FT04 Course Data Sheet - MFCS
FT04 Course Data Sheet - MFCS
FT04 Course Data Sheet - MFCS
1/FT 04
Preface of the course: Knowledge with basic mathematical implications for computer science.
The formal appearance of the discrete mathematics includes set theory, algebraic systems,
Combinatory, Boolean algebra, propositional logic, and other relevant issues. Likewise, abstract
models of computations, models of computability, language theory concepts, and the application
of language theory ideas are the subject matter of the concepts of automata and formal languages.
The goal of this course is to;
1. Understand the concepts of Propositional calculus
2. Simplify Set theory and Functions
3. Understand Combinatorics and Number Theory
4. Simplify recurrence relations
5. Understand concepts of Graph Theory.
UNIT -II: Set Theory: Sets: Operations on Sets, Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion, Relations:
Properties, Operations, Partition and Covering, Transitive Closure, Equivalence, Compatibility
and Partial Ordering, Hasse Diagrams, Functions: Bijective, Composition, Inverse, Permutation,
and Recursive Functions, Lattice and its Properties, Algebraic Structures: Algebraic Systems,
Properties, Semi Groups and Monoids, Group, Subgroup and Abelian group, Homomorphism,
UNIT -V: Graph Theory: Basic Concepts, Graph Theory and its Applications, Sub graphs,
Graph Representations: Adjacency and Incidence Matrices, Isomorphic Graphs, Paths and
Circuits, Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs, Multigraphs, Bipartite and Planar Graphs, Euler’s
Theorem, Graph Colouring and Covering, Chromatic Number, Spanning Trees, Prim’s and
Kruskal’s Algorithms, BFS and DFS Spanning Trees.
Text Books:
1) Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, J. P. Tremblay and
P. Manohar, Tata McGraw Hill.
2) Elements of Discrete Mathematics-A Computer Oriented Approach, C. L. Liu and D. P.
Mohapatra, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1) Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians, J. L. Mott, A. Kandel and
T. P. Baker, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India.
2) Discrete Mathematical Structures, Bernand Kolman, Robert C. Busby and Sharon Cutler Ross,
3) Discrete Mathematics and its Applications with Combinatorics and Graph Theory, K. H. Rosen,
7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Self study: Connectives, Truth Tables, Tautologies, Variables and Quantifiers, Mathematical
Induction, Operations on Binary Sets, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Properties of Binary
Relations, Sub graphs, Representation of Graphs, Binary Trees.
At the end of the Course/Subject, the students will be able to:
S.No Course Outcomes(COs) POS* Taxonomy &
Define Proposition, types of Notations,
Truth-tables, and solve Normal forms & Understanding
R20C202.1 1 1,2
solve problems in propositional & (L2)
predicate calculus.
Define Sets, Relation and functions and
discuss types of sets, relations and Understanding
R20C202.2 1 1,2
functions & solve the problems on (L2)
relations & Functions.
Apply permutations and combinations
and solve problems and use binomial and
R20C202.3 1 Applying (L3)
multinomial theorem to generate 1,2
sequences in solving problems
Apply methods to solve homogeneous
R20C202.4 and non-homogeneous recurrence 2 1,2 Applying (L3)
Define graph and discuss types of graphs
and its representation & solve the Analyzing (L4)
R20C202.5 2 1,2
problems on graphs and discuss about
P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12
Out Comes
R20C202.1 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
R20C202.2 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
R20C202.3 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
R20C202.4 - 3 - - - - - - - - - -
R20C202.5 - 3 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 9 6 - - - - - - - - - -
Average 3 3 - - - - - - - - - -
R20C202.1: PO1 is strongly mapped as the student will have to learn Truth-tables, and solve
Normal forms & solve problems in propositional & predicate calculus can be used in validating
facts which could be used in implement them using high-level programming languages.
R20C202.2: PO1 is strongly mapped as the student will have to learn sets, relations, functions,
and groups, which are used in high level programming languages to solve problem.
R20C202.3: PO1 is strongly mapped as the student will have to learn combinatorics and number
theory , which are used in Communication networks, cryptography and network security,
programming languages, databases ,pattern analysis, Computational molecular biology, etc.
R20C202.4: PO2 is strongly mapped as the student will have to learn Recurrence relations, which
are used in analysis of algorithms. If an algorithm is designed so that it will break a problem into
smaller sub problems (divide and conquer), its running time is described by a recurrence relation.
R20C202.5: PO2 is strongly mapped as the student will have to learn Graph theory, which can be
used in research areas of computer science such as data mining, image segmentation, clustering,
image capturing, networking etc.
PSO1 is strongly mapped because the predicate and propositional logic can be used in validating facts
which could be used in high-level programming languages.
PSO2 is strongly mapped because Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science is used for
competitive examinations like GATE, UGC & other entrance exams for higher studies and
employment to build a successful career.
PSO1 is strongly mapped because the predicate and propositional logic can be used in validating facts
which could be used in high-level programming languages.
PSO2 is strongly mapped because Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science is used for
competitive examinations like GATE, UGC & other entrance exams for higher studies and
employment to build a successful career.
PSO1 is strongly mapped because the predicate and propositional logic can be used in validating facts
which could be used in high-level programming languages.
PSO2 is strongly mapped because Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science is used for
competitive examinations like GATE, UGC & other entrance exams for higher studies and
employment to build a successful career.
PSO1 is strongly mapped because the predicate and propositional logic can be used in validating facts
which could be used in high-level programming languages.
PSO2 is strongly mapped because Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science is used for
competitive examinations like GATE, UGC & other entrance exams for higher studies and
employment to build a successful career.
PSO1 is strongly mapped because the predicate and propositional logic can be used in validating facts
which could be used in high-level programming languages.
PSO2 is strongly mapped because Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science is used for
competitive examinations like GATE, UGC & other entrance exams for higher studies and
employment to build a successful career.
Set Target %
55 45
50% or less number of 50% or less number of
students scoring more than students scoring more than
Attainment Level 1
55% marks in internal 45% marks in External
examination examination
51% to 69% of students 51% to 69% of students
scoring more than 55% scoring more than 45%
Attainment Level 2
marks in internal marks in External
examination examination
70% & above number of 70% & above number of
students scoring more than students scoring more than
Attainment Level 3
55% marks in internal 45% marks in External
examination examination