagle.
someway or another. It's the ultimate game ever! You choose • 3D graphics
what’s in and what’s out! Until then though, there's plenty to • TDS
tell us and for us to tell you, so have fun here! • Online (atm up to 8 players) (Maybe Reflect enabled)
We are a small group of game developers and entertainers • Map creator
with great experience in our fields of expertise and with that • Really hard AI bots
we want to totally redefine how games are released, played • Pre-rendered shadows
and how entertainment entertains people. We came together
on a forum and started to develop our game. Hopefully we'll Be sure to be on the lookout for this new game.
make more games in the future and expand on our small
empire of games software and entertainment we have
What Makes a
Good Game By TheMagnitude
This can be a number of things, whether it is good multiplayer if instance_in_view(id,0,32) {
support, a gripping storyline, original concept, good replay draw_sprite(spr_airplane,0,x,y);
value, or just plain fun, fun, fun. I'm not going to list every single }
way a game can be good, I am however, going to give you /*32 is the maximum distance it can be
hints, tips, and techniques on how to make your game stand outside the view before it is draw,
however you could be more precise with
out. What you must first do is place yourself in the players
this and input sqrt(sqr(32)+sqr(32)). If
seat, what will the player of your game think and how will s/he
you don't understand I'm not explaining
react to the game. For you to understand how to make a good Pythagoras here there's Wikipedia for that
game you must first understand how to be one with the :)*/
player. You are the player. If you were playing the game what
would YOU think? However this may be difficult if you do not
like the genre or type of game you are making. Anyway here
Does it have good replay value?
This is key in any game really, if your game can only be played
are some key points to keep in mind when developing your
once then it doesn't take an idiot to figure out that it being
played several times would be better. A very good and widely
used technique for this is random maps. This makes it
Does it run fast and smoothly without errors? different for the player each time, unless in the highly irregular
Nobody wants to play a glitch filled game. If a player cannot occurrence of it being the same. If a player is faced with a new
get past a certain part without having error message(s) or challenge each time there can be no end to the fun. However,
s/he keeps getting stuck to the environment and all the sprite a good random map generator is necessary, sometimes
offsets are wrong s/he will soon get bored and perhaps placing objects in a random place can do the trick but in most
angry. Freezing can be avoided with clever scripts and cases it doesn't. Another good thing to consider is a map
sometimes unchecking/checking the solid checkbox on editor so if a player gets bored of a playing the same map over
objects can really show a difference. Glitches can be avoided and over, s/he can make their own map. A very, very
by either coding it correctly the first time (which I can tell you important issue in making your game replayable is multiplayer,
very rarely happens), or the more common option, spending a and by multiplayer I mean online multiplayer. Offline player vs.
decent amount of time finding out where a bug is and player hot seat can be fun but if you have no friends who can
squashing it. The more bugs you squash the more knowledge you play then? However if you make your game online, then
you will gain on how to avoid having to confront them again. A you can play anyone in the world (to a certain extent). Yes
room speed of no more than 60FPS is needed since our eyes inputting IP’s can be fun but a server list? Now that's just
see at about 60FPS which means any more frames will just really fun. There are some developers out there offering
be a waste and will only look about 60FPS when we look at it. server lists and stats such as Reflect Games but if you want
Another point to add is about FPS and it's how to keep that to have your own then I suggest you learn MySQL or
FPS high and not have it being slowed down by processes in something of the sort.
your game that can be avoided. This can include using tiles in
place of an object that remains stationary and has no events.
Your game does not also need to draw instances outside the
Is it original and gripping?
By original I mean something that hasn't been done before.
view with a given border which I made a little script for:
Yeah of course Mario remakes can be alright to play once in a
while, but if your game is original like the Rubix Cube, that guy
Script Name: instance_in_view(id,view,view_margin)
if argument0.x+argument2>view_xview[argument1] was a millionaire over night (I know it's not a computer game
and argument0.x-argument2< but the same gaming idea applies). Usually original games are
view_xview[argument1]+view_wview[argument1] incredibly simple and just require a decent thinking time. Also
and argument0.y+argument2> if your game does not grip the player with things such as a
view_yview[argument1] really good story line, or if the player doesn’t get rewarded
and argument0.y-argument2< when s/he accomplishes certain things in the game, then
view_yview[argument1]+view_hview[argument1] they may loose interest in the game and go and play one of
return 1; the thousands of other games out there.
else return 0;
Remember a good game requires careful planning, and a lot
A typical example of this would be to draw an airplane (size of dedication, so giving up is not an option. If you want to get
64x64, with a sprite offset of 32,32) only if it's in view like so: your name around, go ahead and shout it out!
What's Important:
Graphics Or Gameplay By Medieval
I have seen many people on the GMC say that gameplay is, by mememe
far, more important than the graphics. This might be true, but “I believe that good graphics don't make a game addictive, but
in fact there are so many points with which can be proved that does something else that gameplay can't”
both are on the same level of importance. As you read this
article you will find out why graphics are important, how it can Melee-Master
affect your gameplay, why you should have good graphics in
your game, and what other people think about it.
“It should be the perfect mix”
“People used to be totally addicted to space invaders, and I
wouldn't say those graphics are that great “
“Tetris is a bunch of falling, 1 colored blocks, and it's highly
addictive. So no. I think it's the idea behind the game that
makes it great, not how well the graphics are.”
Graphics really can affect the gameplay in your game. In my SolarGames
opinion, good graphical effects can make a good influence on
different aspects of the game. It’s essential if you want to give
“Take an awesome game. Now, pretend something is wrong
the player a specific mood whilst playing. How would you scare with your graphics card and all it manages to draw are ugly
a player if there is nothing to scare him? You could compare it different-colored boxes. BUT, the gameplay has not changed
with this; For a school project, you need to do some research at all. It's still an amazing game, it just looks terrible.
on the subject you have chosen. All the information that you
gather, is the code; The next school day when you have to Take a horrible, disgusting game. Now give it beautiful,
present it, the teacher gives you a lower grade since your extremely good graphics. Professional, even. So, you're playing
presentation paper looks all sloppy and not put together well the game, pretty much only noticing the graphics. By this, you
enough, or maybe your speech wasn’t good and looked don't realize that the game is crud.
So, I think graphics can lure people into playing crud, but
Although many people say that gameplay is by far more sooner or later they will probably realize that. After that, they'll
important, Not one person I have seen on the GMC would probably get mad, and so on and so on...”
download a game without seeing screenshots first. They post
“No screenshot, no download”, ignore the download link and These statements confirm an earlier statement in this article;
check out the next topic. you always need to keep graphics and gameplay on the same
level in order to keep people playing, or even getting your
When the author of the topic notices that he missed a sequel if you decide to release one. Let’s look back at the
download from someone, he posts a screenshot on his topic example that I showed you earlier. You have put together an
(If he knows how to). People now can’t complain about a amazing presentation about your subjects. Your teacher
missing screenshot. However, if the graphics of his game are becomes interested, and asks you to start when everyone in
ugly, the download link still gets ignored after a user has seen your class is listening. However, no matter how hard you try to
the screenshot. This, again, shows how important graphics get them interested, as soon as your teacher and classmates
really are, and how they are essential to attract a user to find out that the actual information collected is utter crap,
download your game. This is why you should always put the they will lose their interest for your project. This way you will
same amount of effort into both. If you can’t do graphics by still get a lower grade.
yourself, ask someone else to do it for you.
The conclusion of this is that you should always make both
I have collected a few quotes around the GMC, in which people aspects of the game amaze the player, so that he/she will
say which they think is more important, and if they make a stay interested and eventually be addicted to your game, and
game addictive; will keep playing it. I hope that this article has helped you.
Ok so sure, your thinking that's all well and fine, but what about
what you should do? Well I believe someone once put it that
what you can learn programming Tic-Tac-Toe is a mile ahead
of what you'll learn failing to make the next Quake. I'm not
3D games saying you should learn to make Tic-Tac-Toe, that's actually
One more dimension than you can probably handle. 3D brings quite boring and aiming a little low, but what I'm trying to say is
in new complexities, and anyone would probably tell you to that for your first effort, make sure to keep with what you
understand 2D fully before trying 3D. 3D modelling is also know, and then add on features your curious about learning.
particularly more difficult than 2D spriting, as is level design For example, if you were making a top down shooter, I'm sure
and programming. Stick with 2D, and also avoid 3D illusion you'd be interested in learning how to make the character look
techniques such as isometric. in the direction of the mouse.
Online games So, all in all, plan realistically, set yourself an aim every day
As BlaXun wrote in Issue 7, the first question you'll be asking during development, and I'm sure you'll be on your way to
yourself when making an online game is 'Do I have the success.
knowledge on how to make an online game?' If you do,
congratulations, your probably one up on me and can continue
making a Runescape clone. If you don't however understand
the key concepts of online game structure, never mind simple
Wow, what a big mistake! The number he looked at aren’t I was able to have an interview with Nateistoraw via MSN.
milliseconds or seconds, but the amount of steps. The room What you are about to read may shock you.
Interview with Nateistoraw Aertcz: What do you have planned for the future of GMHV?
Aertcz: What is your stance on GMTV? Was your GMHV a Nateistoraw: “Well, this all depends on the GMC. I am all by
direct way to compete with GMTV? myself on the GMHV, and I’m looking for assistants and co-
Nateistoraw: “Well at first it was because I was constantly host to help give the videos good quality and get them
denied video creations to help the GMTV, I already had the released in a good schedule. I plan on launching more
GMH so I decided to launch GMHV as a way to show the programmes, but school is about to start, and I would be
GMHV who was boss, and then I created a thread and they limited to about 3 videos per month if I am alone. “
sent their goons out to purposely get the topic closed.”
Nateistoraw: “So now we are okay, being separate video
sources for Game Makers.” Aertcz: Is there anything you would like to add in addition to
this conversation?
Aertcz: The moderator FredFredrickson had replied in your Nateistoraw: “The purpose of the GMHV is to help Game
topic with "Please don't wear your join date as if it's some kind Makers by using videos. We will attempt to become extremely
of badge of honour... your contributions to this forum, which interactive with the GMC users, we hope that when we're
have amounted to your very high warn level, ought to be an finished better gm games are made, and many of them are
indication that your helpfulness to the forum is not reflected able to go commercial. The GMHV is there to help newbies,
very well by the date you joined." advanced users, and even the depressed programmer(s).
Aertcz: Has this effected your stance on making GMHV? Our goal is not to get back at others, but help them along the
Nateistoraw: “Not at all, I have forgotten about that way for a better tomorrow of PC GM games.”
conversation, also my warning levels are for multiple
accounts, breaking rules such as posting questions in the
advanced and tutorials boards that belonged STRICKLY IN
NOVICE, also I asked a member for a hacked key, and I was
reported. “
A divide in the team began; Jared was forced to defend his Jared then took it too far, in his anger; he had gotten into my
stupid actions, while Cameron, Chris and I (Zedman) battled to Developers Account and read all my personal messages. He
keep the game’s development growing. had now read all the countless messages between me and
Cameron stating our well founded dislike of him, his actions
The Split. Chapter 4. and his leadership skills.
There was no forcing Jared off of his high chair, he wanted
what he couldn’t get from us, and that was to change At this time we decided to leave the matter alone and let
development tools. We ended up splitting; our decision was to Jared figure things out for himself. During this time we
let Jared create a C/C++ version of the game on his own and experimented with other engines and programs. We decided
let us finish the game as it was intended, using Game Maker. to use RealmCrafter (openly admitting we had failed). This idea
was quickly shot down and we returned to Game Maker for
We split up, Jared had gone one way and the remaining the final attempt at making what we thought would be another
musketeers had gone another, we formed Combustion entry into games that had crashed and burned.
User Opinion:
Does GM's Speed Bother You?
Staff Opinion: rup13 zyrolasting
“Personally if I’m honest, Game Maker’s speed doesn’t really “Yes, it bothers me in a manner of speaking. The engine itself
bother me. This is mainly due to the fact I don’t develop huge is wonderful. However on this computer I use, if the project file
games that require a lot of instances. Instead I use it for quick exceeds 5-10 MB, it takes quite a while to save. Well the delay
prototyping and small examples. However when I play games in itself isn't horrible, but when you look at the majority of
developed by other people, which use a high amount of software everywhere, saving is almost always instantaneous.
instances, I start to see how the speed drops and that This also applies to loading the data. People are used to this,
destroys the flow of gameplay. I’ve read about people having to and can be a bit annoyed at long save times. I am obviously
limit 3D games due to Game Maker unable to handle too one of these people.
many polygons in models. Of course speed is limited to how
good the player’s computer is, but surely it shouldn’t have to If the save time gets too high, it can be an issue if many bugs
limit the developer, especially if he/she has the computer are in my game. This motivates me to save often, so I'm slowly
which should run. Overall, I think Game Maker’s speed doesn’t turning into a skeleton in my chair. If I could make a
bother me at the moment, but once I get into making games suggestion on this, it would be this:
again, I’m sure it’ll come and bother me like countless other
developers out there.” Perhaps the resources imported into the project could be
changed into reading it from a path. When you import files for
User's Opinions: use, this increases save time quickly. Now, there are pros and
cons to this:
“If you mean by the speed you can make games with game Reading files via paths
maker, then no, it doesn’t bother me. I enjoy taking some of
my time to make a game. It is a great hobby/business. It is an Pros:
enjoyable thing to do. I hope this answers your question; if not - Saving time will be instant, or close to instant.
just let me know what you mean please.” - Files could be kept in directories on your computer for the
engine to read and "import" without affecting save/load time.
nextmastermind - Game testing can be prepared quickly if the objects were
“Game Maker's speed? As in loading? Well yeah, that kind of created once on screen with the paths as a reference. This
gets long if you have quite a bit in your game but it's not that way, the "Saving Executable" phase may be a little faster, and
bad. If you’re talking about in game lag, then yes, I have seen that's what we want. The faster the better!
many games on the forum that would like to play but they lag a
lot. Also I have made RPGs but some are so big that when you Cons and how to combat them:
go into houses you wait like 20 seconds just while it loads. It's - If the actual file is deleted, Game Maker will also lose track of
not that bad, but if you make really big games then it becomes it. Maybe combat this by making the actual import of the file
bothersome. I hope I've helped.” optional? This will increase the variety of functions in the
software, making it more user-friendly as well. Besides, people
Hellblaze123 are smart enough to backup files in other ways.
“In my opinion, the speed does not really bother me. Sure, - Published games will have many directories included for
when I'm trying to do something like an RPG, it gets pretty game to run successfully. Counteract: Well, it doesn't HAVE to
slow, but that’s to be expected when a program is running a be that way. Maybe when the *.exe is being created, the
lot of stuff. So I don't see much problem with the speed.” actual import that is affecting save time will be fully functional
here. This may make the *.exe creation long and tedious, but
Aragon1029 many animators have to suffer through frame rendering at
“The frame rate doesn't normally bother me when i work with the end right? Besides, think of that creation as the ONE long
2D games. I can get in some nice particle effect before it drop "save time" you have to endure.
below 30 frames, on the other hand 3D games the frame
rate does bother me. A lot of times I will find myself having to Other than this save/load issue, I do not have a big problem
take out quality because of drops in frame rate, although I with engine functionality! I suggest this path feature as an
have found some techniques that help counter frame rate option. If anyone in the Game Maker development team hears
loss such as frame-skip. So the speed of Game Maker does me out and decides to add this feature, hear this:
not bother me normally.”
I suggest the path feature be completely optional! If some
people need the actual file import, allow them to make that
choice! People hate complete change. Look at Sonic the
kbyoyoa users, being this their first contact with programming, handle
“OK, about Game Maker’s speed: it the wrong way. First of all, there are a lot of ways to speed
up a game (which I’m not going to list as there are already lots
Game Maker is actually much faster then many people think. of discussions about this in any Game Maker forum).
The only reason that many games in Game Maker lag is
because there are a lot of objects. What people don't know is Secondly, people think that using a super powerful machine to
that even if you don't put any code under an object, when develop their games is a good idea. This belief is totally wrong:
Game Maker compiles it, there will be like 100 lines of code when developing a game you have to focus on the audience,
just of internal stuff. So, say you have 100 instances in the the final users who will be playing the game. If they can’t
room, that’s 10,000 lines of code without you putting anything match your computer’s specification, your game with
in the object. With Game Maker, if you were to only use one incredible particle systems and surface effects will lag terribly
object, but have the same gameplay the game would run a lot for them. So it’s often a good idea to use an older machine to
faster. Now also people think that Game Maker can't make 3D develop or test your games. This also forces you to make an
games cause they would run too slow if you had more then a extra effort and develop speeding up methods. Also, most
500 poly model on the screen. This is not true. If you only had commercial games are full of configuration options; by playing
1 object on the screen that say for example, draws the with them you can make the game run faster. However, this is
ground and some low poly scenery you could probably get in something rarely seen in Game Maker games. For example,
like five to ten 10,000 poly models on the screen without it giving the player the chance to disable particles can result in a
lagging at all on a regular computer. huge increment in speed. In conclusion, by using a super
machine the game will lag for other people, thus spreading the
So in short I blame people for using too many objects. If you belief that Game Maker games are slow.
just used a few more drawing functions and arrays, your
games would run faster. Thirdly, Game Maker 6 and Game Maker 7 games need more
requirements to run smoothly than Game Maker 5 games.
That’s my opinion on Game Maker’s speed.” Game Maker 6/7´s new graphic core is the main responsible
for this: it allows you to create astonishing graphic effects but
xot like everything in life, this has a price to pay. So if your game
“The speed of Game Maker doesn't really bother me. I grew up isn’t going to use any of these advanced features you should
programming 8-bit computers so I'm perfectly thrilled by what use Game Maker 5 instead. Some years ago I started
can be accomplished on today's machines. Sure, it would be creating a 3D game using Game Maker 5 and the GMIrrlicht
great if the interpreter was faster, but for most things it is dll. The results were awesome, really spectacular, however
perfectly adequate. When I do run into trouble it is almost lots of people couldn’t play it (or it lagged a lot for them)
always because I'm trying to work around gaps in Game because of the high requirements. Coincidentally, the specs
Maker's feature set, such as omissions in the Direct3D required were almost the same as to run Game Maker 6 or
library. With that said, artificial intelligence is an area that Game Maker 6 made games. Now almost no one has
suffers purely because of the speed of the interpreter. As long problems to do this, but it should be understood this way: the
as you are realistic about the kinds of games you try to make requirements needed for Game Maker 6 are the same as to
with Game Maker, and you concentrate on making your run a 3D game which used Quake levels (so it wasn’t just a
program work smarter rather than harder, speed should crappy, simple 3D game). So before you start to develop your
rarely be a problem.” next game in Game Maker 6/7 think first if you’re really going
to need that potential, or if you can create the game with
-Twister- Game Maker 5 so it will reach more people.
“While the speed that the games run at generally doesn't
bother me for games with smaller rooms, the speed with So, does Game Maker’s speed bother me? Not at all.”
large rooms with many objects gets on my nerves sometimes.
A deactivation script can help for that, though. My main JakeX
problem is the time that it takes for games to load on startup. “Game Maker's speed is, well, it's not great. It's fine if your
If a game has many different object types and rooms, then it games aren't too complex, but slow down with games is often
can take quite a while unless you use external resources caused by inefficient coding rather than Game Maker itself. Of
(which are a pain to me). I also am not one of the developers course, it does impose some limitations when you're trying to
who use d3d, as I work in 2D, but I can see Game Maker's do something rather fancy, just ask anyone trying to create a
speed getting on the nerves of those who do use it.” bullet hell game, or a 3D game for that matter.
correojon I think Game Maker has some bigger issues. *cough* terrible
“I think that Game Maker is fast, but a lot of Game Maker security *cough*.”
3D Transformations:
A Confusing Outlook By Rup13
One thing I’ve encountered which is difficult to get the hang of Now my ellipsoid is stored in my variable appropriately called
is 3D transformations. Yes these are things such as ball. Now all I do is add my script to the Draw event, calling
rotations, translations and scales. To rotate a simple cube, upon the ball variable as one of the arguments:
you have to understand a lot more than just knowing what
function to use. You have to set the identity, translate the d3d_add_rotation:
cube to where you want the object’s origin to be, add your d3d_transform_set_identity();
rotation and then draw what you want to rotate, and end it all d3d_transform_add_rotation_axis(argument4,
by setting the identity again. Confused? I certainly was at first. argument5,argument6,argument7);
Draw event:
One thing I couldn’t understand is why Game Maker couldn’t There you go, simple rotations using only one script. The
handle transformations different, specifically with few format of the d3d_add_rotation() script is as followed:
functions. Take a look at my example for rotating a ball
forwards: d3d_add_rotation(xorigin,yorigin,zorigin,objvar,xaxis,yaxis,zaxis,
We at GM Tech understand that this is only one way to
simplify transformations, so for the next issue we are looking
for anyone who can contact us with their examples and
d3d_transform_add_translation(x,y,0); suggestions to making Game Maker’s transformations easier
d3d_draw_ellipsoid(-4,-4,-4,4,4,4, in 3D. Especially if they can be so easy, a total beginner would
background_get_texture(tex_cube) be able to start learning 3D much quicker. When you look at
,1,1,64); ThatGamesGuy’s tutorial on the rolling ball, you’ll notice that if
d3d_transform_set_identity(); you move in one direction, then change direction, instead of
the ball rotating from the position it was in, it switches back to
The following example rotates the ball by adding i to the angle the original angle and starts again. My script also does the
each step. Even though once you’ve learn how to do this, it can same, especially if you are rotating it forwards and backwards,
get very confusing when adding in multiple rotations. Game and then wish to rotate it left and right. So contact us now
Maker won’t let you have this code anywhere other than with your suggestions, and we’ll add them to the next issue so
around where the function is for drawing the rotated object. we can conquer 3D transformations in Game Maker together.
This means if your object is planned to have multiple rotations,
you must plan a system out for enabling and disabling
rotations to make sure that the right one is shown according
to your actions in the game. To overcome this, I wrote a script
which is fairly simple to try and bypass some of these
problems. My system works that you use variables for your
objects, so in the Create event my ball variable consisted of
Create event:
Theory Of
Online Gaming By TheMagnitude
In this article I am going to explore with you the theory of receives information it will send the relevant information to
online multiplayer gaming and teach you the concepts so you everyone else on the network to synchronise everyone’s
can start programming your online games with ease. I'm game.
going to try and explain it in the easiest ways possible for I had
vast amounts of problems when first programming my online Client: This is simply any computer connected to the host
codes. When I mention snippets of code it will be using a dll computer. It gets sent information about all the other players
called 39dll v2 by 39ster which is a very nice extension. So if in the game and in return sends its own information about the
you want go to his topic, a simple search at the Game Maker player on that computer.
Community ( should do the trick, and
integrate the scripts into your online game then it will work. Socket: This is a connection between two computers that
messages are sent down.
First I'm going to list some online connectivity jargon which you
should familiarise yourself with: Okay don't worry if you don't get all that at first because later
on in the article I'm going to show you some GML. Another
Server: This is basically any computer connected to the important thing to point out in online games is the use of
internet. puppets, if your blowing someone’s brains out playing online
on Counter-Strike your actually blowing out the brains of a
Internet Protocol Address: Also known as an IP Address or puppet and here’s how it works:
simply an IP, this is the unique identifier for each computer
connected to the internet. This is basically the same as a The player (the one who’s brains your blowing out), lets say
telephone number; you must dial the number to connect. s/he’s a client, sends a message through a socket to the
host, telling the host who’s blowing his/her brains out and
Port: This is a gateway, if you like, into the computer where that the player is dead, then the host, lets say he’s the only
messages are sent to and from a port where appropriate. other player so there’s no need to forward this message to
HTTP Internet browsers use port 80 and the reason that any other players, reads the message and applies appropriate
there are different ports is so that all the data doesn't get action to the puppet (this is the object on the hosts screen
mixed up, When you phone someone there might be several mimicking the other player) which would be to destroy the
people who could pick up the phone, you say which person you object and draw text in the screen saying that "You killed
want to speak to and then exchange messages with them him/her". That's basically how it works.
which leads into the next part.
Here’s a healthy dose of code for 39dll v2. The host opens a
Packet(s): Or sometimes known as messages are pieces of port and listens for incoming connections:
data travelling down internet wires. These are how two
computers exchange data with each other. So if a web global.listen=tcplisten(10101, 8, 1); //
browser requested a webpage the web browser would send a 10101 is the port to open, 8 is the
message to a server requesting a webpage and then the maximum amount of incoming connections,
server would send messages back which contain the don't worry about the 1.
webpage. if global.listen<=0 show_message("Failed
to listen for connections on port 10101.
Buffer: This is a place where data is temporary written to or
Go to to help solve
read from. If a computer received a message it would be
this problem.") /* Port forward is
written to a buffer where the computer can then read the
information. When a computer wants to send data it must actually a really good website you should
first write it to the buffer then send the information in the visit if you get this error*/
buffer to the other computer.
Then in the hosts step event s/he checks for incoming
Host: This is the name given to the computer which is the connections from clients:
main link for all internet data transaction within a star sock=tcpaccept(global.listen,1); // waits
network. This is how most online games are programmed. for incoming connections and then accepts
The host computer will be connected to everyone but itself in them
the network (network being everyone playing the online game if (sock) then global.client_sock=sock; /*
which is usually about 8 or 16 max); and when the host stores the connection id or sock in a
variable global.client_sock, if there are
more than 2 players I'd suggest you use
The clients code to connect to an IP is: The code to receive a message from a socket is:
global.host_sock = tcpconnect("", size=recievemessage(global.client(or
10101, 1); // "" is the IP your host)_sock);
connecting to i.e. the server IP if size<=0 exit; // if this occurs it
if (!global.host_sock) then means the other player(s) haven’t sent any
show_message("Unable to connect to messages
server"); x=readbyte(); // reading the values from
the buffer
The code to send a message to a socket is: y=readbyte();
clearbuffer(); string=readstring("hello");
writebyte(x); // writing the value of x to
the buffer I strongly recommend that you do check out some 39dll
writebyte(y); // writing the value of y to tutorials before diving into this stuff because it can get quite
the buffer after the x complicated.
writestring("hello"); /* writing the
string "hello" after the y value (you must So that concludes my article on the theory of online gaming, I
read these values in the same order on the hope this has been useful and that you have come out of it
receiving computer)*/ with a more improved knowledge of the subject. Thanks for
sendmessage(global.client(or host)_sock);
/* please don't literally write
global.client(or host)_sock here what I
merely mean is you type global.host_sock
if your the client, or global.client_sock
if your the host*/
How To Create
Simple A.I By TheMagnitude
This is a topic on which many game makers have queried If this is what you want to happen change the "Alarm 0 Event"
about in the past. Having AI or bots in games can really spice code to:
up the gameplay and make it more fun, and challenging.
Games that are too easy can be over quickly, or can just get Alarm 0 Event:
boring. Games that aren't fun, well I don't have to go into that if point_distance(x,y,xstart,ystart)>100
one. So I guess I should get to the point now, your either then direction=point_direction(x,y,xstart,
reading this article to gain knowledge on how to create some ystart);
nice AI, or you’re reading for interest; well I'll try to be as else direction=random(360);
interesting as I can throughout and hopefully you’ll learn how speed=1+random(2);
to code your own AI anyway. alarm[0]=30+ceil(random(30));
Okay, first things first I'll assume that you have a computer, Okay, so now we have a moving enemy. Now we need to make
have Game Maker installed and all the rest of it. I'm also him shoot or he's pretty useless. What we need to make the
assuming that you are relatively familiar with basic GML. I'm enemy do is check whether he can shoot at the player, and
going to teach you how to create simple AI for top down whether there are any objects in the way. To do this we should
shooters, simply because that's probably the most popular use the collision_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,obj,prec,notme) function. This
game type around these days that demands clever AI in my function returns a negative number if there is no collision. And
general opinion. In your game let’s say you have one object, this is how we are going to use it:
which the player controls, and one object which is an enemy.
Now if the enemy just sits there and does nothing he's toast Create Event:
(unless the player is comically bad at top down shooters). Ok alarm[0]=30+ceil(random(30));
so we have to establish a way for the enemy to move around alarm[1]=30;
and shoot.
mode=0; can_shoot=1;
First of all is making the enemy move. There are various ways
Alarm 1 Event:
to do this but the one I'm going to show you is simple random
if collision_line(x,y,obj_player.x,
movement. Set the room speed to 60, and put the player
obj_player.y,obj_solid,0,0)<0 then mode=1;
object, solid object and the enemy object in the room. All code
is for the enemy object unless stated otherwise. Now input else mode=0; alarm[1]=30; // The enemy
this code (I won't comment parts that I consider basic GML will check every half a second whether
which was one of my assumptions that you knew basic GML): he can shoot the player.
Wrong: 6. Colour them in, make the windows shine and shade the
2. Colour it; the lightest colour on the top, the darkest on the
right, and the colour in between goes on the left.
Well Done! You’ve completed your own isometric building. I
hope you enjoyed this lesson, see you next time!
Exclusive Preview
Raptor: Demo 3 (Sixty-five Million & One Bc)
Created By: Snailfox
There is one word that describes the game graphics, that is,
‘Amazing’. For a game that uses an organic character that is
a dinosaur, you would think that the animation wouldn’t be
smooth. However, that is completely wrong. The character
animations were very smooth and they looked realistic. The
attention to detail is amazing in this game. There are many
effects including: fire, smoke, lightning, rain, water, and dust,
as well as scrape effects and effects when fighting. In
particular I found the water the most noticeable effect. I don’t
know if Snailfox is using physics in the game, but the water
effect such as the splashing looks amazing! I noticed even
when moving your Raptor over a hole blowing steam that the
steam almost stopped. There are many small great details to
this game like: flies, bugs and other little animals and the
clouds even move. One final thing I would like to bring out is its
cut scenes. There are hardly any Game Maker games that
have them and this game has great, funny, cut scenes in it. I
could keep going on and on about the graphics, but I’ll move
This is the place where many fail, audio. But, not for this game!
The sound is almost as good as the graphics. The game has
very fitting music and it also has background sound effects of
birds and leaves rustling in the wind. The game also has many
sound effects for all the different features in the game.
Senseless War
Created By: Coffee
Finally I come to how it plays. The game plays out well from a
side view RTS but has a steep learning curve when it comes to
use units and how exactly to do so; but with that aside, it plays
like a dream. All unit building is done with a click of a button
and is automatically made, all of which takes some MONEY,
which is acquired by killing enemy units. Another portion of the
game includes God Powers, which are nice to use in a pinch
but require SOULS, which may be obtained by killing your own
units, or enemy units.
Created By: Talha
that shot back at me. They were on a level in which they What stunned me was the option to play in two different
surrounded me causing me to have certain death. It wasn’t a languages, English or Turkish. Sure, it doesn’t matter to me,
bad enemy to have in the game; it was just a more frustrating but it shows he put some effort into making a well rounded
one, as it also showed the creator didn’t just do a quick job, game. The in-game graphics were a bit rough but pleasing to
something like that would take some programming. the eye. There was nothing shiny or flashy, just nice. The
characters had their own top down style but that’s kind of
The next thing was the solid amount of weapons you had hard to explain. I guess you’ll just have to see for yourself. I
available. You could use your generic laser, with an upgrade, was overjoyed that the messages that popped up were not
to shoot two lasers at once, or three with a second upgrade. the Game Maker built in default ones, but red ones that fitted
The laser wasn’t a good weapon even with both upgrades, but the style of the game. But there nothing I loved more than the
it never ran out of ammo so it was an ideal weapon for picking blood. No I’m not a vampire, I just liked the way it splattered to
off single enemies without using up your stocks of ammo. The the ground and stained the ground. I loved the extra spurt
next was a net to catch the enemies with. I only found this when you struck the final blow. The enemies would fall to the
useful on the speedy bugs, and only if they were alone since ground at death, and sometimes start piling up when I had my
after catching them you had to switch weapons and kill them machine gun out. Oh, and the blood came in all different
before they escaped. The third was a bazooka, good for colors too! Overall the title screen only had one flaw which
knocking down walls and taking out large mobs of enemies. was the game name and creator was written in blood making
The upgrades for this allowed bigger splashes when you hit them hard to see which I mentioned above. Other than that,
something making it key for large amounts of enemies. the graphics were very impressive.
Ammo for this was found in almost every area. The next gun,
which was my favorite, was the machine gun. Ammo for this The game Zomster also had some nice sound tracks that
was rare but the gun was quick and powerful. Don’t waste the would change to fit each level. I found myself killing to the beat
ammo! Its upgrades allowed for it to be much stronger, with them. The sound effects were also quite nicely
resulting in an almost unfair advantage over the enemies. To implemented into the game.
take out mobs at a time with this gun was one of the reasons I
continued playing. Overall, Zomster was at least one of the most addicting and
enjoyable games I’ve ever played that were made in Game
Another thing that kept me playing was the storyline. I wanted Maker, if not the most enjoyable. Give a round of applause to
to know if humanity would survive, or fall to the marauding such a fantastic game. I definitely recommend a download.
invaders. The little side quest to get the crystals was a nice
little break to help keep you going. The game also did a good
job of continuously shaking things up so that whenever it
began to feel like the same old thing something new
happened. For example, in one level you got a giant machine
gun to slaughter about one hundred oncoming zombies. In
one there was a motorcycle you had to ride on to escape a
bomb. In some levels you were positioned behind a wall with
tons of ammo and health packs with zombies up against the
wall waiting for you to blow through it. In others you were
placed in a normal area with different pathways to take the
teleport exit thing. I always loved the one’s that started you
with a horde of enemies and tons of ammo to slaughter them.
Of course, enemies were continuously introduced too. Overall,
I can’t say there was anything that was wrong with the game
play besides the fact that the storyline was a bit clichéd.
Turret Defense
Created By: Blazed
The idea of the game, like I said, was taking an overused idea
and making it seem new. It worked, but there were some
definite issues in the game play. The first one was that when
you were out of money and attempted to build a turret an
annoying message popped up telling you that. This interrupted
game play quite a bit. There were also two glitches I found.
The first affected the game completely. Sometimes, it didn’t
let you earn money as you hit the enemies making some levels
impossible to beat. This was usually solved after the first time
you got beat, but in other cases you had to restart the game
to remedy the problem. The other one was that when the
turret detected an incoming enemy it fired once before it
turned to start hitting the enemies. It didn’t matter much in
the long run; it just made it seem unprofessional. These
issues were all trivial compared to this next one. It was the
level design. I found the enemies to be both fun and
challenging, along with some bosses, but the difficulty curve
was out of whack.
The sound in this game might be its best aspect. Not that it
was without competition. I loved the little laser type sounds
from a light tank, the deep explosion sounds and the clicking
noise the game made when you chose to play. I must point
out that that there was no music, but there were two plus
sides to that. The first is that it would get in the way of the
abundant sound affects. The second was that it kept the file
size down to a meager 2.07. In summary, all the sounds fit
together nicely to draw you in, while the never got annoying.
Overall I must say this game performed well. The sounds and
graphics helped to blot out some annoyances in the game
play, while a new type of tower defense game was brought to
the table, maybe inspiring more of these to peak up into the
gaming world.
Created By: Masterjj
The first and biggest problem was that there was no goal.
You just shoot at some enemies who in turn, shoot back at
you. Once you killed them all you just do is stand there until
you choose a new level. There was no, ‘Yah you win!’
message, no cut scene, nothing. This brings me to the next
issue. There was no title screen. The only thing was the
game information that popped up at the beginning telling you
how to change levels. All you did was press certain buttons on
the keyboard. Once you exited the information you
immediately began the game. Very annoying and
unprofessional. It should’ve started you on a title screen with
nice polished buttons with the different levels on them. When
you died or won, you should’ve found yourself on the title
screen but alas, the creator did not put time into that aspect
of the demo.
The next flaw of the game was the AI. The AI just ran up to
you and shot at you continuously. This made it so that there
was no strategy involved. Just evade and shoot. This took all
the fun out of the game and took it from the mediocre game it
was to the piece of junk at the dump.
Now that you’ve had your fill of the review on the game’s
gameplay, let me divulge into the graphics of this game. In
some areas I was impressed, in others the game dismally
failed. The first thing I liked was the characters. They looked…
war like. They just seemed to fit well. However most of the
other graphics I didn’t like, e.g. take the first level’s
background (well not the first since there was no order but
the one that it started you on). It was just a blue blob really; it
didn’t look like a floor. There used to be a better background
and character sprites but for some reason the creator
changed it. On other levels there were some nicer
backgrounds though, like a cave one and a grassy tree type
one. The graphics really didn’t impress with all the downsides
to them.
Overall, I have to say this was a great idea but lacked enough
effort. With a lot of hard work and programming this could be
the next Seiklus.
Mr. Pratt’s Haunted Mansion
Created By: Gareth Tilt
Mr. Pratt’s graphics are good and fitting, with the option to
set your frame rate up to 100 fps, at which, it runs smoothly.
Overall, it some very high quality graphics with good effects
such as high particles and 30 to 100 frames per second.
Next is sound, where Mr. Pratt does well in the sound effects
area, as well as in the music area. So far, there are about 8-
10 songs in total, a good number for a Game Maker game.
Both are well-done and fit the game exceedingly.
WIP Look At
Hunahpu: The Memory of the Sun by correojon a lot of different obstacles, levels where the gravity is inverted
I wanted to create a simple game, so I thought of doing and pulls you towards the ceiling, underwater levels where you
something like YoMamasMama´s StickMan Escape (in case have to be fast not to drown, electric timed barriers, conveyor
you haven’t tried it, go for it, it’s a great game) or something belts, water whirlwinds, rotating spikes, springs in the floors,
like a small Metroid game that happens completely in one walls, ceilings or on moving platforms, and even puzzles to
enormous level. So I started creating the game engine which solve by pushing blocks and changing gravity! The game can
grew in complexity as I added more and more powers. After be anything but repetitive. I’m trying hard to add as many
more than 1 month, the engine was finally completed. But I different obstacles as possible and the gameplay can
thought that after having spent so much time just for the drastically change from an intense pure-platform level to a
engine, I should create a bigger game. So first I had to think more relaxed, brain crushing puzzle in a moment. You’ll never
about a good storyline for it, as this will set the whole know how the next stage will look like! Special mention for the
ambience of the game. Playing Metroid: Zero Mission on GBA, inverted gravity levels, something that I haven´t seen in any
I discovered a great level that looked some old ruins. Also, the game before, and there will be more original obstacles, like
storyline suggested that Samus´ suit and power’s origin was switches to rotate levels or change the water height, night
more mystical than technological and I loved this idea. So I levels, wind that pushes you and much more.
decided to give the game this same feeling that of an ancient
legend mixed with high-tech stuff. I started doing an intense Progress
research on Pre-Hispanic legends in South America and finally Current version is 4.c. It features 65 levels and 6 powers:
I decided to focus the game on the ancient Mayan legend of power jump, run, shrink, high jump, push and wall jump. There
the book of creation and the Mayan Hero Twins: Hunahpu and is also a map to find and 4 different sceneries (not counting
Ixbalanque. With this in mind, I started creating the storyline the ones seen in flashbacks): the complex, the temple (with
and the main graphics. All is strongly based in Mayan culture, cool fire and light effects), the cave (dark, with shiny rocks)
even the game backgrounds. For example, the tiles in the and the lake (with an incredible water effect). The people who
temple were inspired by photographs of real Mayan temples have beaten the demo needed almost 3 hours to get through
and even in the complex (game’s first level) you can read all the levels!
hidden messages in ancient Maya language in the tiles. The
storyline is huge, very complicated and full of unexpected The final release date is somewhere in next year or so. The
turns and it will show the transformation of the main game is still under 50% through the development process
character from a semi-deity who is too full on himself into a and it was started sometime around November 2006. Just
warrior that will fight for his people, putting his life into it. so you get an idea, the final release will feature around 20
There are lots of emotive moments that I hope will make you powers and more than 200 levels, divided in more than 8
drop a tear or two :). But that’s not all, the story is told sceneries! The sceneries will surely feature an ice tower, a
through flashbacks, short episodes where you can see volcano, a city on flames, the clouds in the sky, so you see, in
Hunahpu before he lost his memory and they are playable order to escape the complex Hunahpu will have to travel a lot.
chapters that are told in no particular order but that converge I want to make it as good as possible, so I’m using a lot of time
in the end. This is something like what Quentin Tarantino does in adjusting the levels to match people’s suggestions and
in some of his movies like Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs. balance out difficulty. Every time I release a new demo I take a
There is even a hidden plot that will show you the real origin of little break from the project and use this time to play other
Hunahpu and it will only be accessed by finding the 4 secret games, as this helps me get perspective and come up with
powerups. new ideas i.e. by playing Super Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of
Time I’ve thought of some cool things that you will see in demo
In conclusion, I’ve put a lot of work into something that is #5.
usually ignored in GM games and tried to embed it into the
gameplay, and by the reactions so far, it seems people love it Final words
:). Well, I’d just like to thank gamez93 for offering me the chance
to talk about the game on his magazine :) and of course
Design: everyone who has tested the game and helped me by
There are plenty of platform games out there, so what makes reporting bugs or providing feedback, specially Zccc,
Hunahpu different? Well, the flashback/powerup system is a random(x, y), Carnivac (formerly Wolverine on GMC) and all
really original idea and testers have said they love it. The level the guys at the Helix Community (Cookinater, Nick_the_b,
design has a lot of work behind it (don’t think that you will just Badwolf, Quakster, Ogmozero, Edmunn, Vidimir Rayne,
have to go right and press the jump key every once in a while) PaperClipGames, Dragon Reborn, Dilbertguy. Yes, lots of
you’ll have to explore the levels to continue advancing. But people, the topic there is 8 pages long already, a big THANK
even without the exploration feature, the game introduces YOU to all of you guys!
GMT: Do you see GM as a limited tool and are thinking about GMT: Are there any members you look at and see yourself
moving to other tools? being like them in a few years time?
RDM: “Actually I am doing a large course dedicated to RDM: “Oh, I hope not! I'd much rather be my own person.”
programming games in C++. This will hopefully get me a good
job doing what I love! I'll still probably use Game Maker for GMT: If you could come up with something that WILL be in
game prototypes, and smaller projects (like GunLimb). I'm still GM8 what would it be and why?
not sure if I'd rather work for a large company, or working as RDM: “I'm not totally sure I understand the question - I don't
an independent developer. Being independent means I will know what will be in GM8. What would I like to be in GM8? I'm
always have full creative control over all my projects, and not sure about that, either - I've got everything I need back in
that's definitely a good thing! If I was working for a company, GM6! I guess all I'd really like is for Game Maker to process
they'd have to be a fun and creative company, like Free Radical everything faster. Perhaps faster 3D functionality.
Design or Insomniac.
Oh, and onion skinning in the sprite editor would be lovely,
Game Maker is definitely limited, but it's still a great tool. along with an 'add new frame' button in the actual spriting
Limitations can actually enhance creativity, because there will window.”
always be people trying to push them to their extent.”
GMT: Your username, is it a typo or just how you want it?
GMT: Do you hate YoYo or love them, and why? RDM: “It's not a typo! I've been using the name since I was 13,
RDM: “I don't hate nor love them - they're definitely doing some but I could spell back then as well. It just happens to be
amazing things for Game Maker, such as hopefully porting it somewhat like 'random' which is kind of the point. It's like a
to the Mac platform, but I don't particularly like their GM7 randomly mixed up version of random. It's unique.”
EULA. I do hope they stick with Game Maker though, because
it has incredible potential as a game design tool. They had a GMT: Are you working on any exclusive projects that you may
rough start, but they're overall a good thing for Game Maker.” want to share some screenshots about or so?
RDM: “Actually I'm right in-between projects, so nope, sorry!
I've already had another two ideas just this morning, but no
code or sprites.”
GMT:I also noticed the different enemies and their different GMT: It was said that you used help from others along way of
tactics on destroying the player. How did you come up with the the development of this game, are these people managers of
ideas for these enemies? their services and resources or are they solely working for
PFG: “Well to be honest I don't think there is that much variety. you, with you or under you?
All enemies use the same basic AI - even the enemies in PFG: “I accepted a lot of contributions. As well as the GMG
squadrons revert to individual behaviour. There are a few ship contest, which resulted in 3 ships for the game (1 player,
different movement patterns, like the jellyfish sort of 2 enemies), I asked the EO for contributions. This resulted in
swimming, but the core AI is the same. most of the player ships being designed by various EO
members, along with a couple of music tracks and a few
The bosses have variety. For each boss I tried to make them in ideas.
some way related to the enemies of that stage. So basically
the bosses grew from the normal enemies of each stage. I like to work that way. If people want to make a contribution, I'll
take it if it's good enough. If nobody wants to contribute I'll do
It's getting quite plain to see - I basically make everything up as everything myself.”
I go with no plan.”
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us Pug Fugly.
GMT: What was the hardest thing to program?
PFG: “To be honest there wasn't much in the game that gave
me much trouble to program. I suppose the enemy AI was
slightly difficult to get working how I wanted, but even that was
reasonably straightforward.”
It’s up to you to find out if this is easy or not, this code has been disorganized and made as messy as possible – enjoy solving
this one. We will have a new ‘Find the Bug’ puzzle in the next issue.
Word Search
Do you have the eye of a warrior, if not it doesn’t really matter, because you can still take part in the Word Search. Completing
it will earn you nothing, but it’s still a nice time passer. Answers will be posted in Issue 9 of GM Tech Magazine.
Free Applications
Ever been bothered that Microsoft Word could not save a
document as a *.PDF file? I was, but found this after some
searching. It allows you to convert any printable page to a PDF
file, which means that it works with many other applications as
well. This way you can more easily create a good looking
documentation for your game, program, tutorial or anything
that you might need it for. The ease of use is incredible. When
you install the program, there will be a printer added to the list
called ‘PDFCreator’ which, if you select it and click ‘Print’,
brings you to a menu where you can set your document name,
author, and much more. The interface of the application itself
is not important. This program also supports other file types.
If you want to make 3D graphics for your games, you wouldn’t
want to pay a lot of money for a professional program, right?
What about Blender then? Too hard to use? Anim8or is what
you should use then! It’s very easy to make a 3D graphics with
it after completing a few very easy tutorials, which are
available on the site. Some features of this program are:
• Pre-built primitives for you to place in your sandbox.
• Render images of your model.
• Scripting Language.
• Texture support.
• Exporting to *.3DS, *.OBJ and others.
• Plus many more...
Nvu is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
HTML/CSS website editor, allowing you to do anything that
you could do with plain HTML and CSS. Any modification you
make is immediately shown in the preview of your site, making
it easier for you to check if it fits your preference. Although
this program is limited to only (x)HTML and CSS, it does its job
good and the websites that are created with it, if only the
WYSIWYG editor is used, are fully valid. However, if you edit
the HTML source code, you can validate it and even clean it up
automatically. This program is great for people who need a
website for their game, but don’t want to pay a small fortune
to buy Dreamweaver, or any other commercial website editing
program. The reason we picked this application above other
programs that do support more scripting languages, is
because this is easier for the regular user, and still does the
job perfectly. Enjoy!
Take A Look
Well that's it for issue 8; we hoped you enjoyed another We only ask that you submit content that you have permission
packed issue from us. Don't forget the competition which we to. Do not submit things that are not your own unless you
are currently co-hosting, The GM Race ( have permission of the owner and do not submit illegal
Get your entries in soon for a chance to win some top prizes. content. At GMTECH we take submissions seriously and we
Despite the long wait which you had to suffer for issue 8, we will do what it takes to keep our forum clean and friendly.
are hoping that normal business will resume with issue 9 just
around the corner. Keep an eye out for it appearing. Please Resource Files
send all your comments into us or contact us on the forums This issue we have included some great resources for you to
to get a quicker response, as we have a large staff base, use in your own games. First up are some particle effect
which are all willing to answer your questions. scripts for you to use to get your games bursting with energy!
These were made by our very own gmjab, so credit is due to
Next Issue: him if used in your projects. Secondly we have some music
You can expect the usual articles and reviews from us, plus which can be used in your projects, made exclusively for
some great features such as: GMTECH magazine readers. However if the music is used in
your game you MUST provide credit to ghostrider as this is
- The Game Lounge solely his work.
- An exclusive with Sinaz
- Shout Outs Creative Commons
- DLL Tutorial The Game Maker Technology Magazine is licensed under
- And much more... Creative Commons licence. This means you are free to copy,
distribute and transmit the work. This work is for Non-
As always, we are always trying to get new ideas off the Commercial use only. You are NOT allowed to alter, modify or
ground. Starting from the next issue, we will be lining up some build upon the work contained in the magazine
mini competitions for you to get involved in, and maybe win
some nice prizes.
Good or bad, we value your feedback. Your feedback lets us
know how we should improve to satisfy all the Game Maker
users. Your feedback can be about (although not limited to)
articles, reviews, gm tips or the magazine in general. You can
leave feedback in either our GMC topic or on our forum.
Submit to us
Yes, we at GM TECH will take almost any submission for a
chance of it being published in the next issue. To submit to the
magazine, simply go to our forum and submit in the “submit”
section, no registration is required and you will get a fast reply.
If you're not sure what to submit have a look at the example
list below:
- Games
- Programs
- Screensavers
- Exclusive information
- Interview requests
- Desktop Screenshots
- Gifts
- Reports/News
- Articles
- Letters