7974-Article Text-40253-1-10-20210402
7974-Article Text-40253-1-10-20210402
7974-Article Text-40253-1-10-20210402
3Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126,
Abstract. Kolia WSK, Sunarto, Widiyani T. 2021. The infection of ectoparasitic protozoa on farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
at three reservoirs in Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 1975-1980. There is an expansion of fish culture in Indonesia, but there is
a dearth of information on the parasitic infecting cultured fish. This study was conducted to investigate the occurrence of ectoparasitic
protozoans on farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) at three reservoirs (i.e., Cengklik, Mulur, and Gajah Mungkur) in Central Java,
Indonesia, and to determine the prevalence, mean abundance, and mean intensity of such parasites. A total of 189 samples were collected
from different cages. The sex of the fishes was determined and their lengths and weights were measured. The gills, fins, and skin were
examined for ectoparasitic protozoa using a light microscope. Among the examined fishes, 146 samples were infected at the rate of 77.2 %.
Mulur reservoir had the highest prevalence rate with 90.4%, followed by Cengklik and Gajah Mungkur with 82.5 % and, 58.7%,
respectively. We found female fishes were more susceptible to the infection than males. Seven parasite species were identified, namely:
Tetrahymena corlissi, Apiosoma spp., Trichodina spp., Cryptobia spp., Chilodonella spp., Ambiphrya spp., and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.
The protozoan parasite Trichodina spp. recorded the highest prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance among all the other protozoan
species at the three reservoirs. The results provided a significant difference at (p<0.01) in the total number of parasites among the reservoirs.
Despite the parasite infection, the physical and chemical parameters of the water of the three reservoirs were within the recommended range
for the culture of Nile tilapia under the cage systems.
Keywords: Ciliated protozoa, ectoparasitic, fish disease, floating cages, Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
health status of the animals, the prevalence and intensity of Collection of fish specimens
the infestation, the presence of parasites in a farm will have Fish specimens were collected from three different
different impacts (Bruno et al. 2006; Pantoja et al. 2012; zones at each reservoir using a random method. A total of
Arguedas et al. 2017; Indahsari et al. 2019). 189 specimens of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) were collected
The pooling of protection and control methods often using scoop nets. The samples were then stored
proves to be beneficial. Exchanges information between immediately in plastic containers and transported to the
farmers, producers, and experts working in fish production Laboratory of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
chains can be fruitful because parasite problems often have Science (FMIPA), Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta,
unknown impacts that other operators have not yet Indonesia for identification and screening of ectoparasitic
experienced. While anecdotal evidence of parasite protozoa.
problems in aquaculture is sometimes available and shared
among stakeholders, there have been limited studies to help Sex determination and measurements of fish samples
to solve such problems due to the low scientific capacity Fish samples were identified using the guide provided
and the lack of necessary infrastructure for research by Molnar et al. (2019). A ruler was used to measure the
(Mitiku et al. 2018). total length (TL) and standard length (SL) in (cm), while an
This study aims to investigate the occurrence of electronic weight balance was used to measure the weight
ectoparasitic protozoa on farmed Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) of the fish samples in grams. The sex of the fish was
at three reservoirs in Central Java, Indonesia, and to determined by external examination and internal
determine the prevalence, mean abundance, and mean examination of the testes and ovaries as described by
intensity of such parasites. Bruno et al. (2006).
Mt. Merbabu
1. Cengklik
Mt. Merapi
Surakarta city
Mt. Lawu
2. Mulur
3. Gajah Mungkur
Figure 1. Map of Indonesia in the top and the study area at three reservoirs in Central Java, Indonesia. 1. Cengklik Reservoir, 2. Mulur
Reservoir and 3. Gajah Mungkur Reservoir
KOLIA et al. – Infection of ectoparasitic protozoa on farmed Nile tilapia 1977
Table1. The results of physical and chemical parameters of water (mean ±SD) at three reservoir sites in Central Java, Indonesia
Reservoir site
Cengklik Mulur Gajah Mungkur Significant
DO (mg/L) 8.13±0.73 7.63±0.38 7.63±0.38 NS
Temperature (0C) 28.07±0.32 28.70±0.26 28.70±0.26 NS
Ammonia (mg/L) 0.48±0.26 1.13±0.08 1.13±0.44 NS
Conductivity (μ s/cm) 251.00±18.50 147.90±4.28 147.90±4.28 **
Transparency (cm) 84.67±2.33 59.00±1.73 59.00±1.73 **
pH 7.48±0.29 7.10±0.08 7.10±0.08 NS
Table 2. Comparison of parasitological data from the three reservoirs in Central Java, Indonesia
*Note: EF: Examined fish, IF Infected fish, TP (%): Total prevalence, TNP: Total number of parasites.
Table 3. The size of fish in terms of weight and length (mean ±SD) of males and females at the three reservoirs in Central Java,
Table 4. The number of parasite infections (mean ±SD) in gills, fins, and the skin of examined fishes across sexes at the three reservoirs
in Central Java, Indonesia
Table 5. The species of parasite, and the prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance of each parasite at the three reservoirs in
Central Java, Indonesia
Parasites species Gajah Mungkur Mulur Cengklik
P (%) MI MA P (%) MI MA P (%) MI MA
Tetrahymena corlissi 0 0 0 11.1 1.8 0.2 0 0 0
Apiosoma spp. 17.4 1.5 0.26 1.2 1.6 0.23 7.9 1.4 0.1
Trichodina spp. 50.7 11 5.6 82.5 32.7 27 73 34.8 25.4
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.8 1.6 0.2
Cryptobia spp. 6.3 1.7 0.1 3.1 3 0.09 3.1 2 0.06
Chilodonella spp. 4.7 4.3 0.2 12.6 3.2 0.4 7.9 1.2 0.09
Ambiphrya spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.7 1.6 0.07
*Note; P: Prevalence, MI: Mean intensity, MA: Mean abundance, TNP: Total number of parasites
The results found that there is no significant difference A detailed examination of the prevalence of parasite
(p<0.01) in the number of parasitic infections in gills and infections is presented in Table 5. We found that
fins of males and females across the three reservoirs (Table Trichodina spp. was the most prevalent parasite across the
4). Conversely, there was a significant difference (p<0.01) three reservoirs. A similar result was shown by Indahsari et
in the number of parasitic infections in the skin and the al. (2019) on cultured Nile tilapia in Indonesia that
total number of parasites between males and females from Trichodina spp. was the most common parasite among the
the three reservoirs. The results of the mean values of the other parasite species in their study. In our study, the
total number of parasites show that females in Mulur prevalence of Trichodina spp. was the highest at the Mulur
reservoir had the highest mean values of the total number reservoir (82.5%) with a mean intensity of 32.7 and a mean
of parasites 35.41, while males in the Gajah Mungkur abundance of 27 (Table 5). The second-highest prevalence
reservoir had the lowest mean values of the total number of was recorded at the Cengklik reservoir (73%) with a mean
parasites 4.23 (Table 4). Accordingly, the females had the intensity and mean abundance of 34.8 and 25.4,
highest mean values of parasites than males in the three respectively. The lowest prevalence was recorded in the
reservoirs in gills, fins, and skin with 4.86, 8.83, and 27.21 Gajah Mungkur reservoir (50.7%) with a mean intensity of
respectively. 11 and a mean abundance of 5.6.
KOLIA et al. – Infection of ectoparasitic protozoa on farmed Nile tilapia 1979
Human activities in and around the reservoirs might recorded prevalence was higher than the recorded
cause poor water quality due to the accumulation of high prevalence of 3% in the dry season and lower than the
organic matter load which favors the reproduction and recorded prevalence of 61% in the rainy season by
proliferation of Trichodina spp. The protozoan parasite (Arguedas et al. 2017).
Trichodina spp. in water bodies is an indicator of poor The protozoan Ambiphrya spp. was recorded only at the
water quality. Thus, further seasonal studies should be done reservoir Cengklik from the gills of Nile tilapia. The
in those reservoirs considering abiotic and biotic factors recorded prevalence was 4.7%, with a mean intensity of
such as stocking fish density, nutrients, and other water 1.6, and a mean abundance of 0.07. A similar species of
quality parameters. this parasite was isolated from the same host Nile tilapia in
The protozoan Apiosoma spp. was observed at the three Saudi Arabia (Abdel-Baki et al. 2014). Moreover, this
reservoirs from the gills of the Nile tilapia. This ciliated parasite also was recorded from Nile tilapia in Egypt
protozoan was recorded at the Gajah Mungkur reservoir (Ashmawy et al. 2018). However, this is the first record of
with a prevalence of 17.4%, and mean intensity and mean this parasite from cultured Nile tilapia in Central Java.
abundance of 1.5 and 0.26, respectively. At Cengklik The flagellated protozoan Cryptobia spp. was recorded
reservoir, it was recorded with the prevalence of 7.9%, in all three reservoirs from the gills, skin, and fins. The
mean intensity and mean abundance of 1.4 and 0.1, recorded prevalence was 6.3%, 3.1% and 3.1% at Gajah
respectively. The lowest prevalence (1.2%) was recorded at Mungkur, Mulur and Cengklik, respectively. The mean
Mulur reservoir with a mean intensity of 1.6 and a mean intensity recorded were 1.7 at Gajah Mungkur, 3 at Mulur,
abundance of 0.23. The infection by Apiosoma spp. in gills and 2 at Cengklik. While the mean abundance recorded
could result in disrupting gas exchange through the were 0.1, 0.09, and 0.06 at Gajah Mungkur, Mulur, and
respiratory epithelium, and then mortalities following Cengklik. However, some species of this parasite are
massive colonization of the gills. However, the recorded pathogenic for fish, especially fingerling (Bruno et al.
prevalence in this study was lower than that reported for 2006). Thus, further attention should be given to control
the same host grown in Costa Rica with a prevalence of this parasite.
84% in the dry season and 100% in the rainy season The ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena corlissi was
(Arguedas et al. 2017). Moreover, the recorded observed just in the Mulur reservoir from the gill of the
prevalence's in this study was lower than that reported Nile tilapia. The recorded prevalence was 11.1% with a
prevalence with 28.2% % from freshwater fish in West mean intensity of 1.8 and a mean abundance of 0.2.
Azerbaijan, northwest of Iran by (Ebrahimi et al. 2018). However, this parasite has been reported from a variety of
The ciliated protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was freshwater fish species, and the infection may cause
observed only at the Cengklik reservoir in the gills and the general debilitation, skin hemorrhage, and exophthalmia to
skin with a prevalence of 15.8%, a mean intensity of 1.6, both tropical and temperate species (Bruno et al. 2006).
and a mean abundance of 0.2 (Table 5). Generally, this In this study seven species of ectoparasites were
parasite infects the gills and skin of fish and causes ‘Ich’ or identified namely: Tetrahymena corlissi, Apiosoma spp.,
white spot disease and causes high mortality rates in both Trichodina spp., Cryptobia spp., Chilodonella spp.,
cultured and wild populations of fish. Poor water quality Ambiphrya spp., and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis from the
and fish stress are critical factors for the spread of this gills, fins, and skin of Nile tilapia. The output from the
parasite on Nile tilapia. The current investigation revealed study showed a significant difference at p<0.01 in the total
that this parasite was recorded from the gills and skin of the number of parasites among the reservoirs. The total number
fish that weighed between 220-245g and total length of ectoparasitic protozoa was the highest at Mulur reservoir
between 23-25cm. A similar study was recorded by Alves compared to the other two reservoirs (Cengklik and Gajah
et al.(2000) who indicated I. multifiliis isolated from gills Mungkur). That means the location of the reservoir affects
of O. niloticus was positively correlated with weight and the occurrence of ectoparasitic protozoa. The water in the
lengths of fish. However, the differences in the occurrence reservoir Mulur was not suitable for drinking because of
of this parasite for the same host between the different human activities around the reservoir in contrast to the
reservoirs may be due to the balance between the Gajah Mungkur reservoir. Although the physical and
performance of the parasites and the host immune system. chemical parameters were within the optimum range for
Chilodonella spp. was found at all three reservoirs from Nile tilapia culture under the cage system, controlling
the skin and gills of Nile tilapia. Furthermore, this parasite water quality could be challenging in open waters.
recorded the highest prevalence at reservoir Mulur (12.6 Sustainable management for fishes should consider abiotic
%) with a mean intensity of 3.2 and a mean abundance of factors such as water quality conditions and other biotic
0.4. This was followed by a prevalence of 7.9 % at factors to maintain the health of Nile tilapia. The
Cengklik reservoir with a mean intensity of 1.2 and mean infestation level of ectoparasitic protozoa in this study
abundance of 1.2. Meanwhile, the lowest prevalence (4.7 arguably will not pose a significant threat to the Nile tilapia
%) was recorded at reservoir Gajah Mungkur with a mean in the cages since no fish mortality was observed.
intensity of 4.3 and a mean abundance of 0.2. However, the However, critical attention should be given to the cages by
recorded prevalence by Chilodonella spp. in this study was employing good management practices to prevent disease
lower than the recorded prevalence by (Banu and Khan outbreaks caused by the protozoan parasites. Hence, the
2004) who indicated that the prevalence of Chilodonella findings from this research can be used for more effective
spp. was 24.2% in July and 16.7% in June. Moreover, our
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