Article in International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences · January 2021
DOI: 10.20546/ijcmas.2021.1001.069
14 4,077
5 authors, including:
Avishek Bardhan
Surya-Kanta Sau
The Neotia University
Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery
36 PUBLICATIONS 159 Sciences, …
Sanjib Khatua
Madhabendu Bera
West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery
Sciences West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences
All content following this page was uploaded by Surya-Kanta Sau on 24 February 2021.
Department of Aquatic Animal Health, 2Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fishery
Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, 5, Budherhat Road,
Chakgaria, Panchasayar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
ICAR - Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Regional Research Centre,
Rahara, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
*Corresponding author
Keywords Tilapia ranks second among the most cultured fish globally. It is also the most
important farmed non-cyprinid fish accounting for over 20% of the global aquaculture
Oreochromis production (6.6 million tonnes). To make up for anticipated deficits or losses in wild
niloticus, Monosex harvest, the tilapia industry is retorting, not only in its former strongholds throughout
tilapia, Monosex Southeast Asia, but also in the Americas and Africa. The candidate aquacultured
culture, Monosex species of the tilapiine family is the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), which is
known for its superior growth rates and attainment of large market sizes over a wide
Article Info range of environmental parameters. Its disease resistance and ability to efficiently flex
its feeding habits also make it an ideal species for culture. The increased production in
Accepted: tilapia has been recognized on extensive research efforts, with the most significant
08 December 2020
gains achieved by utilizing monosex production techniques. Monosex tilapia is a new
Available Online:
10 January 2021 technological product in this aquacultural era.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(01): 565-577
demand for tilapia since it contains essential 1982; Fuentes-Silva et al., 2012). The initial
vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids (Karim et attempts to produce all-male fry in order to
al., 2017; El-Sayed, 2019). Moreover, the circumvent the foresaid problem began in the
developments in genetic technology, selective 1970s. Although it looked promising, no
breeding and increasing government suitable technology for reliably producing all-
initiatives to support aquaculture business are male tilapia at a commercially viable scale
also stimulating the growth of the tilapia emerged until the mid-1980s. Development of
market (Prabu et al., 2019). The bulk (80%) hapa-based culture allowed for the assortment
of the production comes from a single of tilapia eggs and yolk-sac larvae of a
species, the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis uniform age and proved to be the key in
niloticus) (Prabu et al., 2019; Mengistu et al., ensuring consistently high (~99%) levels of
2020; El-Kassas et al., 2020). There are about male fish following the application for 21
70 species of tilapia amongst which 10 days of feed augmented with 17-α
species find its use in aquaculture worldwide methyltestosterone (Gale et al., 1996; Popma
(El-Sayed, 2019). Tilapia are primarily and Lovshin, 1996). This breakthrough befell
herbivorous and detritivorous feeders. as a result of research instigated by the Asian
However, the presence of flexible and Institute for Technology (AIT) in 1984 as a
opportunistic feeding behaviour has made part of an EU funded project on septage-fed
them an ideal species for aquaculture (Karim aquaculture systems. After late 1990‟s, the
et al., 2017). The development of sex-reversal number of monosex hatcheries flourished as
techniques using hormones in the 1970s led to commercial demand for sex-reversed fry
the production of male monosex populations increased and knowledge of the necessary
to be raised to uniform, marketable sizes hatchery management techniques, once
(Thongprajukaew and Rodjaroen, 2020). In confined mostly to researchers associated
monosex culture, males are preferred because with the early development of the technology,
they have a faster growth rate than females became more accessible. The ability to
(Chávez-García et al., 2020). It serves as an produce monosex tilapia has revolutionised
important source of income throughout the the profile of the species‟ production and
world (Sosa et al., 2005). The monosex male consumption.
population of tilapia are well recognized for
increased production potential and low Monosex tilapia production techniques
management requirements (El-Sayed, 2019).
Over the ages, tilapia has become the shining The major drawback of tilapia pond culture is
star of aquaculture and popularly known by the high level of unrestrained reproduction
different names like „aquatic chicken‟, „fish that may occur in grow-out ponds (Little and
of the 1990s‟ and „food fish of the 21st Hulata, 2000; Felix et al., 2019). Monosex
century‟ (Costa-Pierce and Riedel, 2000; culture is one of the methods of restraining
Ramnarine and Singh, 2005). uncontrolled tilapia populations (Green et al.,
1997; Little and Hulata, 2000; Wang et al.,
History of monosex tilapia and its initial 2019). Monosex production techniques
production include the labour-intensive hand-to-hand
separation of sexes, environmental alterations,
The exhibition of sub-optimal growth and hybridization, hormonal augmentation (sex
variable sizes were the frequent constraints of reversal) and laboratory genetic manipulation
mixed-sex populations of tilapia commercial methods such as androgenesis, gynogenesis,
culture before 1970s (Noakes and Balon, polyploidy and transgenesis (Felix et al.,
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(01): 565-577
2016). The major limitations in producing skilled labour with good hatchery facilities
hybrids are maintenance and purity of are required (Phelps and Popma, 2000). Sex
brooders, inadequate fecundity and difficulty reversal by oral administration of feed
in producing sufficient hybrid fry due to (incorporated with 17α-MT) is the most
spawning incompatibilities between the effective and practical method for the
parent species. production of all-male tilapia till date (Celik
et al., 2011; Snake et al., 2020). The dose
Sex reversal or hormonal augmentation by when administered orally differs between 30-
feeding 60 mg/kg of feed for total of 25-30 days
depending on the intended outcome (Little et
This method can be performed by oral al., 2003). It is suggested that the use of 30
administration of feed incorporated with mg/kg of 17α-ET for 18 days will
androgen and eggs or fry immersion in approximately result in production of 98% of
different concentrations of the male hormone male monosex fish. The use of 60 mg/kg of
and probably the most popularly feed will produce 100% male in O.
(commercially) used technique (Beardmore et mossambicus (Francis and Esa, 2016). The
al., 2001; Belton and Little, 2008; Celik et al., 17α-MT will give 98% and 85% at 30 and 60
2011; Mehrim et al., 2019; Snake et al., mg/kg feed. This is an indication that the
2020). The principle behind this method lies administration of more than the recommended
on the fact that at the stage when the tilapia dose will not add any value to the stock but
larvae are said to be sexually undifferentiated serve a waste of available resources (Phelps
(right after hatching up to about 2 weeks or up and Popma, 2000; Sayed et al., 2018).
to the swim-up stage), the extent of the However, the technique has minor limitations.
androgen and the estrogen present in a fish is Uniform age fish should be used at the first
equal (Karim et al., 2017). Thus, augmenting feeding stage to ensure high reversal rate.
one of the hormones that is originally present Moreover, widespread use of vast quantities
in the fish will direct the fish to either male or of androgens in hatcheries may pose a health
female depending upon the hormone risk to workers (Mlalila et al., 2015; Francis
introduced. Accordingly, if the tilapia larvae and Esa, 2016; Sayed et al., 2018; Suseno et
are fed with feed incorporated with male al., 2020). This technique has achieved
hormone viz., 17α-methyltestosterone (MT), successful results up to 100% and feed with
the fish will develop into phenotypic male the male hormone is commercially available
physically and function as male but possess or can be prepared (Mlalila et al., 2015).
the female genotype (XX) (Beardmore et al.,
2001). The list of hormones that have been Hormonal augmentation using immersion
researched and worked upon on various methods
tilapiine species are mentioned in Table 2.
Sex reversed “male” reaches similar average Another alternative of the oral feeding is the
weights as genetically male tilapia (Mair et use of live bait that has been brought up in a
al., 1995) and it does not require that a synthetic environment enriched with
portion of the production be discarded (Phelps androgens [17α-MT and 17α-ET] (Sayed et
and Popma, 2000). The presence of hormone al., 2018). This technique has been used with
residue in adult fish has not yet been studied, Nile Tilapia fry and has obtained levels of
thus its effect on consumers is not yet known masculinisation up to 99% (Phelps and
(Suseno et al., 2020). Hormones may be Popma, 2000; Syarifuddin et al., 2019).
challenging to obtain in some places and
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(01): 565-577
Table.1 A list of different hybrids of Orechromis spp. and their probability of male progeny
Table.2 A list of different reported hormones that have been utilized for production of monosex
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(01): 565-577
due to the rapid early development that limits 2019). Monosex tilapia takes about six
the window of opportunity (Phelps and months to produce a good market size [500
Popma, 2000) and these results are lower than grams] (Fortes, 2005; Chakraborty et al.,
those obtained with the oral administration 2011). Like any other culture, monosex tilapia
(Francis and Esa, 2016) doesn‟t pose serious headaches to farmers.
Monosex tilapia is raised through two steps in
Monosex tilapia culture two ponds viz., nursing and stocking pond.
This type of farming system can maximize
Feed preparation plays a pivotal role in the production. Just like normal tilapia culture,
culture of monosex tilapia (Wangpen, 1996; the management of nursing pond and grow
Rahman et al., 2019). The feed is prepared by out ponds for monosex are quite the same.
an alcohol evaporation method (Wangpen, Feeding with highly protein enriched (about
1996; Francis and Esa, 2016). Ordinary fish 35%) feed at the rate of 10-15% of the body
ration (filler) is mixed at (40 to 60%) with a weight showed good results (Bhujel, 2000).
high protein fish meal substitute of roughly Feeding can be done 3-4 times a day. When
60% protein, which is used as base. The the monosex attains a weight of
hormone, 17α-MT is dissolved in a solvent approximately 20-30 grams (40-60 days of
(methanol or ethanol) at a rate of 60-70 mg of culture) they can be transferred to the
hormone/L solvent. The prepared mixture is stocking pond. Care must be taken to reduce
added to the feed at a rate of 60-70 mg/kg stress. Application of good quality organic
feed, hand-mixed thoroughly and allowed to manure can lead to exponential growth of
air dry. This is done 3 to 4 days prior usage. natural feed and hence the use of
This mixture should not be stored for more supplementary feed gets limited. After the
than 4 days (Chakraborty and Baneerjee, monosex attains a weight of 100 grams each,
2009; Chakraborty et al., 2011). Brood ponds feeding can be reduced to 5% of body weight.
should have a firm bottom and good drainage The feeding chart of monosex tilapia is shown
systems (Macintosh and Little, 1995; in Table 3.
Chakraborty et al., 2011). Brooders can be
fed at 1-3% body weight/day using The use of dugout pond is one of the primitive
supplementary feeds (26-35% crude protein). systems used in the production of monosex
Brood ponds and its stocks should be tilapia seeds (Trong et al., 2013). Culture in
maintained separately and care must be taken hapas is more popular when compared to
to prevent inbreeding. Re-stocking should be dugout ponds whereas culture in concrete
done every 2-3 months. Nursery ponds tanks has received extensive popularity from
encounter high mortality during culture days various monosex fishers recently (Bentsen et
solely due to extreme stocking densities al., 1998; Bhujel, 2000; Ghosal et al., 2015;
(Guerrero III, 1986; Tsadik and Bart, 2007; Sarker et al., 2017). Despite all this
Chakraborty et al., 2011). information available on the production
protocols of larval rearing, hatchability and
Nursery stocks should be handled with proper the absorption of yolk sac still remains unique
care to reduce stress and mortality. Nursery to different geographical locations (Bhujel,
ponds demand good cleaning practices using 2000). Production is a biological process that
fish toxicants (rotenone) and bleach. In the must remain unchanged. The major problem
grow-out phase when the growth rate of insufficient quality tilapia seeds must be
stagnates, it is advised that the stock has addressed.
reached its marketable size (El-Nahal et al.,
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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(01): 565-577
Avishek Bardhan, S. K. Sau, Sanjib Khatua, Madhabendu Bera and Paul, B. N. 2021. A
Review on the Production and Culture Techniques of Monosex Tilapia.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(01): 565-577. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2021.1001.069
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